Ever had

one of those days, where you STILL picture yourself as that "old" person in the mirror. I did today. i don't know how to add pictures, but I weighed a total of 415lbs in 2008, and 2009 I went down to 248 lbs. At the end of 2009, I started gaining weight back and not being active anymore. And climbed to 281 lbs...I had bought new clothes and in 3 weeks they did not fit.

I got the courage Jan. 1st 2011 to get my life back on track. I am the lightest i've been in years...238.

But today i saw myself as the girl again, and did not even see a difference.
Please tell me I am not the only one out there that has those days. :/


  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Everyone has those days,sometimes I catch myself in a mirror and think I still look SO big but then I will look at pictures of me at my heavest and relize how far ive come.You have come a long way to.WTG!
  • azlady7
    azlady7 Posts: 471 Member
    you are not the only one. i have lost 46 lbs and i dont see me at all....just her. i hope someday i can see me....but i will keep going anyways!
  • Walt75
    Walt75 Posts: 182 Member
    Hmmmmm how bout only all this week!!! Not the only one girl. Trust me :)
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Some things don't change it seems. I am at my goal weight and I am in relatively good shape (have a lot of saggy skin because I was so heavy, but that doesn't really bother me). I was watching the biggest loser the other day and one of the girls was I think 9 lbs less than me and I commented to my sister why is it with only a 9 lb difference, I look so much bigger than her - huge. My sister looks at me and says are you nuts, you're way smaller than she is. Its weird. When I was at my fattest, I didn't think I was as big as I actually was. Now at goal weight, it seems I'm smaller than I think I am.

    Bottom line I try to go by what hard evidence tells me and use that to remind myself of where I am now. The scale says I'm a thin person now, I can buy size 8-10 pants, my husband can pick me up, I can sit down anywhere and not worry about whether my butt will fit or if the chair will break. I physically feel amazing. So yes, despite the mind playing tricks on me occassionally, I've joined the ranks of the skinny people.
  • amfmmama
    amfmmama Posts: 1,420 Member
    It is the hardest part. We have all been there. Your success is inspirational. I lost and started to gain back and I am on MFP for the second time. I think in many ways, coming back was tougher than starting in the first place. You can get past this and be successful!
  • zenfocus
    zenfocus Posts: 106 Member
    I notice some days I have mental skinny days and mental fat days. I say mental because my body stays at a relatively same weight give or take 1-2 pounds per week in weight loss. It's all in your head! You must stay positive and tell yourself happy things about your successes!
  • phy40
    phy40 Posts: 260 Member
    We all have those days. Always keep a before picture with you. You have to encourage yourself when you are feeling deceived. That's what it is deception, you have done great. I'm proud of YOU! Hang in there.
  • abbyph311
    abbyph311 Posts: 45 Member
    You lost nearly 200 pounds! That is definitely something to be proud of. Try looking at old pictures from 2008 and compare to now. You can't get discouraged by the short term progress, look at the WHOLE journey. A few years from now you'll weigh even less and feel great! Everyone has bad days. You just have to remember to fight for your goals and stay positive :)
  • scaryfairy81
    Domi, I've only had about a 30-40lb total change, gained and lost and partially gained back, but some days I definitely see myself as the heavier me, and I get discouraged thinking all the work I'm doing isn't making any difference. Pound-wise, I am higher, but my clothes still fit and I get told I don't look any bigger, but it's hard for me to see a difference. You have come so far though, and you look amazing!!
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