Pet Peeve



  • NicolCook
    NicolCook Posts: 489 Member
    when people have runny noses and snort. ughh i hate that it makes my flesh crawl

    Good one! I don't like that either. I don't like it when they sniffle.......blow it already!!!
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    When I can't find something I lost, then I forget what it was I was looking for, then forget why I needed it, then the next morning find the toilet doesn't work, then remember I was supposed to fix it, then can't find the wrench, then forget what it was I was looking for, then forget why I needed it.....
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    And water melon seeds.
  • nette76
    nette76 Posts: 4
    mine is along the lines of mouth noises only it's with my dog! When he licks his paws or whatever it drives me insane! I hate that slurppy disgusting sound!!
  • anakinlover
    anakinlover Posts: 109
    Noisy chewing is absolutely the worst!!!!!!!!!! There is NO need to scoff, and suck and slap your damned food around!!!! Oh and When someone walks in front of me in an aisle, while I am looking at something at the grocery store or wherever, and doesn't say excuse me, I could launch them back down the aisle via foot up butt! I HATE THAT!!
  • anakinlover
    anakinlover Posts: 109
    Noisy chewing is absolutely the worst!!!!!!!!!! There is NO need to scoff, and suck and slap your damned food around!!!! Oh and When someone walks in front of me in an aisle, while I am looking at something at the grocery store or wherever, and doesn't say excuse me, I could launch them back down the aisle via foot up butt! I HATE THAT!!
  • 1.People who are nonbelievers but say ,"Oh my God!" ugh!
    2.Girls who are wafts and complain they are fat
    3.Guys who obsess over their looks (like waxing,bleaching,etc.) Sorry I like natural guys :wink:
    4.Girls who refuse to shave :sick:
    5.Stinkies like seriously take a freaking shower!
    6.Prejuidce people againsts religions,gays,colored people,etc.
    7.One word texters ESPECIALLY when you write a paragraph or something sad and all they say is LOL. :explode:
    8.Girls who dress slutty
    10.The skinny girl who can eat everything and not gain an ounce.
  • ceebs9
    ceebs9 Posts: 511 Member
    when people have runny noses and snort. ughh i hate that it makes my flesh crawl

    OMG the very thought of hearing people hawking loogies makes me want to vomit.
  • RyanFiscus
    RyanFiscus Posts: 25 Member
    Wet Sox! For example if a person in your home doesn't dry off good enough before stepping out.of the shower. I walk in and WET SOCKS!
  • kdp3kids
    kdp3kids Posts: 1
    I really hate to see my husband take a drink while there is still food in his mouth. He says that is a "normal" thing to do. I think not!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Call of Duty: Black Ops. :explode:

    The sound effects just set me on edge. No other game has ever had that effect on me, but I seriously felt like I was having a panic attack, and I haven't had a panic attack in months. Over a game. As soon as it was off, I felt fine.

    Thankfully, my husband only borrowed it, and doesn't own it. And he's not typically into first person shooter games, so he likely won't want to buy it.
  • RDH0513
    RDH0513 Posts: 245 Member
    Call of Duty: Black Ops. :explode:

    The sound effects just set me on edge. No other game has ever had that effect on me, but I seriously felt like I was having a panic attack, and I haven't had a panic attack in months. Over a game. As soon as it was off, I felt fine.

    Thankfully, my husband only borrowed it, and doesn't own it. And he's not typically into first person shooter games, so he likely won't want to buy it.

    oh no!!!! hahaha that is my FAVORITE GAME EVER!!!! I am constantly playing this game. I even put the head phones on sometimes so I can hear footsteps better :)
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,393 Member
    Cheap paper napkins like the kind you get at a fast food places are like fingernails on a chalkboard when people wipe their mouth with them. *shiver*
  • StaceyL76
    StaceyL76 Posts: 711 Member
    When I can't find something I lost, then I forget what it was I was looking for, then forget why I needed it, then the next morning find the toilet doesn't work, then remember I was supposed to fix it, then can't find the wrench, then forget what it was I was looking for, then forget why I needed it.....

    LOL! Too funny!:laugh:
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member

    Take my husband, please! badumdump.gif
  • bbb84
    bbb84 Posts: 418 Member
    People who don't want to work for what they want. Seriously when did it become ok to be a bum and live off someone else. I know times are hard, but umm hello minimum wage is better than the zero per hour you are sitting home and making. Or people who collect unemployement and refuse to look for a job, if you choose to go back to school and learn a trade or further your education thats great (way to go!!!) but sitting at home eating food (paid for by EBT of course) in front of the cable tv that you still have and playing on your cell phone.... not cool. Ok i'm done with my little rant sorry all!
  • cng1117
    cng1117 Posts: 225 Member
    Oh man, the list is pretty extensive but here goes: 1) people that don't flush in a public restroom. 2) people that don't use their eyes to read labels, they just start pulling boxes of shoes off the racks, and tearing through them while complaining "I can't find my size, I can't find my size." GRRR. (I work in shoes lol) which brings me to pet peeve number 3) people that snap their fingers and say "Hey!" when they decide they need assistance. I had a lady snap her fingers at me the other day, I'm not kidding, I wanted to reach over and break them lol. 4) people that let their kids run around screaming like monkeys in a zoo 5) people that point to their kid and ask me what size pant the kid wears. First of all, I work in shoes, not children's. Secondly, I'm a cashier, not a human measuring tape. You're the one who dressed him, why don't you tell me. 6) people who, because I work in shoes, feel that I must be a certified podiatrist and I can cure and/or diagnose their foot ailments. I'm sorry, but for just over minimum wage I'm not looking at, much less touching, your nasty corns. And finally number 7) people in the restroom that watch me walk in to a stall, and then begin asking if a certain top that they saw waaaay on the other side of the store is on sale, and if I could tell them how much it would be if they use their 30% off coupon. Really? I'm trying to pee and you want to know what you're discount will be??? :mad: lol I hate the public.......
  • My husband is a HORRIBLE chewer, I finally got him to chew with his mouth closed but it doesnt sound any different! (IT DRIVES ME NUTS) :( 1) I can't stand high water pants, 2) big ol scrunchies, 3) feet, OH I hate feet! And the worst is when people find out they think its funny to put their feet by me, on me or even try to touch my feet, RUDE! 4) People that think they know everything,5) people that think you want their advice 6)when people bring babys to the movies, I am sorry but I didnt pay $10 per person to hear your kid scream through the entire movie!
    7) when you dont put on your normal amount of makeup and everyone asks you "are you ok" "are you sick" "you look tired" or "whats wrong"? People need to think before they think! 8) how my 3 skinny lil sisters eat WHATEVER they want and are tall & skinny while I watch what I eat, work out and I am the short chubby one of the 4! (starting to think I was adopted lol jk) 9) double dippin SICK! :(
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,393 Member
    Mine is weird. I have an awful urge to correct people who use words incorrectly. Right now, I'm biting my tongue to tell my kid that you don't "unthaw" frozen items. :laugh:

    How about when people say "it's a mute point"? LOL
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