3 weeks and no changes, is my body slowing down?

TortoiseJosiCat Posts: 7 Member
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
This is the 3rd week that i have neither gained or lost weight. i'm happy i haven't gained but i'm annoyed that i could of potentially lost at least 3 to 6lbs over that time :(

last week i decided to up on the exercise intensity and be more strict with my food but it still hasn't changed my weight?!?

my TOTM is coming up soon and i will see if that is making any difference, but it seems my body has stopped itself at this point, any advice if this has happened to you?

did you change your food (more fruit etc.) or exercises? Thank you x

I currently do free style dancing for 30 minutes at a time (which gets me in a sweat and i do it around 2-3 times a week) and stretching (some times on the Wii)
I don't have 5 a day as recommended but i eat mostly vegetables and i don't usually go over on my protein or carbs.

Also it's half term for 2 weeks, which means i will have to try and get out more to stop me gaining weight.


  • jmjones66
    jmjones66 Posts: 145 Member
    I have heard that eating apples helps to get off those plateaus. I don't know if it works or not, but it's worth a try.:wink: The other thing that you could do, is to lower your calorie intake. It will "jump" start your weight loss again.
  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    I used too eat 1200 net calories, but then I upped it to 1400 and finally started loosing weight again. Thats what helped me. But I think you need to write also how many calories you eat and weight/height etc. for others to give you tips:) Try to search for tips on "plateau". Good luck!
  • noltes2
    noltes2 Posts: 202 Member
    Your body is used to what you are doing. Up your calories by 200 healthy ones and it will work like a charm :)
  • david081
    david081 Posts: 489 Member
    Change your exercise routine and increase the intensity for a week or two - I fail to see how if you are not losing on 1200 a day, upping calories will change that - do the maths...

    best of luck!
  • dont let your body get use to the same routine, diet and exercise alike.....change both and you will see a difference

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • play around with your calories for one whole week. up it to 1500 then down to 1300 then go lower, and up.
    and i would say make more intense workout.

    you are on the stage where they call. Plateau im sure you know what it is.

    its basically happens when your body gets to use to the same routine and same eating habits that it just doesnt want to move.

    so that being said you have to play with your calories and play with your routine of exercise.

    soon enough you will break it and you will start to see more loss. :)

    have fun!!! and best wishes for you!!!
  • Increase your calories a bit. I have the same problem as you Im starting half term and i don't have any idea what exercises to do at home.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    how much do you weigh now? the smaller you are the harder it is to lose weight. when i was trying to lose the last few lbs..i was already down to about 122 ish. i had to bump up my workout..to 40mins of weight training, and 50 mins of cardio every day. i was eating 1300 cals. and not eating back what i burned. i also took a fat burner called lipo 6 hers. i got down to 117. thats where i stopped purposely, as i was getting too skinny. now i'm bulking and trying to build muscle..i'm back up to 120 ish and only do weight training..and i am trying to eat 1800-2000 cals each day.
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