Biking Chanllenges

Hi I am pretty new to this site and wondering if there are any biking challenges that go on here now that Spring is here and summer is right around the corner? I would love to participate. Just started cycling, did my first 3.2 miles today, and it kicked my butt. I run regularly and can't believe the different muscles I use cycling.


  • gentlebreeze2
    gentlebreeze2 Posts: 450 Member
    mauidave offers challenges from time to time.
  • fushion243
    I love to bike, not sure what you mean by challenge. I just biked 22.2 miles and ran 3 getting ready for a triathlon. I also will be doing a century this year. I love to do spin class at the gym as my interval training. If you belong to a gym and like to bike, it is a definite addition. Since you are a running, I'd recommend looking into a duathlon or triathlon sprint in your area and train for it. It is very addictive.
  • R222
    R222 Posts: 13
    I love to bike, not sure what you mean by challenge. I just biked 22.2 miles and ran 3 getting ready for a triathlon. I also will be doing a century this year. I love to do spin class at the gym as my interval training. If you belong to a gym and like to bike, it is a definite addition. Since you are a running, I'd recommend looking into a duathlon or triathlon sprint in your area and train for it. It is very addictive.

    Thanks for the advice, I will keep the triathlon in mind. I am working up to 10 miles a day for biking, on my alternate day I run.