Looking for suggestions

I am having foot surgery this Wednesday and my recovery is going to be 6 to 8 weeks NO weight bearing on the right foot.

I typically hit 24 hours fitness at lunch to lift but this will be out of the question for awhile, I do have a home gym which includes a bow-flex. I can do a lot in the seated position during recovery, I just wanted to see if anyone had any other suggestions for me that would allow me to do some workouts without putting weight on my foot.

Life is going to be tough for awhile but hopefully the outcome of the surgery will pay off in the end.



  • celtickarasu
    maybe some of the seated yoga or pilates positions? or swimming once your surgery incision heals up?
  • ronda_gettinghealthy
    ronda_gettinghealthy Posts: 777 Member
    OH my bless your heart I am at the tail end of a broken heel and torn achilles- I did "chair dancing" which means I sat in my chair with good music and did lots of arerobic type movements and monitored my heart rate- it counts as low impact aerobics-true story- I also later was on a knee scooter so I could do a lot more movements - I have some pilates dvd's and did the upper body and abdominals- once you are casted and booted you can do a bit more- I feel your pain, I was no weight bearing for 4 months :(:sad: Good luck with your surgery.
  • ronda_gettinghealthy
    ronda_gettinghealthy Posts: 777 Member
    PS I am still in a boot for another month but I do walk now and do some low impact dancing around my house- no high impact for me yet.
  • sbussard
    sbussard Posts: 32
    Thank you for your kind words, I have a feeling I am going to go nuts, I will just do my best to lift and eat as clean as I can, hopefully I will heal quickly.

    Hey the crutches will be a work out also, :) LOL
  • ronda_gettinghealthy
    ronda_gettinghealthy Posts: 777 Member
    get a knee scooter- most definitely worth it- with crutches you risk slipping or falling and messing up your surgery- trust me not worth it- here they were 80$ a month (my insurance did not cover) so much easier plus you can put a basket or your pocket book on the handles-you cant with crutches. Just my free unwanted advice!
  • sbussard
    sbussard Posts: 32
    I have already gotten the scooter and crutches, my aunt had the scooter from a previous foot break so it worked out great for me. Now if I could only fast forward through recovery, :)