Calorie Counter

Hello all! I am relatively new on here (been on for about a week now) and absolutely LOVE it! However, I just have one question. When I work out on the treadmill (I'm still training myself) I am only running for half the time I'm on there. The other half I am power walking. Does the calorie counter think I'm running for 35 minutes and that's why my calories lost are so high???


  • bamagirl2020
    Hi! I had the same problem with the treadmill counter. It always waaaaay overestimated my calories burned. Now, I either manually enter the calories I burn from what the treadmill counter says, or I use the "walking 3.4 mph" suggestion. The calories burned on it are usually pretty accurate with my treadmill readout.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    the calories on treadmills are loosely based on an average 160 lb male (or something like that) unless you can specifically edit it to ALL your stats.

    My treadmill gives me DOUBLE the numbers that my HRM gives me.
    In general, you can't trust them.
  • bamagirl2020
    the calories on treadmills are loosely based on an average 160 lb male (or something like that) unless you can specifically edit it to ALL your stats.

    My treadmill gives me DOUBLE the numbers that my HRM gives me.
    In general, you can't trust them.

    Robin, I've been browsing around for a good, and relatively affordable, HRM. Do you have any suggestions?
  • Egoyak13912
    Thanks guys. I knew there was no way I was burning over 500 calories a day. I guess I'll be more careful in my calorie intake, as well.