Gluten & Dairy Free?

Hey everyone,
I was just wondering if anyone else is gluten and/or dairy intolerant? I recently found out that I was intolerant to both...not full blown celiac disease, but a real sensitivity to both. For the past month I have cut both foods out of my diet. I have seen some amazing benefits based on these changes - including the disappearance of my daily aches and pains, clear skin, and more energy! I have lost a few pounds in the process as well. I am thrilled with my better health, but still pretty far away from my healthier weight (around 140lbs ideally).

Does anyone else have to follow a similar eating plan due to food allergies/intolerance? If so, any tips for eating on this rather restrictive diet and losing weight? I want to be careful not to start adding in extra high calorie foods (just because I have to cut out so many other foods!)


  • Brystoe
    Brystoe Posts: 3 Member
    You should read the book Ultra-Metabolism by Dr. Hyman. It is all about food sensitivities and how they effect our metabolism. I recently started his diet he prescribes in the book and have lost 10 lbs in 3 weeks. It is gluten free, dairy free, very low sugar, all whole foods, nothing processed and just generally very healthy. He has recipes in the book and he also has a cookbook that has even more recipes in it. The hardest part is you really need to cook all your meals and have a plan for the week, so you can have food at work. You are supposed to eat every 3 hours. He has 2 websites as well and it is really working for me so far.

    Good Luck!
  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    well im not gluten nor dairy free... but i do have to keep away from certain food myself due to a condition i have, which is a thyroid problems.

    I have to avoid a few more than others like Trans Fat, Sugar, Hydrogenated oil, partly hydrogenated oil, saturated fat, white flour (didnt know that until now), brussels sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, kale, mustard greens, peaches and pears. (my doctor said its okay to have some of those once in a while. just dont have it everyday.) and if i want soy, i shouldnt have a lot.

    actually i remember when i avoided those stuff, i lost more weight then, i would if i was to eat those things.
    and i actually felt better.

    i think im going to do that again, avoid the things i should avoid. see how it goes with that. and on top of that eat what i normally should eat. :)
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    I just found out that I have a gluten and dairy allergy, along with a list of other random things. I tried starting a gluten/wheat/dairy free diet last week and only lasted 4 days before I fell off. I just started again today. It's HARD! I eat meat and veggies for dinner and I generally only eat fruit for breakfast (always have) but I'm having a hard time with lunch (all the soups I like either have wheat, gluten or dairy in them). I eat lunch mean sometimes, eggs and left over meat from the night before. I've just started but haven't looked into finding alternatives too much. I would like to find a bread I would like without gluten or dairy, but I have this feeling it's not too tasty :laugh:
    Best of luck! and you are not alone! If I think of anything I'll post for you.