I've lost 8 lbs, BUT....

I'm getting new stretch marks on my stomach! They're purple and there are lots. I've never had them on my stomach before, I don't know why they're all of a sudden forming when I've LOST weight?

Also, the inside of my thighs have never chaffed before and now that I'm losing weight they are!!! AHHH! Why is this happening?


  • JMuzzy
    JMuzzy Posts: 63
    wow i have never heard of that---hopefully someone else on here can help! however, I would apply some kind of a lotion (like bio-oil) to the area while they are forming so they arent as severe. i have heard that the dark stretch marks are the easiest to treat and that once they turn silvery-white its too late to do anything. congrats on the weight loss, though!
    jennie :flowerforyou:
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    This could be something completely different, but I noticed when I first started losing weight that the skin on my stomach got really sore for a while. It felt like it was rubbed raw, and the stretch marks that I had turned pinkish for a while (they had been silver). It went away. Maybe you had some light stretch marks before, but they didn't show up much until the skin started to shrink again?
  • GinjaNinja1
    GinjaNinja1 Posts: 19 Member
    Make sure you are getting enough vitamin A, E and C. These vitamins help promote elasticity in your skin.
    I didn't look at your diary, but how much water are you drinking? Make sure you drink lots of water throughout the day.
    You can also get creams with Vitamin E in them, rub the area twice daily to keep the elasticity up in your skin.

    Good luck!