Which exercise calories do you take?

xxCelestexx Posts: 57 Member
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise
I love typing in my minutes on the eliptical or treadmill and MFP says it worth 500 calories burned but I usually replace it with what the machine says which is about 300. I try to always type my weight and age into the machine but i dont know if that helps the machine actually calculate.
Which one do you use?


  • Tyscheff
    Tyscheff Posts: 21
    I usually replace the number with what the treadmill says, I feel like it better matches because it calculates by the weight and age that you put into the system. But it's really up to you! Best of luck!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    im iffy on both. the exercise bike i used said i burned 1023 calories on a resistance of 12 for 45 minutes.that seemed high so I knocked a couple hundred of it
  • luppic8
    luppic8 Posts: 580 Member
    I always use the number on the machine I am using. I don't know where MFP's numbers come from but they are always much higher than the numbers registering on the machine I am using :(
  • husker_gal
    husker_gal Posts: 462 Member
    I have a heart rate monitor (Polar ft60) so I use the calorie count on that. It has height, weight, date of birth, and gender plus other specific information for the person using it. Plus it goes specifically off of your heart rate.
  • asif10
    asif10 Posts: 7
    im iffy on both. the exercise bike i used said i burned 1023 calories on a resistance of 12 for 45 minutes.that seemed high so I knocked a couple hundred of it

    I agree with the above for example when i do 60 mins on treadmill at the gym i burn roughly around 960 calories, my treadmill at home with the exact same setting shows calories burnt at around 810, and the here it states even less. Obviously I go with whichever is the highest :happy:
  • Clipickett
    Clipickett Posts: 42 Member
    I'd invest in an HRM and use that number everytime you work out. This way you have a more accurate reading. In my case my HRM showed that I burn MORE calories than MFP ever told me I did - so you could be pleasantly surprised. In any case, the HRM would be far more accurate than the actual machine and the website. And you don't have to pay an arm and leg for one either. I found a used one on craigslist for $30. It's a POLAR, and the particular model I bought sells for about $100.
  • Moonbeamlissie
    Moonbeamlissie Posts: 504 Member
    I think the machine your on knows more. Like I walk on the treadmill it knows that I have chosen fat burner where it goes up and down hills. MFP doesn't know it is most likely assuming that I am just walking. So i adjust my time or whatever to say what the machine has.
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    I use MFP because the numbers are lower than what my treadmill says. I'd rather underestimate my exercise cals.
  • liyahxoxo
    liyahxoxo Posts: 78
    I go with what the machines say, I'm pretty sure MFP is very very generous with the numbers...
  • I try to choose the lower of the two, just in case. If they are close I go with MFP. Close to me means like 5%.
  • rfcollins33
    rfcollins33 Posts: 630
    I know an HRM is the way to go, but I haven't purchased one yet. I fully intend to, either polar or timex. Anyway, for now I usually go with mfp. It's funny, because my machines always say higher than mfp does. I also use this other website as well which is supposed to be close to accurate. http://www.healthstatus.com/calculate/cbc
    Good luck!!
  • sdlinky
    sdlinky Posts: 4 Member
    I added the Nike app to my phone and started using it on my treadmill. I figured out it didn't matter how fast I walked/jogged, it always took the same amount of time - frustrating. So, the app I believe takes more accurate account of how fast and far I am walking/jogging. I use the calories it says I burned for my exercise as well.
  • dhutt2011
    dhutt2011 Posts: 77 Member
    I would go with what the machine says for calories burned if you have to log in your weight, height etc.
  • perrytyra
    perrytyra Posts: 357 Member
    I am not using any machines right now, so I just go with mfp. Even if I did go to the gym, I would probably do the same. A HRM would just be another thing for me to lose. I understand that it is vital for some. But I am doing well by finally getting in exercise 3-5 days a week and eating half of what I used to. So if it takes me a little longer to get there, that is ok with me(most days).
  • husker_gal
    husker_gal Posts: 462 Member
    I know an HRM is the way to go, but I haven't purchased one yet. I fully intend to, either polar or timex. Anyway, for now I usually go with mfp. It's funny, because my machines always say higher than mfp does. I also use this other website as well which is supposed to be close to accurate. http://www.healthstatus.com/calculate/cbc
    Good luck!!

    I had a Timex and it worked well for when I just worked out outside and such but it had some inconsistencies. When I would put it on sometimes the heart rate would freeze and be abnormally low or just wouldn't change. Plus on the machines it would get some interfierance (spelling?). I bought a Polar to replace it and haven't been happier. :) I found mine on Amazon for about $40 cheaper than the actual website.
  • ImSoPerfectlyFlawed
    ImSoPerfectlyFlawed Posts: 127 Member
    I have a HRM (finally!) and use the calories from that, It accounts for the fact that I'm female and my age.
  • AngelsKisses75
    AngelsKisses75 Posts: 595 Member
    I have become more comfortable using my HRM totals. :drinker:
  • I would take the least one and if the other one is more accurate you are way ahead.
  • minus40
    minus40 Posts: 112 Member
    I also use the lower one (which is typically the number on the machine). I always try to put my weight and age in where applicable, which hopefully makes the number more accurate.
  • jocelyne2
    jocelyne2 Posts: 271 Member
    HRM is really the only way to be sure for example I jump on my bike today and did 20 mins at 16 mph ...machine said 300 cals and hrm 160 ...way over estimated
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