7-week challenge WEEK 6 challenge details/weigh-ins



  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    have not been able to lose the travel weight, don't have any trigger foods, but let me know when we have the final week's challenge!
  • Stacebob85
    Starting weight: 179.5lbs
    Week 1 weight: 177.5lbs
    Week 2 weight: 176lbs
    Week 3 weight: 175lbs
    Week 4 weight: 175lbs
    Week 5 weight: 174lbs
    Week 6 goal: 172lbs
    Week 6 weight: 173.5lbs

    I had no bisuits, so the challenge went well.

    Bit disappointed given that I tried really hard last week, but trying to console myself with the idea that losing 0.5lbs is still losing, so that's all good. Not expecting much this week though as I had a terrible weekend involving cocktails and eating out twice, and I will have little to no opportunity to hit the gym this week, so I'm simply setting my Week 7 goal as 173. Not gonna make the 10lbs weight loss, but any weight loss is good by me!
  • shannahrose
    shannahrose Posts: 585 Member
    my goal was 156, and i was 156.8, so I only lost .2 lbs. but at least i didn't gain! :)

    i'll put my goal for the final week at 155.0 and really push it this week!

    oh - and didn't have ANY brownies - success!
  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    Most of team UK still weighed in on Saturday morning and I have just been slack in posting the results.

    Stacebob lost 0.5 pounds, now 173.5, goal next week 173, 6lbs lost so far in this challenge
    Sylvia lost 2 pounds to meet her goal weight of 138! Loss so far 5lbs
    Eviesmum liost 2 pounds so now weighs 133, goal next week 131, lost 10 pounds so far
    Boooie lost 3 pounds, now 161 and has lost a whooping 14 pounds during this challenge
    Nikkiiws (me) lost 1 pound, now 156, goal next wk is 155, I have lost 11 pounds during the challenge

    We seem to have lost Zeeba this week, will check whether she is still in.

    We all completed the trigger food challenge.
  • katcena
    katcena Posts: 326 Member
    Weighed 178.4 yesterday, sorry spaced on posting here! My goal was 178....so I was short....but considering I had gained 2 pounds overnight at the beginning of the challenge I am happy. Plus I lost 1 inch on my waist! So, good things are still happening!
    My goal for next week is going to be 177. It's getting tough to reach my original goal of 175....but as long as I keep getting closer each week I am happy! :)
    And I was good about not eating any bad foods or trigger foods.