About time I introduced myself.

Hello people!
Firstly, I'm very proud of everybody on this site, standing up and taking charge of your life can be scary!
My name is Kelsey, I am 21, and 5'6". I'm not so sure I've been a "battle-er" of weight during my life, but I do have a family who is very weight-oriented, and brings weight up a lot. I was a chubby kid for no good reason at all. I weighed 140lbs when I was 13 (I remember feeling huge). When I hit highschool, I guess I got a little crazy with food and no-eating and whatnot. It wasn't in a "I need to be SUPER skinny" way, but A friend and I were always in competition, and loosing weight was one of those things! By 15 I had dropped to 120lbs (of absolutely no muscle, I am more "fit" now then I was then for sure!). I stayed in the 120-130 range until I started a relationship with my current boyfriend at 16. When I graduated at 18, I weighed about 140lbs. After grad and moving out, I automatically jumped to 160lbs (and was super upset about it, so I never bought a scale after moving out). It wasn't until about a month ago that I thought I'd step on a scale and see where I'm at. SOOO, I had gained another 20lbs without paying attention and was at 180lbs. Horrifying - for me of course, having never been close to this weight! Within the couple weeks on MFP, I lost 5lbs. I've been pretty all over the place with my exorcise and food, But I am very serious about getting myself in order. I need help! Anybody who Is super pushy and wants to start a competition with me... Bring it!! I could use all the help I can get! BRING IT!! :D


  • sewsimplykate
    Hi, i'm new here but up for a challenge! And i could deffinatly use the motivation!!

    Anyways, i'm 22 and 5"4. I had a baby in May '09 so i'm looking to lose my baby weight! And since its the last 25ish lbs i know it's going to be rough!!! Feel free to add me!

  • bamagirl2020
    I know how you feel! I was always average weight in high school, and then I started college. Before I even knew what happened I had gained 15-20 pounds without even noticing hardly. It's just so easy to lose track of sometimes...especially with going to school, working, AND trying to squeeze in a social life! MFP has been extremely helpful though. I don't have a scale at college so I haven't weighed myself in a good while, but I'm starting to notice a difference in my stomach. Most importantly though, I am starting to feel better about myself! It's Friday night at 11:30 and I just got back from the gym a few minutes ago. My sports bra was absolutely drenched in sweat and I couldn't have been more proud! Good luck in your journey!
  • ineednapkin
    ineednapkin Posts: 151
    I definitely know the feeling of gaining weight after high school! I would love to get back down to my graduation weight. We'll see! Good luck! :)