
I was wondering...Do you guys ALWAYS eat the amount of calories set as your daily goal? Or do you eat less?


  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    you SHOULD always eat that amount because there is already a deficit built in.

    Say you burn 2000 a day in your normal life... you say you want to lose 1 lb per week, so MFP deducts 500 a day (500 * 7= 3500, 3500 cals in 1 lb of fat).
    MFP tells you to eat 1500 to lose 1 lb per week. This is a healthy steady safe loss. If you eat LESS, you can lose too fast, be hungry, and cause a bunch of other problems. Slow and steady is the way to go for long term success.

    If you exercise (real exercise, not cleaning your house or doing your job, those are part of your everyday lifestyle calories), if you EXERCISE, then you eat those calories back because otherwise you would be increasing that deficit beyond the 500 that was already built in.

    You need to fuel your body so you'll have energy to DO those exercises and get through your day in an energetic and healthy manner.
  • mikomikasa
    mikomikasa Posts: 3 Member
    I often eat less, though it's not really good for me.
  • ChelseyGray
    I think I usually eat less, depends. Some days I'm way more active than others and I eat them all up no problem, other days.. I find it hard to eat them all.
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    Sometimes less, sometimes more. Just depends on what is going on in my life. I am close to maintenance though, and use MFP more as a food and exercise diary than a weight loss tool. I had been using the Live Healthy Nebraska site, and they changed how it was set up, and I like this much better.
    I do think it is a good idea to mix it up.....not always at the same calories on a daily basis. Keeps the metabolism guessing! :smile: