SAHM 4/11 - 4/17

katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
previous week:

Welcome!! We are a fabulous group of Stay at Home Moms that support each other through our weightloss and the most important job....being a mom! We welcome all newcomers, join in any time, we would love to get to know you! :flowerforyou:


  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    Subbing for later. Thanks for starting it Katie!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Wildcat ~ Who is that in your pic?

    Soni ~ How was WI??

    Shoppie ~ Basically it was a war on morals and neither side (Democrat/Republican) Wanted to budge so they were having hissy fits. They have until Thursday to have a final solution. Until then, we are putting everything on credit so we have enough to pay bills in case we don't see a paycheck on May 1st. It really stinks. Glad I'm going home for a few weeks, it will save some money!

    Nicole ~ That' awesome on the measurements! Such big numbers for so little time, congrats!!

    Sorry about the late start this morning, things were hectic! Hope you all have a great Monday!
  • soni_me
    soni_me Posts: 95 Member
    Katie-Thanks for asking!!!! I lost 4 lbs.(woohoo!), because I realized the 2lbs. I had up there was from last year!

    It's been a hectic day so far, but I managed to get a walk in with the kids b4 it started to rain. I'll continue to try to walk 3 miles this week, but add 15-20 min. of something a little higher impact.
  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    Soni - Great job on the loss and keeping up with walking, way to go!!

    Katie - I really wish our gov't wasn't sooo divided, it's all or nothing on every issue, so annoying. What happened to working together and doing what's best for the country. Sigh, if only it were so simple. Praying all gets worked out in time for military families to get paid.

    Hope everyone is doing great. My weight was back up a bit and I was swelling when I ran last night soooo, I guess no more 3/4 bottle of wine for me. :drinker: Hahahaha, I should've stopped after my first glass but it was so good. Hubby and my brother were having quite a laugh. :blushing:

    Finally ordered my step bench, I was having a tough time finding one local so I just ordered one off Amazon along with Ripped in 30. Also, bought some new jeans at LandsEnd b/c mine are all too big, YAHOO. Can't wait for my mail!!
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    The profile pic is Jared Padalecki, he was on the show Gilmore Girls and now Supernatural. I'm meeting him in June (EEK) so I decided he would be my motivation while I work on getting newer pictures of myself :)

    I'm annoyed with mother nature right now. It was supposed to be really nice today so I planned on going for a walk with R before work tonight and of course it was 55 degrees and sprinkling. I go to leave for work and it's 70 and sunny :( This is my 3rd day in a row at work and I'm HATING IT. I usually don't do so many hours, but people are on vacation so I got roped into doing extra.

    My scale is stuck, I'm a little discouraged, but I'll keep going!
  • Rainbow_Brite86
    This week has been ok so far!! :) I have stuck with it, even though I wanted to quit so badly...I am no longer in the 240's !! Hopefully I will no longer be there... :D

    I am in my last week of beginning turbo jam..

    next 4 weeks after this week, i'll be doing the advanced turbo jam along with jogging 3-5 miles a day :D Weekends I am doing AWESOME!! :')

    I am so proud of myself right now...this is the lightest I've been in years!!

  • pj05
    pj05 Posts: 18
    Hello! I just joined today. I'm a SAHM to 2 girls and have a problem with portion control and snacking. Sweets are my downfall and Easter is coming...ugh! I'd love to join your little group to give and get support. I have a lot weight to lose. I'm new at this so my question is....where do I start? Should I make a short term goal?

    Thanks :smile:
  • clcole522
    clcole522 Posts: 68 Member
    I"m going to bump this for later as well, need to catch up had a week where I went MIA, actually it was a last minute road trip to New York to see family for 5 Anyway, I am putting music and a routine together now for my spin class tonight, and its going to be the same one for tomorrow morning as well....Which is ok, most of the people that come Monday night are different from those who come on Tuesday mornings....They will never know.....LOL Ok, Ijust wanted to pop in and say hi, and I've missed you mom's..... I hope all is well with everyone...

  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    tagging for later.

    thanks katie!
    soni, your commitment is inspiring.

    got a walk with a tiny run too. finally. helped clear some brain cobwebs too.
    gotta shower FAST
  • soni_me
    soni_me Posts: 95 Member
    Hello! I just joined today. I'm a SAHM to 2 girls and have a problem with portion control and snacking. Sweets are my downfall and Easter is coming...ugh! I'd love to join your little group to give and get support. I have a lot weight to lose. I'm new at this so my question is....where do I start? Should I make a short term goal?

    Thanks :smile:

    I put my long term goal in, but I set mini goals for myself (weekly). They don't always have to do with the weight loss (i.e., my first goal was to exercise at least 30 min. every day). It has definitely helped my portion control to record the food I'm eating every day (I've even been able to snack more, just better choices and not empty calories). This way when I do give myself a treat on have a day when I indulge, it's within reason and I don't go overboard. AND don't give up, you'll get there!
  • DaisyBayberry
    Hi SAHMamas! Hope you are all having an ok Monday! :happy:

    Katie--Hello, and thanks for the thread!

    Soni--Good job getting your walk in there. It wasn't the best day for doing things outside here either. And this day has been hyped up for a week. I guess it was warm-but it was cloudy all day and sprinkly.

    Amy--Glad you enjoyed the wine--sounds really good right now!:drinker:

    Wildcat--I knew that guy looked familiar--I used to watch Gilmore Girls. Why are you meeting him? Our weather was stinky today too. Sorry you are working too much and sorry about the sticky scale!

    Rainbow--Wow. Good for you on being the lightest you've been in years!!! That sounds so good.:flowerforyou:

    pj05--I am new too. I have only set a long-term goal so far--but it might be a good idea to have a short-term goal. It won't seem so insurmountable. :wink:

    CAT--Hello--Hope you had a great trip!

    Stacey--Glad you got your walk and tiny run in!

    Talk to you all later!
  • KC1206
    KC1206 Posts: 90 Member
    tagging for later....I've missed you ladies! Will catch up with you all later tonight or tomorrow I hope!
  • AngelaLVGJN
    AngelaLVGJN Posts: 39 Member
    Hello, I have been reading this off and on for a while now, but never joined in the conversations. I am a SAHM with two young children (1 and 2). My biggest challenge is honestly not eating the left over food on my kids plates...and their snacks that they don't finish. I used to just eat what they didn't eat...but I never counted calories. Now, the leftovers go directly to the trash or put away in the fridge. This is a great place for encouragement and I have enjoyed reading it.
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Amy- I love wine! I find it hard to stop once I start. We usually only indulge on the weekends.

    Wildcat- My friend is running the Supernatural convention this year. She met Jared P. at last years convention and got to take tons of pictures with him and the rest of the cast. I used to watch Gilmore girls all the time.

    Rainbow- Great job!

    I had a less than stellar weekend. Friday I overindulged in just about everything. Saturday I tried to get back on track and misread the serving size on something and went way over and then decided to just keep eating since the day was blown anyway. Yesterday I did a bit better but was way over on sodium.

    Today has been a good day. The weather was great here. I went for a jog/run/walk with the jogging stroller and went 5.1 miles in a little over an hour.
  • mamato4boys1girl
    Hello Everyone
    Hope everyone had a nice weekend. I took the boys to an Easter Egg Hunt & pictures with the bunny this weekend. They had a blast! I finally went down 0.6oz on the scale, not much but atleast it's moving. I didn't workout this weekend, we were just so busy. I've decided since I am being both mom and dad at the moment I am going to have to give myself a break sometimes & not beat myself up if I don't get my workout in or eat something not great for me. I will just try to do better the next day, that is all I can do right now. We are all hanging in there, I miss hubby like crazy especially on the weekends when we would all be doing something together. I feel like I have been so busy with the boys though & a month has gone by so that is great! My friend is still coming to workout with me & I am adding some extra when I can.
    Well that is it for me right now I gotta run because B will not stop sitting on A and C in playing in the bathroom plus I need to make sure D is soing his homework. :tongue:
    Here's a picture of me & my boys from this weekend.
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member

    Wildcat- My friend is running the Supernatural convention this year. She met Jared P. at last years convention and got to take tons of pictures with him and the rest of the cast. I used to watch Gilmore girls all the time.

    Well see, I should just have volunteered to work it instead of paying for tickets! lol. It's a little silly that we're going far for a convention since there's also one about an hour away later this summer, but Jensen isn't coming to that one and I wanted to see them together!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Soni ~ congrats!! That's awesome!

    Amy ~ me too, I am not a political person at all, but all this bickering ticks me off. I'm always up after wine LOL Glad you had a good time though!

    Wildcat ~ Ahh, I thought he looked familiar, but I coudln't place him. Why do you get to meet him?

    Rainbow ~ Congrats on the loss!!! Have fun with the TurboJam...I love Chalene :)

    Hey Angie!! Girls, this is my super sweet friend who I get to hang out and drink wine with Thursday night, and I think she's amazing :)

    PJ ~ Sweets are my downfall right now too :/ Making short term goals are a great way to start!

    KC ~ hope all is well!!

    DrCarrier ~ Yeah for getting out for a jog, 5 miles is no joke!

    Christi ~ Good job staying busy! Love the picture! I can't believe none of them are crying, my youngest wouldn't dare get close to a costumed person LOL

    I overindulged in sugary treats tonight...ugh!! I think I'm about to get Aunt flo...the cravings for sweets always skyrockets the week before BOO!!
  • mamato4boys1girl
    Katie~that is the reason why B (my almost 2 year old) is in my arms because he was sreaming the rest of the pictures! I wanted one where he wasn't crying so I took him off the bunny's lap & put C (my 3 year old) on there instead cause he was excited about the bunny this year. Otherwise I probably wouldn't have been in the picture.

    OMG the kids are driving me crazy, or more so my 3 year old is driving me crazy. It's like everyday is a challange to see what ways he can get into trouble. He has been potty trained for 8 months now but has started peeing in his underware, bed & on the floor. He is also getting into everything he knows he isn't suppose to, it's like he's trying to get a reaction out of me. I know this is probably because his dad is gone & I can only do so much on my own but seriously kid give me a break. So of course since I am an emotional eatter I head right for the junk, which up until yesterday there wasn't really any in the house but thanks to the easter egg hunt there is plenty of chocolate in their baskets. I think that I may have eatten most of it today, thankgoodness they are only little pieces. Right now I want ice cream so bad because I am stressed but thankfully we have none in the house & I just put the kids to bed so I can't go get any! DEEP BREATHS, LOTS OF DEEP BREATHS, & COUNTING TO 10, OVER & OVER AGAIN... and just maybe a glass of wine after the baby is down for the night, haha! :laugh:
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Christi ~ So sorry about the rough few days. It's so hard to when your hubby is gone :( Is there any way you can spend a little alone time just you and him? If I were closer I would totally watch the other kiddos so you could!! (((hugs)))

    So I was right, Aunt Flo this morning LOL Which means no loss, but hey, no gain either! I also retook measurements this morning and here are my stats since Jan 1st:

    146 to 138
    31' waist to 27.25" (1" above belly button)
    33' around belly button to 29"
    38.5" lower belly to 34.5"
    24" thigh to 22.5
    41" hips (around saddle bags) to 38"

    8lbs and 17.75" :)
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    From week of 4/4-10/11

    Daisy-Me and my little one have been having rough nights as well. He hasn’t been sleeping well throughout the night, so yesterday I took him to the dr, bc he had been pulling on his ears all weekend and I wanted to get him checked for an ear infection and while I was there I asked about his sleep habits, so the dr suggested the cry method. So, last night after reading him a book and feeding him oatmeal cereal with whole milk, he was put in his crib awake, laid him down, shut the light off, and walked away, he cried/screamed for about 15 mins, and was out! And before we would cry forever and we were up and down at least 2-4 times a night!!! Anyways, last night he didn’t get up until 5am this morning (It was sooo nice to actually sleep!!) and then he cried for about 15 more mins, and was out again! Then instead of my daughter taking the bus to school, I had to take her bc its her birthday and we took in cupcakes, so I had to actually wake the lil guy up and get him ready around 7:30 this morning. It was soo nice to get some sleep! It’s not too hard without my husband; he’s been driving for almost 8 years. There are times where I do wish he was home more often and that’s when the kids are driving me nuts, lol. :laugh:

    Shoppie-I can’t wait to have my own time again for a little bit. I haven’t had my own time since before I found out I was prego with him. It will feel pretty weird with him not with me, but at the same time, I think I’ll be getting rid of some stress too!

    Current week

    WildCat-Lucky you! The closest I’ve gotten to meeting anyone famous was when our local news had an open house; I did manage to get a few pics with them. Otherwise, no one super famous, sigh. Maybe one day my turn will come.


    Welcome, PJ05 and AngelaLVGJN! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    My weekend was pretty busy. Didn’t do much on Saturday other than prepare for my daughter’s birthday party at the bowling alley. Then Sunday, picked up the cake, had the birthday party at the bowling alley with like 10 kids, ages ranging in 11 months-7 years. Then after the crazy party, the kids, hubby, and me all went walking at the riverwalk at the parks. And we did play at the parks too. It was soooo nice, the weather (for one day of course) was in the 80s, and now we’re back in the 30s-50s, ugh!! I wish it would make up its mind!! Anyways, I’m a little nervous for tomorrow, lil man starts daycare, but I’m also feeling it’s going to be a good day tomorrow! Not much going on….really need to get back on track to working out! I’ve been slacking….Crazy time of year!

    Will check back in later. Have a great Tuesday everyone!!!