no change during week 2 :(

Just weighed in. After going from 150 to 145 the 1st week, I did not change during week 2. The good news is that the scale didn't go up either. And I'm eating better and exercising. I hope that after this week I see a another change on the scale!


  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Couple of thoughts:

    -It's very hard for someone with so little to lose to lose 5 pounds of fat in one week. So I'm going to guess that some of that initial weight loss was water weight. The fact that you didn't go up this week is therefore excellent and more indicative that you've really lost 5 pounds of body mass over these two weeks, instead of just water. So that's great!

    -I don't know how you set your goals, but with so little to lose they should be set for either 1 lb per week weight loss or .5lbs per week weight loss so that you can preserve as much lean body mass as possible. The 2lb per week rate of loss is for those with 50lbs or more to lose. So you may want to check your goals and consider the rate of loss you've chosen.

    -If you haven't yet taken any measurements, I would suggest taking some today. Many people find that their measurements are still going down on weeks that the scale doesn't move-or even goes up!

    Hang in there! You can do this!
  • Wakx
    Wakx Posts: 105 Member
    Agree with Atlantique.

    And this assumes that you weighed in, in pounds, not kilograms.
  • Allison4C
    Allison4C Posts: 140 Member
    thanks guys. the goals are set to 1.2 lbs per week. so this is 1200 cals/day unless exercising and then i eat more. i definitely feel thinner already. but would love to be in the 130s!