Weight Watchers

Does anyone out there count weight watchers points? I am comparing my WW points to the reports on this site. According to weight watchers, I still have 3 points left to eat tonight, but according to MFP, I went over my calories by 150, over fat by 5, over carbs by 5 and over protein by 25.

I intentionally fill myself with protein daily, as well as fiber. I have lost 10 pounds in a little over 2 weeks and have complete faith in my WW program. Maybe the excessive protein is boosting my weight loss. I plan to journal my food on MFP, while comparing my WW Points in order to find the best weight loss promoting foods.

Here's a post I've written on losing weight with weight watchers:


  • butterfly0475
    butterfly0475 Posts: 91 Member
    I initially lost 60lbs on WW 3 years ago. Over the past 3 years I have gained 20 lbs back. I have just started MFP as I tried WW points plus since January with NO success. I feel this is soo much easier to track and more foods than the WW mobile system. I also feel that this is a good transition for when you finally hit the maintaining point of your goals. Good luck.
  • x3mommy
    x3mommy Posts: 73 Member
    I've had success with WW in the past as well, but after baby #3, didn't have the time or money for the meetings and found this site and have become addicted! Love it! Let us know what you figure out to be "The best!"
  • rebeccajoy
    Yes! ;-) I am doing it as well as this site. I find it a lot easier especially when I don't have my computer handy (I don't have a phone and don't usually go on the computer on Sundays). As well, at meal times all I have to do is calculate how many points I can eat and eat that. With this site, I don't know how many calories most things have in them until I come and put them into my food diary. My mom makes bread, soups, and many things that I find hard to know how to put into this site so knowing WW really well, I find that much easier to decide how many points are in her cooking.
    I know it works because I have used it before. One of my friends lost 50lbs with it and another one lost 70lbs. I find it very different as well.
    I find using both really helps as well. This one I find is a little more accountable, I have to add EVERYTHING! ;-) I can't cheat as much. lol! which is good for me!
    I just use the books from WW and this site. I don't use WW online or go to meetings.
  • Michelemybelle
    Michelemybelle Posts: 52 Member
    I just switched 2 weeks ago to MFP from WW online. I did both for a week just to compare. I like the fact that MFP breaks everything down, like sodium, carbs, etc. I decided to go with MFP mainly because it's free, but also because I felt it made me more accountable for my overall nutrition. I lost 13 lbs doing WW for 3 weeks, and I've lost 10 more in the past 2 weeks using MFP.
  • butterfly0475
    butterfly0475 Posts: 91 Member
    Great job on pounds lost. Keep it up!:happy:
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    go on calories..not this ww stuff.

    dont do diets..change the way you eat for your life. its all about being healthy, not dieting constantly.