How did you do it!?!?

JessieAnneMarie Posts: 105
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support
On the 6th of april I started the 30lbs in 3 months challenge.. I know 10 lbs a month is a huge goal! but i think I can do it if i really try hard. Im curious to see if anyone out there has actually done this.. and how did you do it?? I try not to weigh myself all the time, recently I lost roughly 5 lbs. I measure myself about every 3 weeks and on the 6th I was down 5 inches off of my waist and thighs..So i started a clean slate on 4/6 and hoping if i go on a low cal diet.. not extremly low.. but about 1500-1200 a day. And continue my 24hr fitness classes I could lose a significant amount of weight.. :) I guess im just looking for support and wanting to know theres ppl who have done this!! I want to be down 30 lbs by july 6th!! So tell me any stories you have or tips to help me thru this!! :) thanks!! love jessie


  • evseqvar
    evseqvar Posts: 51 Member
    I want to hear some ideas too!!! :smile:
  • husker_gal
    husker_gal Posts: 462 Member
    After 4 years ago I lost 34 lbs in just under 3 months. I was on a doctor supervised diet with appetite suppresants. It worked wonderfully and I kept the weight off until I moved way far from my family and got really sick. Fell out of the good habits and gained all of it back plus here I am trying it again alllllll over again. Good Luck! I would love to lose 30 in 3 again but it definitely is a challenge!
  • rayjeane
    rayjeane Posts: 2
    I've lost a total of 12 lbs and I began my diet on 2/22. All I can say is that it is not as easy as it may sound. You really have to be determined. MyFitnessPal started me out with a 1270 calorie count to maintain (this was with three 45 minute workouts a week). I've logged in everyday since and try my best to meet that calorie count. I have missed workouts and have gone over my calorie count from time to time, but overall, this program has helped. I have this app on my phone and it's a true lifesaver. Don't give up! Also, don't weigh yourself often. I weigh myself every Friday morning after I get out of the shower (before I get dressed because clothing/shoes add weight) and before breakfast. Also don't get discouraged if you only lose 1 lb. Weight loss of any number is progress! Good luck!
  • jennasan
    jennasan Posts: 44
    I haven't qutie gotten to 30 lbs but well on the way. 20 lbs in 2 months and I am part of weight loss competition at work that ends may 9th so hoping i can lose 10 more. $$$ was the first motivation factor as we all put in 50 bucks and the top prize is 1100, but after a month realized that good health and energy have surpassed that. Still hoping I could win some but what really counts is I am now able to keep up with and enjoy spending time with my kids as I have SO much more energy and feel alive again. Sleeping better also, a big plus, as well as a smaller pants size.

    Any way I started using MFP and doing 1200 cals a day. The first week I just cut back, on the junk I was eating. The second week I started walking on the treadmill and started counting calories. I do not eat the exersice calories I burn and weighed in once a week. Had to cut way back on alcohol but still allow myself wine once a week. I have been drinking lots of water and gave up junk food for fruits and veggies. Eating 3 meals a day and started with 2 snacks but recently cut out the morning one. I also read Flat belly diet book, but did not follow it. Just took the info and started eating "the better for you fats" MUFA's as they call them in the book. Borrowed it from the library and found it helpful.

    I began by trying to walk a mile or mile and half a day at about 3.0 mph. I also would stretch afterwards and started doing 2 sets of 10 squats, w/o weights after and some sit ups. That was helpful becasue this week i started doing the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred Lots of squats that i don't think i could have done a month ago without having done those sets intially. Lost between one or two pounds a week. and had one major set back with a retirement party that blew my calorie count, (nearly tripled my allowance) for the day. but tI forgave myself and started up again the next day. The point is to keep moving forward.
    My other motivating factor was that before I started working out I had a mandated health assesment at work and it was not pretty; borderline obese, diabetic and on track to have Heart disease with the really out of control cholesterol.

    I believe that we all have our journey in life and I got a major wake up call after I got the results from the health assement so that opened my mind again to figure out how I was going to make myself healthier. The money motivation was helpful and one of the people who had been in the previous competition had recommended this site. You really need to keep track of all that goes in your body and how much effort you are putting out. Be Honest. It will really open your eyes. This site was a blessing and the support is amazing. You get out what you puts in and there are always people to help you along the way! And my favorite quote that someone told me when I started was---"It will never taste as good as skinny will feel." remember that when you want to put that unhealthy food in your mouth. Best of luck to you!!!
  • I started in January 2011 under a doctor's supervision in a program that includes appetite suppressants and group classes. I lost 32 pounds in about 2 months. I started on a strict diet of high protein and lots of veggies and limited fruit. Pretty much cut out all simple carbs and flours/breads. For exercise I did Walk at Home videos. I had to go on several work related trips in March and with the change in diet and not keeping up with my daily exercise I stopped losing and went up and down 2-3 lbs. March 29th I signed up with MFP and began getting back on track. Since signing up I have lost about another and additional 7 lbs from the first 32. Again I went back to cutting out breads/flour and using high protein and more fresh foods such as veggies and fruit. If you must have bread...I just LOVE a sandwich for lunch, use Ezequiel bread which takes the whole grains and grounds them into dough to make the bread without processing the grains. :) If this helps in anyway....great! If I can be of any more help or if you have any questions, please feel free to message me and I will try to help as much as I can. I can pass on the sample diet that I started with back in January. It is pretty intense but quite manageable if you have the motivation to do it. :)
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