
Can anyone suggest what I can do, I'm 46 years old, have been overweight all my life, I would love to work out and get fitter but I have a problem, I suffer from panic attacks and unfortunately the two triggers for me are being hot, either in the sunshine or artificial heat because I find it really hard to cool down and getting out of breath (I'm convinced I'll have a heart attack if I raise my heart rate as I weigh 369lb)! so you see my predicament, working out involves getting hot and out of breath, but I HAVE to get fit, I WANT to get fit, but I'm so scared, can anyone help me?!!!


  • SaraD145
    SaraD145 Posts: 6
    maybe try exercising by walking first, eating healthy and just work the exercise up? I don't like sweating usually, but when I work out I get mad when I don't sweat enough - the more you sweat - the more calories you burn! Talk to your doctor about your panic attacks and maybe there is something they can do for you.
  • tabi26
    tabi26 Posts: 535 Member
    I used to have a panic disorder. There were many odd things that would make me have panic attacks. Go and see your Dr. they will be able to prescribe you something to help :)

    Good luck :)
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Two suggestions from someone who started this journey at 375 pounds.....walk at your own pace and try in a mall or large shopping place such as WalMart or Costco. I had to start my walking at a slow pace and inside where there were other people. I too feared I would pass out or have a heart attack from raising my pulse too fast. I felt more at ease if there were people around that could at least call 911 if something did happen. I would go to walmart and walk the perimeter slowly (I did this at night when few customers were there). I would walk 20 minutes. I did this for nearly a month before I was brave enough to walk alone outside. The other suggestion is use a heart monitor. It will show how many calories you are burning and you can also check your pulse to assure yourself it is not going too high. Hope this helps!!

    I know that psychologically our brain tells us that we need to fear change, that we need to panic when we start doing good for ourselves. I know this first hand as I have struggled with this all my life with being overweight and being on every diet under the sun. We need to reach a point that we love ourselves enough to fight for what we want and to want it badly enough to overcome the fears. If I can do this I know you and everyone else can. I have faith that you can do this and that you can overcome the fear and the amazing feeling you will have when you do is well worth every ounce of struggle it takes to get there!!
  • XxNightAngel85xX
    hiya chick, you look lovely in your pic but if losing weight is something you want to then try some steady walking and eat healthy are you on diet chef? drink lots of water atleast 2 litlers a day. I dont know what you eat now so dont know if this matches you but still to fruit and veg instend of crips, chococlate you and still have treat. (me i have once a week) you can do this :) good luck chick.

    Diet chef for 4 weeks next week
    Start weight 16.6lbs
    Weight now 15.6lbs
    Goal weight to lose another 5 1/2 stone still long way to go
    Sami uk 25
  • ElaineDianne70
    ElaineDianne70 Posts: 243 Member
    Can anyone suggest what I can do, I'm 46 years old, have been overweight all my life, I would love to work out and get fitter but I have a problem, I suffer from panic attacks and unfortunately the two triggers for me are being hot, either in the sunshine or artificial heat because I find it really hard to cool down and getting out of breath (I'm convinced I'll have a heart attack if I raise my heart rate as I weigh 369lb)! so you see my predicament, working out involves getting hot and out of breath, but I HAVE to get fit, I WANT to get fit, but I'm so scared, can anyone help me?!!!

    I am a huge fan of at home workouts. I started with P90X - but if you are just starting out I would suggest maybe looking at Slim in 6 - also made by Beachbody. The thing I love about Beachbody programs as opposed to just going to Target and geting a workout DVD is that their programs are just that, PROGRAMS. With a workout schedule and a meal plan (never a diet - just healthy eating in the right proportions). Just my 2 cents, but I think that would be a good start.
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I think you should maybe try something at home. May try Leslie Sansone dvd. It is a walking program on a dvd that you can do at your own pace. Keep a cool cloth or 2 close by, when you feel like you are getting over heated you can wipe your face head and neck with it. I also liked someone elses idea about the heart rate monitor, so you know how high your heart rate is really going.

    The other thing I would highly recommend, is making an appointment for a physical. Tell your doctor what you are planning and ask him for advice on what limitations you might have. It's really hard for us to say to relax and take it easy, but we don't know your medical history, or your families medical history and maybe that is what is making you more anxious. I do know once you get going exercise is a great stress reliever, so you will feel much better.

    Best wishes to you, and don't give up, you came to the right place.
  • Lulana
    Lulana Posts: 19
    Thank you so much everyone, unfortunately I have a very negative outlook when it comes to myself and my capabilities and need to STOP beating myself up, soooooooooooooooooo I am going to take baby steps on the road to fitness as ANY movement is better than none I promise myself that I will push myself but not to the extreme, fortunately I am very healthy and have no ailments due to obesity apart from sore knees and back ache if I am stood for long periods, I am going to go to my doctor and ask if he can send me for a fitness test to see what my limitations are, so once again thank you everyone for your input and you support.xx