
laurenhelenb Posts: 3
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone, I'm Lauren and I'm ready to make a change in my life. I'm a 21 year old university student from Alberta, Canada, and I am looking to get fit and feel good about myself. I've always been on the bigger side, and it's always bothered me but I have never stuck with diets etc long enough to change my ways. I currently weigh 205 pounds, and my goal weight is 150. Last summer I managed to lose 30 pounds, but I have gained every single pound back since, and that is so frustrating. However, I am motivated to lose that 30lbs and more and keep it off for good! I'm so glad to have found this community where I hope I can meet like-minded people, and we can share each other's successes :)


  • BryanA1
    BryanA1 Posts: 3
    Hey Lauren,

    I just joined a couple of days ago myself and so far I love this site. The data base makes it real easy to get started and monitor things. You might want to check if they have a an ap for your cellphone. In the short time I've been part of MFP, I've relied pretty heavily on the one for my BlackBerry.
  • SandyLee1961
    SandyLee1961 Posts: 133 Member
    Welcome! I'm new here too! Just keep telling yourself that you can and will do this! The support here is amazing. I have found that out in just a few days. And yes, will gladly be friends! I'm in New Zealand, so my hours are a bit different - but we still have the same goal!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!this is an awesome website full of support,advice,recipes.It helps you be accountable for your food and ex.Good luck with your goals.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Hi Lauren,

    Welcome to MFP. I'm new too about a month in so far and it is a great site. I found it on my Iphone and that helps me satyu on top of it and ajust my food choices. If need friends my wiofe and I arre glad to help out. We're all in the same boat and have the same goals and the folks here are really nice and very helpful. Good luck and holler if you need support! Just rem,ember one day at a time and enjoy the journey.
  • sasysuzy
    sasysuzy Posts: 42
    Hello Lauren and Welcome. You will love this site and everyone is so encouraging. Don't think of this as a diet. Think of it more in the lines of a life style change. And if you happen to fall and splurge one day. Don't beat yourself up. Pick yourself up and get back on the next day or better yet the next meal. Here is a small bit of info: Remember 1 pound = 3500 calories. Good Luck in your journey. And if you need a friend or encouragement I will be there for you. Just add me as a friend. Lori
  • Hi :) I'm also new to this site, hailing from Alberta as well. I love the site so far and it makes keeping myself on track a breeze! I'm sure you'll love it too :)
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