way to much and I'm ruined



  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    Oh stop the pity party already!! If you were over with it you wouldn't have come up here looking for sympathy. Sorry I can't give it to you. You want your old body back? Get rid of the junk, eat the things you should, put in the physical work and work on your inner self. You are you own worse enemy not food.

    Now if there is something physically wrong with you that you can't look the way you use to then work on being a healthier you regardless. All that junk you just consume didn't make you feel better did it? Nope. So why even do that to yourself?

    Wake up and realize that the only thing holding you back from being healthier is you.

    Not being mean. I'm just giving it to you straight.

    I gotta put my agreement here. Like a wise person told me, you can whine about it or your can put on your big girl/boy undies and deal with it. Which was kindof a slap in the face but eventually I realized they were right. We all have set backs, bad days/weeks/months but our mindset is everything. The only thing stopping you from succeeding is YOU (general yous).

    totally have to agree with that, NOW GO OUT THERE AND WIN!!!!
  • cng1117
    cng1117 Posts: 225 Member
    Oh stop the pity party already!! .

    this actually made me laugh out loud.:laugh: but in all seriousness, she's right.
  • EvilLeah1
    EvilLeah1 Posts: 5 Member
    We have all been there and will more than likely be there again one day. The trick is how to not let one moment in time define the rest of our many magical moments. That is giving the mis-step too much power. Give yourself the crucial gift of forgiveness and start over. When I wake up and log onto the site, my home page does not show any remorse or neglect it plainly states the number of calories I need to reach my aspirations the healthy way. It starts over. Strive for the same objectivity.
    I know I will.
    Good luck and healing light.
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    . My life won't ever be the same

    I felt the same way after Donny Osmond got married, but life has a way of working out. :tongue: Is this a common occurance? Are you going through some unusual stress??

    Everyone falls off the wagon, EVERYONE does. Do you want to give up and be the person you read about that needs a bulldozer to be removed from their apartment in 10-years?? No, you don't. Take a deep breath and get back on that wagon. :flowerforyou:

    OMG I was crushed when Donny got married.... Just crushed...
  • WinKitty
    WinKitty Posts: 119
    I basically have ruined my weight loss progress. I'm absolutely sick of myself and the way I am compared to how I used to be. So I just don't care anymore!! I just ate a chocolate bunny, 5 brownies, a family sized bag of chips, and two packages of smores pop tarts.., there goes everything I'm so disgusted with myself. My life won't ever be the same

    I'm not going to be a d*ck to you, nor am I going to condone what you did. I wasn't even going to comment on this thread, but since I was typing the same *kitten* literally two days ago, I figured I should say something. And when I was feeling the way you seem to be, I didn't want pity, I didn't want a kick in the *kitten*, I didn't want, "Hop back on the wagon tomorrow!" I wanted to get the *kitten* out of this game. But it's not a game. I binged like you did, then got pissed off and worked out after I typed my post that looked almost exactly like this one, and then...I talked to myself like a psycho. I told my body to let ME go. Give ME back to me, because I WANT IT. I NEED IT. AND I'M F*CKING TAKIN' IT ANYWAY, so might as well be at peace with myself, and it struck me that this battle is not for the weak-willed. It's in your head. It really got to me. Some people might pray when they felt like I did, but I'm not the prayin' sort.

    I gotta be honest. I am hung up on this, and some days I want to derail myself, too, and I don't want anyone to stop me. So I get that. I really do. Go ahead and have a bad day. But this is a journey that you can't be wishy-washy on. There are a lot of things on here that people argue about, but I think everyone (even you, if you're being honest) can agree on that point. You have to choose: am I ready to do this? If not, stop "torturing" yourself, and live the easy way, the way you're used to. Who is ANYONE to judge you for that? If you're ready, days like this won't stop you. Tell yourself (or god if you want) each and every day, that you are TAKING back your body and TAKING back your mind.

    Friend/Message me if you'd like, and sleep on your choice.
  • bamagirl2020
    Oh stop the pity party already!! If you were over with it you wouldn't have come up here looking for sympathy. Sorry I can't give it to you. You want your old body back? Get rid of the junk, eat the things you should, put in the physical work and work on your inner self. You are you own worse enemy not food.

    Now if there is something physically wrong with you that you can't look the way you use to then work on being a healthier you regardless. All that junk you just consume didn't make you feel better did it? Nope. So why even do that to yourself?

    Wake up and realize that the only thing holding you back from being healthier is you.

    Not being mean. I'm just giving it to you straight.

    I gotta put my agreement here. Like a wise person told me, you can whine about it or your can put on your big girl/boy undies and deal with it. Which was kindof a slap in the face but eventually I realized they were right. We all have set backs, bad days/weeks/months but our mindset is everything. The only thing stopping you from succeeding is YOU (general yous).

    totally have to agree with that, NOW GO OUT THERE AND WIN!!!!

    Sorry, but I have to agree. This site isn't designed to help anybody out with their pity party. We all need to lose weight. We all have bad days. We all feel like quitting, probably more than we would like to admit. Grab a straw and suck it up. You don't need people who are going to baby you through this thing. You need friends who are going to be honest with you and tell you to put that chocolate cake down and get your butt in the gym!
  • watch48win
    watch48win Posts: 1,668 Member
    wow did i write this? SAME thing happened to me today, i basically ate the house and I feel horrible. Now tomorrow I am going to get up sign on to MFP and start logging, EVERYTHING that goes into my mouth and drink lots of water. Dont worry your not alone, and thank you, now i know i'm not alone either =)

    I was thinking the same thing. I have no idea WTH my problem was, but it's over now......See you are NOT alone. Chin up
  • evelynfarmer
    evelynfarmer Posts: 135 Member
    I know EXACTLY how you feel and it's okay..... just take this time and figure out a plan to get back on your plan tomorrow. I had lost 20lbs by working hard, eating right and then in a snap of a finger I was right back at square one at my starting weight (PLUS), I couldn't believe it and it made me so UNMOTIVATED and made me feel like a failure, but I am back on my plan, learning from past mistakes. You are NOT alone, we are all with you and we all have been where you are. We are all here for you through success/failures, good days & bad.
  • McBoBo
    McBoBo Posts: 87
    Throw away all the junk food and dont buy anymore!!
  • YVL93
    YVL93 Posts: 121
    Everyone falls sometimes. I actually fell two days in a row . Those Oreos and chocolate chip cookies kicked my butt. But everyday is a new day and look how many supporters you have here. Don't quit just work it off and start again. Good luck
  • SolidGoaled
    SolidGoaled Posts: 504 Member
    To the OP:

    I have had daily mini-slips for 2 weeks straight - seems like every day there has been a bit of a "chocolate bunny" moment. I've been really beating myself up over it - thinking, well - I guess I can't do this afterall, because I am slowly falling back into my old ways, day by day. Reading your post made me feel so much better, and these responses have been fantastic. Don't you dare give in and give up! Make a promise to try harder this week, and so will I.

    And chocolate bunnies are going to be around for a few more weeks, so be prepared to combat the urge.
  • RichGebs
    RichGebs Posts: 345
    Thanks guys just had a huge meltdown last night and I was totally out of it. I woke up this morning and I still feel terrible but I'll live
  • Xav8tor
    Xav8tor Posts: 23
    Success can't be judged by how we respond to victories, but rather, how we respond to failures. You are about to discover, how much "adult" you have inside, I sense an epiphany is just around the next corner.
  • JillyCornwall
    JillyCornwall Posts: 376 Member
    Thanks guys just had a huge meltdown last night and I was totally out of it. I woke up this morning and I still feel terrible but I'll live

    Good because looking at your profile you don't have that much to lose..and as a fit active young man it should be a breeze.....get back on track and make sure you eat ALL your goal calories as the first thing I noticed reading your diary was that you have the odd chocolate bunny spare on each day in calories. Eat all MFP allows you, get active and don't stress over the weight..just eat healthy with treats on odd occasions to stop you getting bores and the weight will drop off. Now no more self pity..think of those of us who are old, creaking & faced with 10 x what you need to lose...we're not moaning..so neither should you.
  • poshy
    poshy Posts: 28 Member
    Ok....read your post and can relate somewhat...however I have to say this to you, STOP SABOTAGING YOURSELF as you DO care otherwise you would not be on the site. As my hubby says...There are no Problems only Solutions, YOU are in charge of your destiny so look for a Solution and stop throwing yourself a Pity Party!!! YOU CAN DO IT....Not trying to be mean..just giving you some FACTS !!!!

    Now get up, dust yourself off and move on, Your in Charge!
  • Clovergirl17
    Oh stop the pity party already!! If you were over with it you wouldn't have come up here looking for sympathy. Sorry I can't give it to you. You want your old body back? Get rid of the junk, eat the things you should, put in the physical work and work on your inner self. You are you own worse enemy not food.

    Now if there is something physically wrong with you that you can't look the way you use to then work on being a healthier you regardless. All that junk you just consume didn't make you feel better did it? Nope. So why even do that to yourself?

    Wake up and realize that the only thing holding you back from being healthier is you.

    Not being mean. I'm just giving it to you straight.

    Tough love time! We ALL mess up, we ALL make mistakes, we ALL get into a I'm-depressed/angry/self-defeatist mode where we want to eat everything at some point; however, the point is that you LEARN from those mistakes and KEEP MOVING! There is a song that I really like and part of it goes like this..."If you're going through Hell, keep on going, Don't slow down, If you're scared, Don't show it, You might get out before the Devil even knows you're there!"

    Know that you are NOT alone in this; we all have goals we're working hard to achieve and we ALL have setbacks! The important thing is to get back up when you fall down, not sit and cry about falling. I have 142 pounds left to lose, I know it's going to be hard, but I can do it if I stick to it! Please don't let this one temporary thing be a permanent end to your goals! Feel free to add me for support and we can do this together!