diet pills?

thoughts? also i would like to try some.ive been chubby my whole life. and im losing weight, id just like to speed it up alittle bit.

(just discussion)
I'm not doing it for anyone. to be 100% HONEST. i have a loving boyfriend who loves my chubby ness. but im not doing any of this weight loss for him. Im doing it for me. Im the one who has to look in the mirror. No one else. So what if im happy at 200lbs or 100lbs?

im not concerned about the opinions of my weight or how im going about it. i just wanted opinions on the pills.


  • gameovergt
    gameovergt Posts: 502
    only thing that really works is a ECA stack. just do cardio & eat right(most of the time)
  • coldcollarbones
    coldcollarbones Posts: 16 Member
    thanks. c:
    are they safe? im kinda nervous about taking pills also. since i have the build of a 14 year old. (im 18)
  • missfittin_missy
    missfittin_missy Posts: 184 Member
    I used Phentermine it worked well however you have to teach yourself not to fall back into old habits when you stop taking them
    also did b12 with lipotriptic injections and I felt like it helped more than anything
  • kettlewitch
    kettlewitch Posts: 277 Member
    Wrong site love
  • FlyEaglesGuy
    FlyEaglesGuy Posts: 436 Member
    Wrong site love

    Yes, we are all about doing it the healthy way !!!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Diet pills don't help you learn the long term habits you need in order to lose weight and keep it off. Like all the other quick fixes out there, they don't work in the long run. You're better off eating a healthy diet (fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, low fat dairy, lots of water, no processed foods, no refined sugar, no artificial sweeteners) and exercise, both cardio and strength training. The weight will come off slower but it's healthier for your body and you'll learn the healthy habits you need in order to live a healthy life.
  • coldcollarbones
    coldcollarbones Posts: 16 Member
    I was just curious. I mean I'm still going to excersize and eat right. I didn't wish to step on toes. D: I just want something to assist?
  • BunnybeeJG
    BunnybeeJG Posts: 344 Member
    I recently started taking fenphedra it actually has chocolate and vitamins in it... it gives you a calmer energy instead and so far i like it.:flowerforyou:
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    It sounds like you are looking for a easy way out. Unless you do it the right way, exercise and eat healthy, you will gain the weight back on. Its about a lifestyle change, not dieting till you reach your goal. You can do it girl! Make it a goal to exercise 6 days a week for the rest of your life. Exercise should be fun, not tiring. Find something you enjoy.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Please do not encourage this girl to take pills.

    To the OP:

    PLEASE seek help from a professional. You are going down a scary road that can lead to death. If you value your life and your health at all, seek help.

    (Excerpt from her blog if anyone feels I am too harsh on her:
    "I’m pro ana. And you can judge me for it if you like. I’m a pretty motivated person. I just want spider legs, scrawny arms, and a waist that people gawk at. I want my hip bones to stabb you when I give you a hug, and my collar bones to smirk at you. It will happen.")
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    most Drs are hesitant to prescribe diet pills. Since usually as soon as you stop taking them your hunger and weight just come back. I have done them many times as a youth and now I am a fat old lady. Just do it the natural way and learn to eat properly
  • coldcollarbones
    coldcollarbones Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks everyone. seriously. I love learning new things. c:
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    The only way to lose weight and keep it off is by diet and exercise. A good thing to do is to take some sort of natural supplement. I used to take Green Tea pills that helped me a lot. Drinking green tea is really good for you and you can buy it in pill form. I've also read that Cinnamon is good for weight loss. You can buy it in pill form as well. Drinking 64 oz of water a day will speed up weight loss and cutting out soda will dramatically reduce weight loss as well in the beginning. I would say use green tea pills. Also, I take a pre-workout supplement called Jack3d that is awesome. It gives you energy and energizes your muscles so you can have a good workout. It doesn't burn any extra calories or anything, but it helps you get up and actually go work out which is perfect for me.

    Remember anything worth having is worth working for. If you want weight loss that lasts you have to work hard to get it.
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    Please do not encourage this girl to take pills.

    To the OP:

    PLEASE seek help from a professional. You are going down a scary road that can lead to death. If you value your life and your health at all, seek help.

    (Excerpt from her blog if anyone feels I am too harsh on her:
    "I’m pro ana. And you can judge me for it if you like. I’m a pretty motivated person. I just want spider legs, scrawny arms, and a waist that people gawk at. I want my hip bones to stabb you when I give you a hug, and my collar bones to smirk at you. It will happen.")

    very sad
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    Please do not encourage this girl to take pills.

    To the OP:

    PLEASE seek help from a professional. You are going down a scary road that can lead to death. If you value your life and your health at all, seek help.

    (Excerpt from her blog if anyone feels I am too harsh on her:
    "I’m pro ana. And you can judge me for it if you like. I’m a pretty motivated person. I just want spider legs, scrawny arms, and a waist that people gawk at. I want my hip bones to stabb you when I give you a hug, and my collar bones to smirk at you. It will happen.")

    Sweet girl, if you did say this...You are worth way more? Who are you trying to impress, that you think they want you to look this way??? No offense but anyone that loves you does not. If you are looking to attract like curvy girls who usually weigh around 135...bc boobs and a tight (large) bum are heavy. Google most attraction women, and you will find women who have figures..not bones. I am married and my husband, likes me to have curves...I am pretty sure you would want to be married one day right??? Not that all men are shallow, but guys don't like boney girls.
  • PreparingforLaunch
    Jeswolfe speaks truly, I'll second what she says about male appreciation. Not to pile on, Miss.

    I'm curious, what is the motivation behind "ana"?

    I devoutly hope your success is healthy.

  • coldcollarbones
    coldcollarbones Posts: 16 Member
    I'm not doing it for anyone. to be 100% HONEST. i have a loving boyfriend who loves my chubby ness. but im not doing any of this weight loss for him. Im doing it for me. Im the one who has to look in the mirror. No one else. So what if im happy at 200lbs or 100lbs?

    im not concerned about the opinions of my weight or how im going about it. i just wanted opinions on the pills.
  • Bridgetc140
    Bridgetc140 Posts: 405 Member
    What's ana? Why do you want your bones to stick out? Yuck...and spider legs...that just sounds awful.
  • TiniTurtle
    TiniTurtle Posts: 595 Member
    Wrong site love

    Yes, we are all about doing it the healthy way !!!

    i'm not advocating either way on the pills, just making it clear to those of you who think we are all here to lose weight the 'healthy' way, that is not true. there are many reasons people join MFP & i have seen plenty of people on here who have gone hardcore clean eating & exercising & others who struggle with EDs & some who use MFP in conjunction with a crash/fad diet & plenty who just are trying to count calories in their everyday fast food & quick meal busy lives... besides there are people on here trying to GAIN weight too. there have been past forum posts about pills where plenty of people have great advice. i doubt the girl started this thread just looking for someone to tell her not to. i think the point was advice, opinions, & experiences, not judgment & uneducated pouncing saying no! if you have nothing to add to the thread, then don't write anything at all. ugh.

    anyway, thoughts on your question from my experience- i've used phentermine, it needs an rx, but is amazing & dangerous if not monitored. dexatrim max works without the nausia or racing heart, but took a few days of use before noticing a difference in hunger suppression. oxy elite pro is probably my favorite if you want energy & quick results. green tea & hoodia help for hunger suppression. metabolife made me forget to eat because i simply wasn't hungry & didn't have any bad side effects either except being awake at night from the caffeine. i say, do what works for you. you may find it is easy enough to stick to your allotted calories & exercise & not need any diet aid, but there is a reason there are so many on the market... not everyone is able to stick to a low calorie diet.
  • cowlover22
    cowlover22 Posts: 309 Member
    No I dont esp since I am struggling with anorexia right now..I have had this disease for 20 plus year and would not wish it on my worst enemy. What these girls do not understand is once you get to a really low body weight your chemicals in your brain change and those thoughts are really hard to ccontrol. This has cost me just about everything my life include. Yes I almost died and yet...but I am trying to recover and it just gets me so upset to here of these people who want to be might think you do but trust me you is not fun when you are to weak to do anything or even worse yet locked in a mental hospital because if you dont gain weight you will die. I hope she takes some of this to heart