Does this site really work?

polkadotty88 Posts: 142 Member
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
I joinned this site two days ago, and so far I like what I see - it's good to see how many calories you have and the nutrients you eat, etc! But it gave me a daily limit of 1570 calories in order to help me lose 1lb a week. But i would like to change this goal to 2 lbs. Help please? And if I leave my goal as it is, will the calorie limit help me lose weight? Help please :)


  • Hey! Welcome! Yeah, this site is all worth the noise. It's amazing. :)

    To change your goals, go to

    You should be able to tweak it there. :)

    Keep active and stay motivated, and you'll reach any goal.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    It does work. You won't be able to set it to lose 2lbs - well you will, but the goal for the week will be closer to 1.6lbs a week and you'll probably hit around 1.3 consistently. The reason for that is the site has a lowest limit of 1200 calories a day (which is considered a low calorie diet per most medical professionals) and since setting it to 2lbs a week would put you below that - each lb means 500 calories less per day - you would be set at 1200 calories, which based on the limit they gave you for one pound would be somewhere around 1.6lbs a week. I can say that it does work, but only if you are honest with yourself about portion sizes and exercise intensity.

    I've been set at 2lbs loss/week and have a 1400 calorie limit plus what I get back from exercise. Since starting this last time on May 1, 2010 (almost a year) I'm down 58.6lbs. I've changed my habits as a result of the things I've learned here and I haven't relied on anyone else telling what, when and how to eat. Because I've had to figure it out myself, I'm accountable for anything I gain back.

    The long and the short of it is it works as much as you put into it.
  • It's a fantastic site. The calorie goals are about spot on, and with a little personal tweaking it's done a lot for a LOT of people. Plus, we're all chatty, so if you like support.... you're in the right spot.

    You have to do the work though, and learn what works for you. I can't have as many carbs as they allow, and I need about 150% more protein, but that's because my goals are different. If you pay attention though, and put in the time, it really is a fabulous tool.
  • MOMO228
    MOMO228 Posts: 7
    It's wonderful! I started in late Feb. of this year, and it's a really big help as far as being aware of what you eat. It gets addicting very fast, log your food to see how well you did, and you just burst with accomplishment.
  • And if I leave my goal as it is, will the calorie limit help me lose weight? Help please :)

    Also, if you have a calorie goal (lets say 1300 or something) and you follow what MFP tells you (this includes when you enter exercise and your daily calories increase) then you should see results. It's not really about how much, it's about what you eat. :)

    I've lost 20lbs or so just eating healthier and visiting the gym more. :))
  • isabelk
    isabelk Posts: 153 Member
  • mommacool
    mommacool Posts: 138 Member
    Yes it works if you follow it. I have lost 23 in 3 months, but I have more to lose. You can change your goals under the Goal tab under Home. Click on Home and then Goals, then at the bottom of that screen Change Goals. I have mine set to 1.5 lbs per week, and usually lose between 1.5 and 2 per week. Stick with the calorie goal, make healthy food choices, get some exercise and you should do fine. Don;t under eat either. I eat all or most of my exercise calories, which is a real motivation to exercise because you get to eat more. :) GOOD LUCK!!
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    It's like AA, it's not whether the site works, it's whether you work the site...Go to the top tabs and click community, then go to success stories and you can decide for yourself. Welcome and work hard. :)
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    This site is fantastic! Lots of support and motivation. However, people keep asking if this site works, of it that works, etc... It all comes down to whether or not we do the work. The work comes from us, not sites or diets. It's not easy, but it's definitely doable, and it's alot more doable with a site like theres where you don't feel alone in doing it.
  • jhalton
    jhalton Posts: 85
    It's working for me! I love all the encouragement and support. Lost 11lbs without starving so far.

    Go to MY HOME, GOALS then click custom. If you leave it as is, you will just lose the weight slow.


  • tuscaroragal
    tuscaroragal Posts: 78 Member
    I LOVE this site, and it truly has helped me keep track of my calories and exercise. I also use it to plan what I can eat for lunch and dinner...that way, I won't go over my calories allowed! Good Luck, and I hope you enjoy the benefits of using this site!
  • It does work very well. I am addicted to it. I started using it six weeks ago when I started the TurboFire program and I have lost 6 lbs (1 lb each week). And I'll admit I do have a few drinks on the weekends and I allow myself a cheat meal every now and then. But I just track it in the food log and make sure it won't hurt me too much. Stick with it, you will love this site!
  • Meghann218
    Meghann218 Posts: 32 Member
    This site is a great help. I think #1 factor is you have to go into your weight lose wanting to lose weight and to change youself. You have to do this for you. People that have noticed that I lost weight asked me how I did it I tell them but I ended it with you have to have the mind set for it, i believe if you arent completely into it your weight loss journey you wont be as successful. I have started my weight loss journey since mid january and then signed up with mfp and so far have lost 24 lbs. I went hard core and measured all of my calories, exercised daily and tried to stay within my goal but also when i exercised ate back most of my calories burned. The other thing you have to remember is to update you calorie goal as you start losing weight cause it will decrease you amount of calories to take it. It doesnt automatically decrease it for you which kind of stinks. Since doing this site it was a huge eye opener for me on what i was taking in food intake prior to trying to lose weight. And since being on this site I now have an idea of my portion sized of what to take and not always having to always measure. Also I used the 1 pd per week but sometimes lost more than that. Good Luck with your journey, hope this helps some
  • evseqvar
    evseqvar Posts: 51 Member
    It's working for me, and I just started 5 days ago!
  • khrys1
    khrys1 Posts: 444 Member
    Yes, it works! I've been trying to lose weight for about 12 years, and never really stuck with it until I joined this site where I can see the total calories I've eaten and burned and have "friends' who support me and hold me accountable! Good luck to you! Maybe try setting your goal at losing 1.5 pounds a week and exercise more- losing 2 a week will put you at really low calories.
  • ashers1819
    ashers1819 Posts: 160
    This site is fantastic but it is only a tool. There are people who join and then get discouraged and leave but this tends to be because they want a magic solution. This site is not that... but what it is is a place where you will not only be able to log calories, but make great friends and realise fad diets don't work only change and will power work! Good luck. X
  • This site is fantastic! Lots of support and motivation. However, people keep asking if this site works, of it that works, etc... It all comes down to whether or not we do the work. The work comes from us, not sites or diets. It's not easy, but it's definitely doable, and it's alot more doable with a site like theres where you don't feel alone in doing it.

    This is true! It isn't a magic pill here, but the people here are magic!! and Inspiring! Plugging in makes a huge difference for me!!
  • polkadotty88
    polkadotty88 Posts: 142 Member
    :smile: Thank you everyone for your comments! I think i'll leave my calorie limit as it is and stick to attempting to lose 1 lb a week. Good luck to everyone trying to lose weight.
  • polkadotty88
    polkadotty88 Posts: 142 Member
    :smile: Thank you everyone for your comments! I think i'll leave my calorie limit as it is and stick to attempting to lose 1 lb a week. Good luck to everyone trying to lose weight.
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