i need examples of exercise simple to do at home

JulieTremblay Posts: 93
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise
i want to know what kind of exercise i can do at home if i don't have equipment and no money to go at the gym for loose weights?


  • roxanea
    roxanea Posts: 59
    Check out prevention.com they have a great website that shows exercise that you can do at home or while walking. Some of the excersies might call for hand weight, but I found out that holding canned goods work to start out will if you do not have any hand held weights. Empty quart milk jugs filled with sand or water and sealed real well also work great.

    Hope this helps.
  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    get a gym ball they r cheap and u can do 100's of exercises with them and u can watch them show the exercises on u-tube:smile:
  • buffalogal1979
    buffalogal1979 Posts: 236 Member
    walk, jog, jump rope, turn on some music and dance, netflix?, cable workout channels? hulu.com has a fitness channel for free online, pushups, sit ups, jumping jacks, etc.
    And everything roxanea said.
    Good luck!
  • ronda_gettinghealthy
    ronda_gettinghealthy Posts: 777 Member
    I use my ipod and just dance around to the oldies and some early rock and roll. I also have a pilates DVD great for toning and core work.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    i want to know what kind of exercise i can do at home if i don't have equipment and no money to go at the gym for loose weights?

    Google "Body weight exercise". You'll get a ton of websites with exercises you can do utilizing nothing more than your own body weight... and their really good at strength building.
  • scheys76
    scheys76 Posts: 92 Member
    Here is one I saw on here and made sure to save:

    "Get a regular ol' deck of playing cards and keep the jokers in. Pick four exercises and assign one to each suit. Today I am doing heart = clean and press, diamond = sumo deadlift high pull, spade = medicine ball slams, club = sit up. Start flipping the cards of the deck over. Complete the number of reps the card is for the exercise assigned to the suit. So I flip the 7 of hearts, I will do 7 clean and presses. Aces are 11 reps and jokers are a 1 minute plank. Keep flipping until you have gone through the entire deck.

    You will end up doing 65 reps of each exercise :-) "

    You can use pretty much any 4 exercises for it. To start I would suggest maybe push ups, squats, crunches, and maybe jumping jacks.
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    Go to the library and check out some work out DVD's then you can do something different each week! Like was mentioned before, water bottles or canned goods can be use in place of weights, push ups, sit ups, walking. Or go to youtube and do a search for 'workout routine' and you will get a bunch of different workouts you can do at home. And of course you can always go for a walk! I don't go to the gym and have found plenty of different things to do. If you can afford to buy some little things every now and then, a gym/yoga ball is a great and affordable option.
  • PeaceMe
    PeaceMe Posts: 53 Member
    I can relate to you! I have 2 kids 3 and 8 and my hubby and I work opposite shifts, so no gym for me (Unless of coarse I want to pay gym fees and extra to take kids, no thanks) I try to get my exercise by walking, jogging or biking.I personally get more of an endorphin rush when I work out outside. I also do yoga and pilates in my living room. I've picked up clearance workout material every now and then and have a growing collection. Comcast has Fit TV on demand,awesome, always new workouts and workouts for everyone! I am currently doing various Jillian Michaels routines. I'm sure any cable company has something similar.
  • jsteras
    jsteras Posts: 344 Member
    I just got the walking DVD for days I just don't feel like going to gym or it is cold and rainy. It was only like 9.00 gives you a 2 mile walk in the livingroom. Tried it and love it. Gets the heart rate up and makes you feel good. It is Denise Sansone.
  • jsteras
    jsteras Posts: 344 Member
    I just got the walking DVD for days I just don't feel like going to gym or it is cold and rainy. It was only like 9.00 gives you a 2 mile walk in the livingroom. Tried it and love it. Gets the heart rate up and makes you feel good. It is Leslie Sansone.
  • In the morning I do the Lesile Sansone Walk at home dvd which can be purchased at walmart, its a really fun and motivating dvd I have all of here Dvd's.
  • Bodyrock.tv I cannot recommend this one highly enough! They put new routines up all the time (some use basic workout equipment but there are TONS that use bodyweight alone) and they break down the exercises and provide modifications for beginners, etc. It's totally free
  • Levedi
    Levedi Posts: 290 Member
    I'm in the same position!

    Try jogging in front of the tv and around the neighborhood. If you've got kids, play soccer with them in the park or backyard. Get exercise DVDs from the library - I really like Pilates for Inflexible People. Put on your favorite rock or jazz music and have a dance party. Do suicide runs in the driveway. To make them harder, put down a soup can at the line. Pick up the can, carry it back, put it down, run to the previous line, return, pick up can , carry it back, repeat. The pick up and set down works your upper body and keeps you from cheating.

    If you have a little money, see if your local community center has classes you can take. They are often lower cost than gyms and they are one time fees so you aren't locked into a year long contract.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    Body weight strength exercises:

    A very straight forward workout would be something like this.

    Body weight squats http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqj1qjIA6E0
    Pushups http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwRLWMcOdwI
    Lunges http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ab1exCz-qOg
    Let me ins http://exercisegarage.com/let-me-in-a-body-weight-instructional-video/
    Plank http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kiA9j-dR0oM

    There are various ways you can work through this.

    To learn the moves doing ladders is an excellent way to work on form. Here is some information on that http://www.marklauren.com/20-minute-workouts-details.html#ladders

    When you have the form down so you know how they should feel. You could use them in a complex where you do each exercise for 10 repetitions then immediately move to the next exercise, do ten repetitions of it and move on through the list. When you have done all of them that is one set. Rest for 90 seconds and repeat them all the same way with the rest at the end, then repeat again. It will really get your heart rate up.

    The other way you could use them when you have the form down is in a Density style workout. In that you do them for time trying to get as many repetitions in as you can using good form in the time allowed. You could do 30 seconds for each exercise and keep a count of how many repetitions you do in that time. When the 30 seconds are up, take a few seconds to write down the number of repetitions you did and immediately move to the next exercise and do it for 30 seconds and record your repetitions, repeat for all exercises. Rest for 90 seconds and repeat with rest 2 more times.

    I should say you need to warm up before you do any of this, even something as simple as running in place and a progressively increasing intensity for 3-5 minutes will do. You also need to cool down with a slow run in place or walking around your exercise area for 3-5 minutes then stretch.

    All this will give you an amazing workout, and you don't need any equipment at all except access to a door for the let me ins.
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