Fat Burners - Your comments Please

Hi everyone!
I'm starting to get ready for a bikini competition and I'm in some serious need for losing weight. Aside from my exercise and cleaner eating habits, I would like to incorporate a fat burner to my regime. I was looking at Lipo6X, is that any good? I don't want to get something that will make me too hyper or jittery so that I can't sleep. I've been reading about Lean-EFX and Rapid Cuts but they seem too strong based on some user reviews.
Your recommendations are welcome!
Thank you :)


  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    cardio burns fat ;) you dont need pills
  • Balishdear
    I would never try a so called "fat burner" pill. They speed up your heart rate, and if you have undiagnosed heart problems, this could very well kill you.
  • spiritcrusher
    spiritcrusher Posts: 326 Member
    I use Oxyelite Pro after my bulking cycles to cut body fat. Does wonders for me.

    I also go on a calorie deficit and do a little bit of HIIT.
  • neorteg
    neorteg Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you everyone. I have used Atro-Phex before but didn't feel anything. I did go down to 13% body fat using it but I wonder if it was my diet and exercise and the pills had no effect?
  • Jonesie1984
    Jonesie1984 Posts: 612 Member
    I've never used a fat burner before but my friend swears by them (funny thing is her bf % is quite a bit higher than mine) so i'm gonna stay posted for feedback!
  • neorteg
    neorteg Posts: 8 Member
    I've decided that I'm going to go with Hydroxycut Max for Women. I'll check in again at the end of the week to let you all know how it goes. So far, I've taken it for 2 days and it appears I need to stay on the one pill dose for the first few days.
    I'm also eating clean and exercising so I'm not sure how much of the projected weight loss will be attributable to the pill...yet even if it is a motivator that works.
  • neorteg
    neorteg Posts: 8 Member
    I've used a Fat Burner for a week and so far I haven't felt jittery or anything. I have lost 1.8 lbs but I wonder if that's becuase of healthier eating habits and regular exercise. I will finish the bottle and see how it works overall.
    CW: 134.2
    Mini Goal: 130
    GW: 118
  • cherrylime
    cherrylime Posts: 6 Member
    how did it go? did you get good results??