high energy foods

Hi yall, I'm having a bit of a problem keeping my energy lately and I don't really want to be chugging red bulls every 5 seconds. It has gotten to the point where my boyfriend and I have not been intimate because all I want to do is sleep. I actually had to take a nap a few hours before the last time we went out so I could stay awake. Anyone have any suggestions on any foods that help with energy or any suggestions at all?


  • nachisdoll
    nachisdoll Posts: 192 Member
    You might be low in iron...speak to your doc!
  • nachisdoll
    nachisdoll Posts: 192 Member
    You might be low in iron...speak to your doc!
  • harley0269
    harley0269 Posts: 384 Member
    take a good daily multivitamin & have your iron checked. if you cant see a doctor yet, then eat iron rich foods like fresh spinach & broccolli. see if that helps. if the daily multivitan & extra iron doesnt help, then you will need to see a doctor. something may be lacking. better safe than sorry. good luck
  • bkm406
    bkm406 Posts: 3 Member
    You may need to take vitamins if you have changed your diet. Plus, make sure you are drinking plenty of water during the day.
  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    I take a lot of vitamins now to make sure everything is covered, including one that has 100% daily allowance of iron in it. Us ladies need this and if we are low it wreaks havoc on our energy levels. I take B Vitamins for energy and they have helped me a TON without making me feel speedy....
  • jhebert87
    jhebert87 Posts: 75
    I waitress and bartend so somedays I usually will order a salad from the kitchen and end up only taking like 2 bites out of it... I do drink a lot of water though
  • christi64
    I hope your eating more than 2 bites of salad, lol. You may want to eat more food. Have your doctor check your vitamins B's and D. That is if your food intake is were it should be.