Brides on a Mission: Week 15

NurseNatalie2011 Posts: 281
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support
Hello brides!
So many new brides, welcome to all! Thank you to the members since the beginning!

I am glad that this past week’s board was much more active. Way to go everyone! :happy:

I think we all got the swing of how our board works, so I will make this short and sweet! (If you are new, please look back on the support and motivation boards from previous weeks if you would like.)

How to upload a photo: Go to, it’s a free service, and upload your photos. Copy and paste the IMG code (there is a list of codes, easy to find on the site) onto your message post. Change the capital IMG code at the beginning and end of the code to lower case img. Your photo will appear when you make the actual “post.” (I will post this each week.)

Week 15 challenge: Let’s focus on exercise this week. A while back I came up with a challenge called “just say NO!” which related to saying no to unhealthy choices. This week I want everyone to “just say YES!” to exercise. I often see brides posting how they contemplate about working out. This week “Just say YES!” Don’t argue with yourself why you shouldn’t workout, tell yourself why you should workout and just go do it!

Getting to know each other (Please only fill this out if you are new to the group; copy and paste this section into your post. I will post this each week for new comers.)
1. Name:
2. Age:
3. City:
4. Occupation:
5. Wedding date:
6. Fiancés name:
7. How long you and your fiancé have been together:
8. Heaviest weight:
9. Goal weight and date:
10. Favorite type of exercise:
11. Favorite healthy food:

Brides on a Mission: week 15 (Please copy and paste this into your profile)
1. Weight loss/inches lost this week:
2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened):
3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with):
4. What are you plans for the rehearsal dinner:
5. Any wedding news updates:
6. When you don’t want to work out, how do you motivate yourself:
7. Where are your “trouble areas” and what are you doing to fix them:
8. How did you do with the week 14 challenge (logging at least 5/7 days):
9. Weekly wrap up:


  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Welcome to a new week Brides! This brings us all one week closer to our big days!! HURRAH!!

    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: I lost 0.9 kg (1.9lb) This week, as well as 2cm around my belly and 1cm around my hips! TOTALLY stoked!

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): A friend i haven't seen since i was at my heaviest just commented on my FB photo about how amazing i'm looking :D Makes me feel pretty awesome, especially since i can NEVER see changes in the mirror! Also people at work are commenting on how big my uniform is getting on me! (Ok so this is all weight related, but it certainly counts as a highlight!)
    Also had an awesome BBQ with my fiance's family - his mother was in town so all four of the brothers and their families got together. It was an awesome night!

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): It's been a pretty awesome Week (as you can tell by my list of highlights...), I've just been exhausted because i'm working so much at the moment!

    4. What are you plans for the rehearsal dinner: We haven't even thought about rehearsal dinners yet! Probably a BBQ at the home of the friends the bridal party are staying with the night before the wedding!

    5. Any wedding news updates: Not really, just thinking about cakes at the moment - We're starting to think we'd like a cake in the shape of a castle! :D

    6. When you don’t want to work out, how do you motivate yourself: I think about the beautiful dress that i've ordered, and how exciting it will be when it finally comes in and they say "Hmm... we'll have to take it in here... and here... and a lot just here..." :D Also just thinking about the look on My anazing man's face when he sees me in the dress and i'm looking the best i've ever looked! ahaha!

    7. Where are your “trouble areas” and what are you doing to fix them: Exercise is definitely a trouble area, since I work shift work, and i spend a lot of time just absolutely shattered and exhausted... I've got hold of the 30 day shred, because everyone can find 20 minutes a day to smash their body, surely! haha! But i'm very sore from Day 1 at the moment!

    8. How did you do with the week 14 challenge (logging at least 5/7 days): Really easy, because ever since we started doing this, i've been logging EVERYTHING as i go. I don't think i've missed a single day!

    9. Weekly wrap up: It's been a great week. I think i've only not had all my water on one day, Didn't go crazy with food at the BBQ, and having the meal replacement shakes has been awesome while i've been working so much... just chuck a shake and a shaker into the handbag and you're off!

    Good luck this week Ladies!! I know i'll struggle a little, just because i'm SO sore from the 30DS that it's really easy to convince myself that i don't need to do it... But as i said above, it'll be SO worth it when i'm a Princess in January!
    Anyone feel free to add me as a friend, too!
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Wow can't believe i just said the wrong loss!! I actually lost 1.3kg last week! hahaha! Wow... cheating myself a little there!
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Bump... I'll check back in soon!
  • Brides on a Mission: week 15
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: will post wed

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): My aunt from SC came into town for a 10 day visit, I found an awesome pair of wedge-shoes to wear with my graduation dress, I did 3 group workout classes and met my workout goal of 3 days/week at least 30 min each time, and most important cleaned out my whole closet/dresser/bins in the garage of fat clothes....i dont want them around! I found size 12-16 in all places and I wear a 10 now...It felt great to see my progress :)

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): I didn't get to see my fiance too much, both had busy schedules. And my cousin/MOH is having marriage problems but lives out of state so I really can't support her.

    4. What are you plans for the rehearsal dinner: We don't have set in stone plans yet, but we are leaning towards having a dinner at a local small Italian resturaunt. It is small, and they allow people to "rent" out the resturaunt for your party. They will do family style or buffet. We can pick anything on the menu and its a BYOB place so we can save money by brining everything! I like that!

    5. Any wedding news updates: all on hold unstill I get my RN in Aug

    6. When you don’t want to work out, how do you motivate yourself: I just think in my head what I want for my body and I am not ganna get it by sitting on the couch. I also think about how so many people out there are lazy and I dont want to be one of them. I put on my workout clothes and gym shoes right away and just do it!

    7. Where are your “trouble areas” and what are you doing to fix them: My hips and my inner thighs! I have always carried my weight in those places. I have started a new class called piloxing; pilaties and boxing combined. I think that is going to helps with my thighs (and some of the fat on my back). Also, I try to kick butt when I do sit ups that work the side abs. Any other tips????

    8. How did you do with the week 14 challenge (logging at least 5/7 days): I think I only logged I guess that is 5 days. When the meals get to be a lot of ingredients and I am only eating it once...I never put it in to the calculator.

    9. Weekly wrap up: Good week over all. No big compalints!
  • suzumichan
    suzumichan Posts: 127
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week:lost half a inch!

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): Nothing really exciting happen. Well My little sister got some reward at college.

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): I havent seen my fh cause of our busy schedules in the past two weeks.

    4. What are you plans for the rehearsal dinner: Not having a rehearsal dinner.

    5. Any wedding news updates: Nothing really new.

    6. When you don’t want to work out, how do you motivate yourself: I tell my self. "Just think on how amazing I'll look when I'm walking down that row with everyone looking at me."

    7. Where are your “trouble areas” and what are you doing to fix them: My Inner thighs and my Stomach and arms. I have have always had problems with those area's. I have been doing some videos off the cable box by JM and trying to work on different things.

    8. How did you do with the week 14 challenge (logging at least 5/7 days): did pretty good until i got sick.

    9. Weekly wrap up:
  • Amberama
    Amberama Posts: 17
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: Will post on 'weigh in wednesday'!

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): Started back at my old job after 6 weeks of working in another dept... thought this would be a low light but they were all so happy to have me back and I felt like I have a purpose again (had been doing work experience in the other dept and sometimes felt at a bit of a lose end). OHHH also, went to all three of my bootcamp/fitcamp classes. So proud of that!

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): WEEKEND EATING! I am so disappointed in my eating over the weekend. I didn't even end up tracking all of it, there was so much bad stuff and beer! I really believe I undid all my hard work from mon-fri :(
    Ah well, I know the weekend is a trigger and I guess I just have to prepare and plan for them.

    4. What are you plans for the rehearsal dinner: Our wedding isn't for another year so it's not top priority at the moment. Probably just a cheap thai meal or something.

    5. Any wedding news updates: YES! We got confirmation on our wedding ceremony site - in a nice park in Brisbane city (Roma St Parkland) that is special to us. We also chose our celebrant, I'm just waiting to hear back from her about the dates - fingers crossed!!!!

    6. When you don’t want to work out, how do you motivate yourself: I tell myself "JUST F**ING DO IT" as soon as I start it's awesome.

    7. Where are your “trouble areas” and what are you doing to fix them: Thighs and tummy. I feel like the tummy never used to be that bad, but it's really ballooned out, so despite having quite narrow hips, my waisted belts etc are all now too tight. Working on eating less carb dense foods as I feel that these really make me expand and doing sumo squats rather than regular squats to try to tone the inner thigh.

    8. How did you do with the week 14 challenge (logging at least 5/7 days): Yes logged all 7 days, but fell off the wagon on sat and sun and didn't log absolutely everything I ate (there was so much crap, I can barely remember it all!)

    9. Weekly wrap up: I had lost a kilo by my weigh in wednesday and am really hoping that it is still off this wednesday. Overall I was really proud of my efforts until the weekend.
  • Hi all,

    Wow! Has another week flown by already?! I hope some of you with weddings coming soon will still check back to see the action for a few more months and keep this going!!! I love to hear all the good ideas and it keeps me motivated to just keep slugging away and checking in on wedding stuff!!! I have always been into weddings and decorating ideas and so on, but for some reason with my own wedding, it just feels like work! Perhaps because I have to pay for it? Haha...anyhoo...

    Brides on a Mission: week 15

    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: Same as of yesterday

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): The ring is coming! I can feel it! Haha:) And just this afternoon, my best friend and I booked our trip to California in May:D So Canadian girls have never been to San Diego or San Francisco so we're excited to drink lots of wine and do lots of shopping and soak in the sunshine :D Fiance is planning a trip to Palm Springs so I figure we both get a little pre-wedding vacay treat for ourselves. Are you all doing traditional bachelorette parties? I'm a little bummed because I always planned on having a summer wedding and indeed I get to get married in sunshine (Maui) but it will be February and so it won't be as easy and fun to have friends come from out of town to do something for bachelorette/bridal shower etc. Is my sister going to plan this stuff? Like she's in University and she's younger and she's never really done something like that for me before? Haha, we will see I guess.

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): Just got a little bit emotional yesterday. I'm hyper-sensitive about not being "respected" enough by my FH. He's a great person, raised with integrity and that is what initially intrigued me about him - he was very respectful to everyone, all the girls he encountered in particular. He is very good to me, we've been together for over 5 years and he is my best friend. We are open and honest and he never has any complaints and I always have lots that he listens to, but doesn't always comment on. However, he doesn't have the best relationship with his Mom, she drives him crazy (and me also, like she's not an easy woman to get along with), so should I worry that he doesn't treat her so well when I'm not sure I would treat her any better? Ugh, he was talking over me when I was on the phone with my Mom yesterday and it just pushed my buttons - like as if he doesn't have consideration for me or my Mom. I would certainly never correct him while he was mid-conversation with his Mom. Just a silly thing, I've brought it to his attention, I just thought you girls might be able to relate. I just want to make sure that I go into this marriage knowing everything will be OK.

    4. What are you plans for the rehearsal dinner: Funny this is your question of the week: This is another point of contention between FH and I. My Mom and I are very much looking forward to a rehearsal dinner, it is particularly important because our families have never met - they both live several hours away from us and visit separately. The wedding will be essentially a destination wedding for all, so we'll all be at the start of our vacation when we would have a rehearsal dinner. My FH doesn't want to have one because he doesn't want to be responsible for the bill for ~12 people and because it is a destination wedding we're wondering if we should extend invites to more people than just immediate family and the wedding party? What do you ladies think? So it's up for discussion right now (we're definitely having one, I'll convince him somehow- I want to wear a pretty rehearsal dinner dress, HELLO! Haha). My Mom and I were thinking either everyone just pay for themselves at a restaraunt or host something more casual at the Condo where my parents are staying. The internet says that the groom's parent's typically pay for the rehearsal dinner, but I feel weird about asking them? So far they aren't contributing anything so I'm assuming that won't change.

    5. Any wedding news updates: Sorry, long-winded tonight. Rehearsal is being organized with the wedding planner for the day before. Found out my Grandparents will be attending, which kind of is putting a lot of stress on my Mom because now she'll feel like she has to babysit them the whole time :S

    6. When you don’t want to work out, how do you motivate yourself: I just remind myself how good I feel after a run, like honestly, there's no better feeling just for my spirit, some alone time to clear my head, and to reduce anxiety. Also if I JUST DO IT in the morning, then I can shower, get pretty and be guilt-free for the rest of the day.

    7. Where are your “trouble areas” and what are you doing to fix them: Tummy, and I hate my boobs, they've shrunk and they're saggy and I'm only 26, what the hell?!

    8. How did you do with the week 14 challenge (logging at least 5/7 days): I've logged in for the past 162 days or something consecutively, so not a problem.

    9. Weekly wrap up: I think I've dragged this out long enough. Have a fantastic week ladies!!! Looking forward to Easter long weekend and some more tolerable weather!!!
  • heels24
    heels24 Posts: 37 Member
    Brides on a Mission: week 15 (Please copy and paste this into your profile)
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: Sick, so I didn’t weigh in.
    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): Got engagement pics sneak peek! Our photographer is awesome.
    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): Felt terrible from being sick and in turn, ate terrible
    4. What are you plans for the rehearsal dinner: Everyone coming in from out of town is invited, which is almost everyone! Renting out a restaurant that is right on the ocean. Has an awesome view and is very open inside. Really cool deck too for people who want to hang outside.
    5. Any wedding news updates: Got the e-pics preview, ordered last bridesmaid dress, flower girl dress was ordered
    6. When you don’t want to work out, how do you motivate yourself: Remind myself how great I feel once I’m done working out
    7. Where are your “trouble areas” and what are you doing to fix them: I feel like my thighs are disproportionately big so I’m doing more long distance running and yoga.
    8. How did you do with the week 14 challenge (logging at least 5/7 days): Did it although didn’t log in at all this weekend, there goes my streak!
    9. Weekly wrap up: Doing a cleanse this week with no caffeine, alcohol, preservatives, flour, wheat, dairy, soy, sugar, artificial sweeteners, gum or candy. Really excited to see how I feel after eating so clean for a week. Hoping it will help with my junk food cravings too.
  • 1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: Haven't weighee yet

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): Got to go to the Baltimore Aquarium for the first time with some girlfriends, then two of FI's friends came over for dinner and we got to do bride-talk, since they're engaged as well. So much fun to have another bride to talk to in person!

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): Not much, just super sore from overdoing it on exercise this weekend. I'd taken a few months off and tried to jump back in full steam. Ouch.

    4. What are you plans for the rehearsal dinner: Still a year away, so not sure yet. Thinking maybe an intimate Italian dinner, or a welcome party for everyone there with pizza.

    5. Any wedding news updates: Started my first DIY project - a bridesmaid chain (a la: to formally ask my BMs. Also, just got an email from our venue that she's received our contract, so we're officially booked!

    6. When you don’t want to work out, how do you motivate yourself: I'm actually pretty terrible about this, and blow off exercise all the time! Oops. I try to tell myself that I can have extra food if I work out (since I need to eat those exercise calories!)

    7. Where are your “trouble areas” and what are you doing to fix them: Stomach and inner thighs. I have muscle there, it's just covered in fat! So right now, running and trying to reduce my body fat percentage.

    8. How did you do with the week 14 challenge (logging at least 5/7 days): I think I logged 4.5/7... Took a day or two off before I started the challenge.

    9. Weekly wrap up: Trying to cut back on carbs this week (sticking to fruit and veggies, not grains or sugar) and going more Primal with my diet.
  • (From previous thread) redruthie:

    A vineyard wedding sounds so romantic! Which vineyard do you have in mind?
    Pole dancing sounds like a lot of fun! I bet your fiance enjoys it :P

    We have similar wedding dates. My fiance and I will be getting married on a beach in Oahu, HI on May 24, 2012!

    Old House Vineyards, in Virginia. I've wanted a vineyard wedding since I moved to VA, I'm so happy we found a place! A beach wedding sounds gorgeous, too - and Hawaii is so beautiful!

    Pole dance was a lot of fun for about a year, then I got to the harder levels and didn't have the muscle strength to do a lot of the tricks. So stopped taking classes and joined a gym to try and build some muscles strength. Hoping to get back into it one day, it really was my favorite way to work out! And yes, FI loved it, lol. :)
  • Brides on a Mission: week 15

    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week:didnt weigh in....tom is due and yesterday was my bachelorette party....

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): my bachelorette party yesterday....=) i also got my FH a wedding gift....=)

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): im forced to kick my dad out of my house...=( very unhappy...

    4. What are you plans for the rehearsal dinner: no rehearsal dinner....

    5. Any wedding news updates: had my bachelorette yesterday ....picked up a wedding gift for my hubby....

    6. When you don’t want to work out, how do you motivate yourself: pictures,.....and when i eat healthy

    7. Where are your “trouble areas” and what are you doing to fix them: thighs....., pilates lunges n squats....

    8. How did you do with the week 14 challenge (logging at least 5/7 days): no so good been MIA...lately alot going on around me and havent been doing great with food choices.....been kinda stressed and the last thing i wanna think about rite now is dealing with my eatting habits or exercising...

    9. Weekly wrap up: overall turned out good but had non-mfp things happen and stress me out like my dad....excited with 27 days left till i get married...
  • Meganne1982
    Meganne1982 Posts: 451
    Brides on a Mission: week 15 (Please copy and paste this into your profile)
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: Still just doing 1st of the month weigh-ins, but really think I'm finally gonna buy a scale and start checking weekly :)

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): Um... it was a good week but pretty uneventful... I guess a high light is I tweaked my nutrition goals, and since eating to meet them I have felt markedly better and haven't felt the need to binge eat, so- SCORE!

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): Once again, an uneventful, but good week- no low lights I can think of :)

    4. What are you plans for the rehearsal dinner: Hadn't thought about that one yet, but now that I am, I'm thinking a BBQ would be super fun and totally our style.

    5. Any wedding news updates: We decided we're waiting till this semester is over and then we will actually start making official plans. Really all we've been doing to this point is brainstorming what we think we might want.

    6. When you don’t want to work out, how do you motivate yourself: I rarely don't want to work out. I love to workout. My trouble is taking a rest day. I'll plan to take a day off and then when that day comes I can't stand it and I work out. This week, yesterday was going to be a rest day, then I decided I'd just take a long walk, but then I'm outside and I've got my running shoes on and my ipod going, and I start running... did just over 4 miles in 40 minutes! The only time I don't work out is on days when there literally is no time or I'm too sick to physically move like that. :)

    7. Where are your “trouble areas” and what are you doing to fix them: My trouble areas are my butt and my thighs and my upper arms. They will always be my trouble areas. I look at all the women on my mother's side and they all have extra weight in those places. I practically have a six pack, and yet I have "bye-bye" arms that go on for days that no amount of tricep exercises have made any difference to...

    8. How did you do with the week 14 challenge (logging at least 5/7 days): :Logged every day!

    9. Weekly wrap up: Let's see how these new nutrient percentages work out for me with loss- they're already making a difference with energy and hunger levels!
  • EaglesFan521
    EaglesFan521 Posts: 74 Member
    Brides on a Mission: week 15 (Please copy and paste this into your profile)

    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: 0

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): I booked the DJ and got in contact with the florist that we will be using for the reception

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): never worked out and ate crappy food....

    4. What are you plans for the rehearsal dinner: right now i think we are going to have it in a restaurant in the hotel where the wedding will be and where everyone is staying.

    5. Any wedding news updates: Nothing really since last week....

    6. When you don’t want to work out, how do you motivate yourself: This has been a struggle for me recently but i am trying to remember how happy i was when i was losing weight and get back to that happy place.

    7. Where are your “trouble areas” and what are you doing to fix them: um everywhere

    8. How did you do with the week 14 challenge (logging at least 5/7 days): I didn't log at all i have been having a rough couple weeks as most of you read last week

    9. Weekly wrap up: Ok well I want to thank everyone for thier help/encouragement with my rant last week. I wish i could make meals ahead of time and freeze them, but weekends are me time and i don't really want to spend my weekend couped up in the kitchen cooking. So today I got home from work and started dinner, and worked out while dinner was cooking, I am hoping this can be something new and if i get more sleep I will be in a better mood everyday. Lets hope this is a new beginning.
  • Amberama
    Amberama Posts: 17
    Brides on a Mission: week 15

    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week:didnt weigh in....tom is due and yesterday was my bachelorette party....

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): my bachelorette party yesterday....=) i also got my FH a wedding gift....=)

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): im forced to kick my dad out of my house...=( very unhappy...

    4. What are you plans for the rehearsal dinner: no rehearsal dinner....

    5. Any wedding news updates: had my bachelorette yesterday ....picked up a wedding gift for my hubby....

    6. When you don’t want to work out, how do you motivate yourself: pictures,.....and when i eat healthy

    7. Where are your “trouble areas” and what are you doing to fix them: thighs....., pilates lunges n squats....

    8. How did you do with the week 14 challenge (logging at least 5/7 days): no so good been MIA...lately alot going on around me and havent been doing great with food choices.....been kinda stressed and the last thing i wanna think about rite now is dealing with my eatting habits or exercising...

    9. Weekly wrap up: overall turned out good but had non-mfp things happen and stress me out like my dad....excited with 27 days left till i get married...

    Wow! kalebsmama07 you are so close! And you've almost reached goal! Congratulations! Keep on truckin, you're so close

    x Amber
  • On May 14 I take a final exit exam for nursing that means today starts hard core reviewing and studying for the exam. I really need to put all my time and effort into studying so I wont be on as much. I will be logging, working out 3 days a week and keeping up posting the brides on a mission board. Everyone, keep up your hard work! Summer is just around the corner and we will all look amazing for it :)

    -Natalie (Soon to be nurse natalie! haha)
  • On May 14 I take a final exit exam for nursing that means today starts hard core reviewing and studying for the exam. I really need to put all my time and effort into studying so I wont be on as much. I will be logging, working out 3 days a week and keeping up posting the brides on a mission board. Everyone, keep up your hard work! Summer is just around the corner and we will all look amazing for it :)

    -Natalie (Soon to be nurse natalie! haha)

    Good luck with your exam! We'll be here when you get back! :)
  • So with all the studing I am having to do I am proud that I sat here today drinking water and not shoving my face with chips and candy like I used to. I would always eat when studying, it just made the time go by faster or put my mind on something else then how much work I had to do. I love, love, love the fact I didn't do that at all today. When I was hungry, I took a break and at away from my desk. I hope to continue this until I take my state boards in Aug! Wish me luck :)

    I am going to my RIPPED group class tonight. I weigh in tomorrow and I am a little worried but I am feeling good about where I am at. I just hope the scale says so to! I hope everyone is having a good week so far!

  • On May 14 I take a final exit exam for nursing that means today starts hard core reviewing and studying for the exam. I really need to put all my time and effort into studying so I wont be on as much. I will be logging, working out 3 days a week and keeping up posting the brides on a mission board. Everyone, keep up your hard work! Summer is just around the corner and we will all look amazing for it :)

    -Natalie (Soon to be nurse natalie! haha)

    Good luck with your exam! We'll be here when you get back! :)

    Thanks girl!
  • Brides on a Mission: week 15

    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week:didnt weigh in....tom is due and yesterday was my bachelorette party....

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): my bachelorette party yesterday....=) i also got my FH a wedding gift....=)

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): im forced to kick my dad out of my house...=( very unhappy...

    4. What are you plans for the rehearsal dinner: no rehearsal dinner....

    5. Any wedding news updates: had my bachelorette yesterday ....picked up a wedding gift for my hubby....

    6. When you don’t want to work out, how do you motivate yourself: pictures,.....and when i eat healthy

    7. Where are your “trouble areas” and what are you doing to fix them: thighs....., pilates lunges n squats....

    8. How did you do with the week 14 challenge (logging at least 5/7 days): no so good been MIA...lately alot going on around me and havent been doing great with food choices.....been kinda stressed and the last thing i wanna think about rite now is dealing with my eatting habits or exercising...

    9. Weekly wrap up: overall turned out good but had non-mfp things happen and stress me out like my dad....excited with 27 days left till i get married...

    Wow! kalebsmama07 you are so close! And you've almost reached goal! Congratulations! Keep on truckin, you're so close

    x Amber

    thanks amber....this past month has been the worst....i keep going up n down with weight and im having trouble staying on track this past month so i have no idea where im at rite now....thanks for the encouragement much needed...
  • where ur at and feel the same way.....this past month has been the worst for me....and cant seem to gain control of my self with exercising and eatting rite....some much stressful stuff going on around me not so much wedding related as my wedding is just 3 weeks away...its more of non wedding issues like family n friends issues....your not alone....and nethier am i....=) keep on going girlie and ill do the same....

    7. Where are your “trouble areas” and what are you doing to fix them: um everywhere

    8. How did you do with the week 14 challenge (logging at least 5/7 days): I didn't log at all i have been having a rough couple weeks as most of you read last week
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