Week 3, no loss

firefighterswife58 Posts: 46
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
This will by my third week at mfp. I have been doing a 1330 calorie intake a day. I don't get to work out as much as I would like to, but I do run a cleaning business and am very active. I don't understand even if I am not able to make it to the gym 5 days a week shouldn't I still be losing something? Right now it scale says I've gained 2 lbs..


  • lllazarus
    lllazarus Posts: 11
    start drinking green tea every day (will help boost your metabolism) and 1200 calories a day.
  • Are you sure you are tracking everything you are eating and drinking? I know it is a silly question, but that is always the first question I think of, If you are eating lots of prcessed foods then all the sodiums in it will retain water and that two pounds of weight could be water weight. Also are you weighing every day. Never a good idea I have found the best time of day is the morn after I wake uo and do my morning routine. If you are overdoing your sodium drink extra water to clean some of it out. I dont know If I helped at all I am sure some of my friends may also be able to help if they check this out good luck.
  • paakissi
    paakissi Posts: 1
    Keep it up don't give up!!
  • Nomoregut
    Nomoregut Posts: 39
    You might be losing inches instead of pounds at this time, the weight will come off later.
  • MFCuce
    MFCuce Posts: 14 Member
    This will by my third week at mfp. I have been doing a 1330 calorie intake a day. I don't get to work out as much as I would like to, but I do run a cleaning business and am very active. I don't understand even if I am not able to make it to the gym 5 days a week shouldn't I still be losing something? Right now it scale says I've gained 2 lbs..

    Whew! Now I don't feel so bad. This is my third week also and it appears today I have lost a total of 1 pound. I do not work out at all. I got on a bicycle yesterday but couldn't ride much as I got out of breath and my legs ached. I have been doing a 1200 calorie intake although many days I was below that, so much of my problem all these years was not enough calories! Are you drinking enough water? I never did that either but I am trying for the 8 glasses a day. I was getting discouraged too but many people have been supportive of me so I won't give up. The way I have been eating MFP says I will lose about 3.5 pounds in 5 weeks. I had hoped for more than that, but I guess until I exercise or get off my butt and walk I can't expect much. I guess I didn't answer your question but I don't feel so alone now! Good luck!
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    Make sure to be drinking enough water. When I plateaued for 3 weeks, I increased my water intake to 8 glasses, and it made a big difference. Also, a big sodium intake can make you retain water. Drink, drink, drink.
  • hiba_b
    hiba_b Posts: 20
    Are you losing inches by anychance? I worked out everyday for at least an hour and the scale didn't move for 6 months!!! But I lost ALOT of inches. Here's what you should do ( or shouldn't do) DON'T WEIGHT YOURSELF!! It will only discourage you. Keep doing what your doing. Make sure you record everything, and if you can workout, even if just a walk or short run, and wait a few months before hopping on the scale again ( get rid of that thing :). ) good luck
  • TAWoody
    TAWoody Posts: 261 Member
    I always gain at least a little weight on the weekends but lose it all come monday/tuesday. The 2 day weekend kills my daily rhythm that I have during the week. And I tend to drink more water on weekends. Every 16 oz of water equals 1 pound. So if you drink lots of water friday or saturday you could gain a pound or two extra just from that.
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