Hello... I just signed up! Advice

Hey everyone,
I am going to be starting a diet and exercise program/lifestyle change in a few days! I heard about this website through a friend so decided to give it a try. My goal is lo lose 20 pounds of weight that I gained since I had my second baby. I have 2 small toddlers and work full time as well. I also LOVE food and trying new things. I am asking any of you out there for advice on the best way to reachmy goal? I obviously don't have a ton of extra time and I refuse to starve myself because I know it won't work.

What have you guys tried that may help me out??



  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    I plan ahead and eat often (about every 2 hours except between my last snack at 4 and dinner is after my workout, usually 7 or 8). I don't deprive myself .. just watch portion sizes. I live with a chef so giving up good food is NOT an option. I always eat back at least some of my exercise calories - my goal is to have net calories of between1200-1400 per day ( I am allowed 1840 a day).
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    Hi! I'm only just over a month in my own lifestyle change to get healthy and exercise regularly to loose weight- but I have learned quite a bit through MFP in that short time. #1- definitely follow MFP's guidelines on calories etc. I started out doubting it doing al ittle of my own thing, not really following the calorie goals it set but I've learned that it's process WORKS. #2) Exercise every day 30 mins at least! Anything really. Then make sure to eat back your exercise calories. 3) Don't think like I did that the best way to loose is to eat as little as possible. Doesn't work! I'm eating way more than I ever used to- just leaps and bound healthier! I ahve to eat 5-6 times a day, ALWAYS east breakfast. Gets your metabolism going for the day. I used to ahve a hard time eating back the calories that I gain after exercising because I exercise after work at the end of my day. I'd spend the day eating low calorie like you think you should when 'dieting', get home and exercise, log it and find out i've got some crazy 1000 calories to eat for dinner. I've learned to log exercise in the morning (even though I do it in the evening) so that I can properly plan out my day's food so that i'm eating to be within the calories MFP tells me to (i'm usually still 100-200 short though, netting around 1200/day instead of the 1400/day that is my limit). Anyways, hope that makes sense. Just me writing down thoughts and experiences so far- tends to come out a little jumbled sometimes :o) Good luck! OH, last bit of advice, definitely friend people and accept friend requests- makes a huge difference having the support- even if it's from strangers on the internet :o)
  • MOMO228
    MOMO228 Posts: 7
    Here is what I have been doing. I started in late Feb., and as of last Friday I have lost 15 lbs. I really don't exercise. I try to log my food for my calorie counter every meal. I just try not to bust 800 calories in a day. It is very life changing but if you can make it a few weeks it's really easy after that. You would be surprised at your calories. I'm addicted to this site.
  • stephierue
    stephierue Posts: 110 Member
    I have young kids too & have went up a bit with each child & have a time crunch problem too.
    Log every single thing that goes in your mouth everyday. I also agree with the planning. I try to mentally plan out my day in the morning so I can compensate for the dinner I am going to eat at a restaurant or the Lasagna I'm going to have for dinner. I refuse to only live on fruit & veggies, although I love them. But planning & logging helps me not just give up because I had 2 huge slices of pizza. I have only been a member since last Saturday but I was so way off on what I thought I was eating( hence the extra 15 lbs) & logging it is the key. I don't have time to exercise everyday & I try not to beat myself up about it but at least I know where my calories stand. Good luck & feel free to add me as a friend.
  • stephierue
    stephierue Posts: 110 Member
    I am also addicted to this site. Hopefully that's a good thing. :wink:
  • SCFancher
    SCFancher Posts: 24
    Thanks everyone! I am SO ready to lose this extra weight. I have the p90x videos, but with afull time job and a 2.5 & 1 year old I don't see how I'm going to have the time. I already have mommy guilt from working all day and if I use 1 - 1.5 hours a day after work doing these DVDS, I will feel even worse for not spending the time with the kiddos. My goal is going to be to exercise 30 minutes a day after they go to sleep....so I'm thinking I may use the Fitness On-Demand channel workouts that my cable offers. Has anyone used those before??

    Well wish me luck everyone! My goal is 20 pounds and I start on Monday!!