Please cheer me up :(

DrFancyNancy Posts: 14
edited September 26 in Success Stories
I have lost so far 9.8 lbs, but still haven't noticed much difference by vision.. I am working really hard! I thought I might look totally different every 10 lbs loss but that asn't the case!! I was about to chet yesterday out of depression.. Save me!!!


  • AlexasMom
    AlexasMom Posts: 2 Member
    Sorry to hear! But trust me I didn't look or feel different right away either. I think it's maybe due to skin elasticity or whatever. But it happened slowly that I started realizing that my face didn't look as chubby - and this was after I had stopped working out. I think it's once you maintain the weight that your body can finally start maybe adapting to the changes and you will really be able to see it yourself. IDK I may be wrong but this is what happened to me.
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    How tall are you? This makes a big difference on whether or not you can see 10 pounds.

    Also, do you have a full-length mirror? Sometimes we lose first in spots we can't see unless in front of a full-length (turn around and check out you butt - sometimes you lose it there). :-)
  • Sometimes it takes your body awhile to catch up. Plus you look at yourself everyday - you aren't going to notice the small changes. Make sure you have a "before" pic and when you reach your goal take an "after" pic - you'll be amazed at the difference in the two. You can do this.
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    pick up a 10 lbs bag of flour and carry it around with you all day... That's what you've lost.... It's a lot...

    Hang in there. I don't always see a loss but can feel it in how much easier it is to move... :)

    You can do this... YOu want to do this... Keep it up!
  • It is gonna take time. Somedays will be better than others. Don't let a stumble keep you from getting back up and continuing on your journey. I logged in to reply and try to cheer you up but in fact it is you who have cheered me up. Because I was feeling a little down on myself because I haven't even logged in for a couple of days, but knowing that others struggle also keeps me from feeling alone in this battle.
    I am here for you.
  • ybba12490
    ybba12490 Posts: 252
    I have lost 8 lbs (or more!) so far and still cannot visually see the difference. It all depends on what your body type is and where you are losing the weight. Did you take measurements before you lost the weight? A lot of people have measurement differences but no visual differences. But DON'T cheat!!!!!! Hang in there and keep doing great work and you WILL see results, I promise!
  • ZeeBeeJA
    ZeeBeeJA Posts: 6 Member
    You know that you have progressed..Our eyes can play tricks on us so I normally get a pair of jeans that I can't get into & I try those on & see how close I have gotten into actually fitting them...You will be even more upset with yourself if you regress to the weight you were before. Don't fall into that trap. You should be very proud of what you have accomplished so far that alone should give you the motivation you need :-D
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    if it makes you feel better I've lost like 50 and don't see a difference
  • Thanks a lot for your replies.. I am 5'5.5" I dropped down from 175.2 lbs to 165.4 lbs..
  • KimWhit12
    KimWhit12 Posts: 1 Member
    Just keep working until you see a difference, cheating will only bring you opposite results! Don't stress about it! You'll look better in no time and all the hard work will be worth it.. hope this helps
  • ajhopson
    ajhopson Posts: 1
    I have been in the same situation. In fact, I've been working since January to lose weight, and have been very inconsistent. I feel like the only thing that has improved in me is my posture. I've been using Wii Fit Plus. Here are the words to a song by a gal named Misty Edwards. "Don't give, up! Don't give in! If you don't quit, you'll win, you'll win!" I just have to keep singing that. It's my little Engine that Could song. You're healthier than you were 9.8 pounds ago.
  • Just wait till your clothes start feeling baggy - best motivation ever! Stick with it and you WILL get there.
  • We often don't see the difference at all, but others do. The changes are small, and we see ourselves constantly, so we don't notice the change. Also, I believe we build an image of what we think we look like, and it's difficult to break that image and see the real self. How do your cloths fit? How about your belt, have you had to move to a new notch? Measurements are often the best indicators, as well as the scale. I'm down forty pounds and still don't see a big difference in myself, but I do see the difference in my cloths, my belts, and how I feel, while others see it in me. Don't fret it, just stick to it and one day you will look in the mirror and not recognize the person looking back.

    Another helpful method, is pictures. Even if they are not for public viewing, keep some for yourself. Use the same pose or close to it, and look at them as you progress along your journey.
  • rschmmidt
    rschmmidt Posts: 296
    I've lost 12 and I don't see it, either. I keep thinking my husband will notice but neither has he. This probably doesn't make you feel better, but at least you know you're not alone!
    Just stick with it, eventually it will make a difference.

    And yes, DO pick up a 10 pound bag of flour - you will appreciate the difference!!!!
    Good luck!
  • PeaceMe
    PeaceMe Posts: 53 Member
    I didn't notice a difference until one day my pants wouldn't fit and people were telling my I looked good. Luckily my hubby did have a before pic of me from behind, I asked him to take one now and then I could finally see a difference! This was only 10 Lbs in as well. I have to "feel" the weight loss to believe it. Pics are awesome for visual conformation!
  • longtallted
    longtallted Posts: 34 Member
    My suggestion would be to check your body measurements. I've lost 11lbs but still wear the same size trousers - however, I know that my belly (not my waistband) has decreased thanks to having measured various points around my body before starting. I can't tell visually, but the tape measure is your friend so if you have not done it already, I say go measure your arms, thighs, tummy, bum, etc.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Don`t get discouraged.sometimes you may not notice the change,but others may.Don`t sabatoge what you`ve done so far.I know.I use to go home after a wt in and comfort with food.It`s too hard to loose,I don`t want to keep going backwards.Forward progress ahead.
    You can do it!!!
  • Tules13
    Tules13 Posts: 16
    10 lbs is a great weight loss.... and if you can't see it it may be because you see yourself everyday.. and your looking for a big difference. ( I know that's what I look for).. other people may have seen the change that you haven't.... it's not worth cheating and repeating the cycle of food..... you can do this and I'm here to help if you need me.....
  • Thank you everybody.. So I'm not alone on this planet.. Love you all
  • qtpiesmom
    qtpiesmom Posts: 394 Member
    Its funny as we dont see the changes others do. I find the best way is to take a picture of yourself front side back views and then compare cause it shows in that maybe not huge changes but it does show. I noticed my butt which I didnt see but can see in pictures. Losing weight and body changes doesnt happen overnight. You are doing great keep on going dont give up it takes time but you will get there
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