10 things

ari_27 Posts: 88 Member
I just had a really inspiring conversation with my mother about feeling blessed and being thankful for the wonderful things we are each given, so I challenge everyone to reply with 10 things that they love/feel blessed about themselves. I feel like this is so important, because often times we find ourselves wasting time comparing ourselves to others instead of being thankful for what we were given and what we have.

10 things I love about myself and I feel blessed for:
1) I have 2 arms and 2 legs that work perfectly fine
2) I'm dedicated, when I tell myself I'll do something, I usually do
3) I'm passionate about the things that inspire me
4) I love my hair
5) My smile is unique
6) long eyelashes
7) compassionate
8) I've been told I have a quirky sense of humor
9) I stand firm for what I believe in
10) I've been told I have great legs :)


  • Amie_46
    Amie_46 Posts: 60
    Love this :)

    1. I am healthy
    2. I have beautiful skin
    3. My cellulite makes me unique, dammit!
    4. My tummy remains flat, regardless of my weight
    5. I have a brain that works just fine, and I put it to good use
    6. My sense of humor is sarcastic/serious, which makes for some interesting conversations
    7. I am a caring, compassionate individual
    8. My thunder thighs and lightening calves are voluptuous, and semi-toned
    9. I love my freckles
    10. For a long time, I described myself as having a killer personality to make up for my mediocre looks, now I know that I am the whole package!
  • rjnandjosh
    rjnandjosh Posts: 168
    I am a great mom
    I write wonderful fiction
    I have great ideas for decorations
    I can give a great party
    I am a great friend
    I am passionate about the ploy of others
    I am a excellent cook (thats why I am fat)
    I like my eyes
    I love helping others
    I have a great sense of humor:laugh:
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    10 things I love about myself and I feel blessed for:

    1 i have an amazing son
    2 i am breathing
    3 i have God in my life
    4 i am in school
    5 i love my eyes
    6 i have a family
    7 i have my brains
    8 there is music in the world
    9 there are always movies to watch
    10 i have a support system for my weightloss with this site
  • merB89
    merB89 Posts: 122
    oh man, need to do this more often. Keep things in perspective!!

    1. I have food to eat
    2. I have family and friends who love me
    3. I have a body that works and can do many amazing things
    4. I am receiving and education that I love
    5. I live in an awesome city
    6. I have a comfy bed to sleep in
    7. I smile a lot
    8. It was beautiful out today!
    9. I have many interests and things I like to do
    10. I am strong and independent!
  • MrsFarrow
    MrsFarrow Posts: 326 Member
    1. I have a wonderful husband who loves me for who I am, no matter how hard I make it on him at times!!
    2. My eyelashes are crazy long!
    3. I have a roof over my head, and kind of like where I am :)
    4. I have all of my natural teeth and they are in great condition! Sparkly too!
    5. My bunny and cat are healthy. I don't know what I'd do without them, they're my girls!
    6. I have a deadly disease called Stevens Johnnsons. While THAT aspect is unfortunate, I was fortunate enough to beat it and not have another occurrence at this point! And I'm in otherwise great health!
    7. My parents are still alive and kickin it!
    8. I've got a chest most women pay for, I used to hate it. I had a reduction all but scheduled for my 18th birthday, but backed out. I'm so glad I did!
    9. My brother and I are incredibly close.
    10. I'm smarter than I look, and I love proving it. Especially to guys at automotive stores. Jerks haha! :)
  • lisa35120
    lisa35120 Posts: 230 Member
    1. I have an awesome hubby. Been married just over a year. :)
    2. I am healthy.
    3. I have a very supportive family.
    4. Jesus loves me.
    5. I have blue eyes.
    6. I have a million things to smile about.
    7. I have a roof over my head.
    8. I have plenty of food to eat.
    9. I have a job.
    10. I live close to the beach.
  • ari_27
    ari_27 Posts: 88 Member
    It makes me smile to see all of you beautiful people writing things you love and are thankful for. there are SOOO many things we take for granted--i feel like at the end of the day we need to look at everything we have and just smile and be thankful :heart:
  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    These are the things I am grateful and thankful about myself.

    1. God in my Life
    2. Loving Parents that Supports me
    3. My loving brothers that cares for me (always when he is around he pushes me)
    4. I have food
    5. I am actually pretty (even when i dont see it half the time)
    6. My health is improving
    7. Im proud that i actually like to read now
    8. When my mind is set on something, and that i have goals in front of me. I will most likely not fail it
    9. I am happy that i got a job
    10. Gotta love having Natural Curly Hair (i still love to straighten it just for fun and designs)

    11. My MFP Family. without you guys, i would never have seen these things that i am grateful to have and seen and done.
  • Wakx
    Wakx Posts: 105 Member
    This is indeed a good thing to do. My top 10...

    1) Fulfilled my vision / dream to live and work in Asia
    2) Married to a very pretty and very special woman
    3) I have a challenging but fascinating job that makes a real difference
    4) I have very special friends who will be there whatever happens
    5) I have proven to myself that I can fix myself up
    6) My body is healthy and strong again
    7) I will change myself whenever I decide to change myself
    8) I've got a wonderful view from my working room right now
    9) My music collection is pretty impressive
    10) My eyes are very blue
  • emtgirl14
    emtgirl14 Posts: 87 Member
    1. I found "the one" and married him!
    2. My parents are alive and have been married for 32 years.
    3. I'm close with all 4 of my siblings.
    4. I LOVE my in-laws and they love me!
    5. I'm an EMT and it's my passion!
    6. I get to see amazing things working in the NICU.
    7. I have a house, a car, and food.
    8. I found the strength to finally change myself and I'm doing great!
    9. I have amazing supportive friends in person and on MFP!
    10. I've lost 33 pounds and counting!!!
  • bbb84
    bbb84 Posts: 418 Member
    1. I have a stable job and recieve a paycheck on the regular.
    2. I have amazing family members in my life.
    3. Although I am overweight, I am still relatively healthy, no health problems just doesn't look good.
    4. I have found MFP and made amazing new friends.
    5. I was raised not to need a man to support me. I'm very independent and proud of it.
    6. There is food on my table and a roof over my head.
    7. I can still play softball, it's a passion and though my body doesnt always agree, it's good for me.
    8. I have two dogs , Tyson and Bo (one was a rescue), they are my "kids" until the time is right to have some two legged less furry ones. lol
    9. I like being the older sibling and I am thankful to be able to work hard enough to set a good example for him.
    10. Im alive!!!
  • missbp
    missbp Posts: 601 Member
    10 things I love about myself and I feel blessed for:

    1) I am a mother
    2) I am not limited phyically
    3) I am not limited mentally
    4) I have great skin
    5) I am creative
    6) I am a great friend
    7) I am honest
    8) I am intelligent
    9) I love my country
    10) I love being a NYer
  • fluffysmile
    10 things that are a blessing in my life....

    1. I am blessed with the most fantastic family in the world
    2. Despite the fact that I've gained a ton of weight during my marriage, my husband has never called me "fat" or "overweight"
    3. My husband tells me I'm beautiful every day
    4. I made an "A" in college Algebra (I suck at math)
    5. I bake REALLY GOOD cookies
    6. I am the favorite Aunt of every niece and nephew that I have (at least that's what they tell me...)
    7. I have a good sense of humor
    8. I have good friends
    9. I actually like my job
    10. I have a great Church family
  • Charli666
    Charli666 Posts: 407
    10 things I love about myself and I feel blessed for:

    1. I have an amazing husband, who has loved me through sickness, and health (i know its a cliche) has loved me and still finds me beautiful even when my weight crept up by 1,2,3,4,5 + stone!
    2. I have a family who although we may clash at times love me unconditionally and will support me through any trials i have to face.
    3. I have enough money to be able to support myself, and help those close to me when they need it.
    4. Medical science has evolved enough to allow me to live a relitively normal life, whereas someone in my position 100 years ago would have a very different story.
    5. I Laugh daily, and others can share in my laughter.
    6. I have the willpower and motivation to face anything life will throw at me.
    7. I live in the 'good' part of town, and do not need to fret that my car is parked on the road whilst i sleep.
    8. I am educated, and able to learn new things.
    9. I have strong beliefs that allow me to grow spiritually.
    10. I have food when i am hungry, warmth when i am cold, and love when i am lonely.