Atkins Diet?

ChassityGetsFit Posts: 173 Member
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
So I know someone who is doing really good on the Atkins Diet, and I'm thinking about trying it! Has anyone tried the Atkins Diet? How did you feel and how did it work for you?


  • gooberr4
    gooberr4 Posts: 253 Member
    don't do it. you'll gain it alllll back once u start eating carbs again. happened to my dad.

    you shouldn't do any diet that limits a whole food group.

    I don't even like to think of this as a diet....b/c a diet has an end....i want this to be a lifestyle change. I did weight watchers and even gained after stopping that.

    This has been the best thing i've found,

    good luck!
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    You loose a lot of weight at first but it messes with your body and you will gain back once you start eating more carbs. I would say go with low carb not extreme like atkins.
  • JeffK627
    JeffK627 Posts: 11 Member
    I did Atkins - lost 30 lbs, gained back 50. It's not sustainable. South Beach is a little better because they don't cut out ALL carbs. You have to find a balance that works for you and stay with it.

    Keep in mind that once you get to the weight you want to be, you have to maintain it without gaining back. That's why it's better to lose weight slow & steady. It should take 6 or 8 weeks to lose the last 5 lbs - that way you're almost on your maintenance diet when you reach your goal weight.
  • qbanyto
    qbanyto Posts: 18 Member
    I did Atkins a few years back. In 2003. In 04 I gained it all back. I always chose counting carb over calories. But I see that counting calories gives u more freedom. And for most ppl I notice Atkins only works once. So if u jump on it make sure u stay for life.
  • ladybird_
    ladybird_ Posts: 55 Member
    Atkins is a great starting point for dieting if you need a kick start, but like others stated, it is a lifestyle change that will be the long term way to go. If you have trouble with simple carbs then yes this will help you start loosing weight, but you will gain back your weight if you eat anything you want.

    I personally have low-carbed on several occasions and was even employed for a time with a popular Canadian Doctor that has a diet similar to Atkins but stricter.

    As a result, I am now able to pass up most simple carbs without a second glance, my Husband has taken up baking fresh bread every day or two and unlike him I have maybe one slice every few days where in the past I would be right there with him finishing that loaf of bread that night while it was still hot from the oven, other things I find I do not crave anymore is pasta, potatoes, ice cream, cake, cookies... but I still love veggies, fruits, rice etc.

    SO yeah good kick start
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    I have steered away fro Atkins, and like someone else mentioned, South Beach Diet is nice for they leave the "good" carbs in. I have heard issues with the high fat, it sent my hubbys grandma to the ER with abdominal cramping and pain because of the fatty foods and no carbs. Our brain needs certain carbs to function, like the body needs exercise. In the end, it is all up to you, good luck! :happy:
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    There's a lot of prejudice on these boards about Atkins, as you've already seen. I'm eating low carb right now, following Atkins, in fact. I've turned to it several times in the past when my clothes started to get too tight. It's worked every time. I already eat around 1200-1300 calories a day (at 5'2", I don't need any more), so eating less isn't going to work for me. I need to do something different

    While I might have gained it back (all 10 or 15 pounds of it), it was over the course of several YEARS, not months, not weeks, years. The last time was about 7 or 8 years ago. So the weight I gained I probably would have gained anyway as my metabolism has dropped as I've gotten older and I've been far too sedentary.

    Atkins is not a high fat diet. You do cut out bread, pasta, rice, etc., especially at first and you get your carbs almost entirely from vegetables. Lots of vegetables. You also focus on lean proteins, or you should. As you progress, you start to add carbohydrates back into your eating until you reach your goal weight and determine how many grams of carbs you can eat daily to maintain your weight loss.

    If you are someone who can't get by for very long without eating bread, sugars, pasta, etc. then Atkins probably isn't for you. You won't be happy and therefore you won't be successful. But if you're like me and don't need to eat those things, you might find that it's the right plan. I'd highly suggest you check out their website for yourself. All of the information you need to make an informed decision is there, including recipes and another very supportive community of people.
  • ChassityGetsFit
    ChassityGetsFit Posts: 173 Member
    Thanks so much for all the replies! I did check out the website but I really wanted to hear all sides of the story and not just those that actually do the diet! I do understand what everyone is saying and I appreciate the comments so far! I am the type of person that loves my carbs and breads, but I really wanna kick that addiction to them and sugar! I may to do it on my own, but I will definitely look into the South Beach Diet as well! If anyone else would like to comment then please do, I love to hear the stories! :)
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    I definitely try to eat less carbs and a lot of protein, but I stay away from all 'Diets' this is a lifestyle change, if I can't see myself doing it for the rest of my life then I won't do it. From what I have experienced and heard from other people any time you go on any 'Diet' you are going to gain all or most of the weight back when you start eating regularly again. Diet's are good for a quick fix, but IMO not a permanent solution.
  • tristahenry
    tristahenry Posts: 175
    Atkins made me sick... like I would throw up. It was pretty gross. I do the South Beach diet because it's more of a lifestyle change than a diet. It taught me moderation and better choices in all things including bread, snacks and dessert. I feel fantastic, full and lose weight.
  • Low Carb is the only way of eating that works for me. I lost about 30 lbs and didn't gain it back until I had twins, and well, now I need to lose 40 lbs. I have given the calorie counting 35+ days on this site and I haven't lost a single pound, so I will be going back to low carb.

    When I was on it before, I felt so good, very energetic. My advice is to read, research and prepare. It does take more work to prepare your food, have snacks on hand. If you aren't prepared, then you will break down for the quick convenience food. Good luck
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