What's the rush?!

slapshotgolf Posts: 163 Member
Wasn't sure where to post this one, but I figured individuals looking for success stories and inspiration would best benefit from my comments. I've been spending the last 15 minutes taking a break from work replying to other posters, and the last couple have been along the same idea - people trying to rush their diets, looking for shortcuts, or starting on day 1 with unrealistic goals (I want to lose 30 lbs in the next 30 days). Some unsolicited advice - it probably took you, as it did me, years to get to the point where you now need to lose this weight. It didn't come on overnight - nor will it leave that quickly - not if you want it to stay away that is.

I started here 5 months ago with the goal of losing 185 lbs. That's right 185 lbs. I was literally carrying the weight of two people. I am more than 50% to my goal, and while my rate of loss has been rapid, I have done it without the help of any weight loss supplements, commercial programs, fad diets, medical surgeries, etc, etc. Just old fashioned portion control, healthy food choices, calorie counting and working out. When I started out, I fully accepted that this would take about 18-20 months to reach my goal, and though I may get there earlier, I am still on this path because I started knowing that over the next year and a half I was going to be patient and make changes to my lifestyle - not race to lose weight, just to fall of the wagon and put all on back again (as I have done several times before). I have never been able to lose so much, and remain committed for this long before - and I still feel very motivated to round out my journey over the next year. Please, for your own benefit, be realistic, acknowledge that a lifestyle change is required to attain these goals, and don't cut corners or look for shortcuts along the way.

This site provides you 2 things. 1. A community of like-minded people who are here to cheer you on, support you when you stumble, and hold you accountable to your own targets. (Open your diary for friends to view - it makes you question everything you eat). 2. Great tools you can access from multiple platforms (desktop, iphone, blackberry) so that logging is made real easy. No magic potions here. :)

Best of luck, if you need support, or want to have a glance at my diary over the last 5 months, please feel free to send me a friend request.



  • d0llfac33
    d0llfac33 Posts: 7 Member
    Cheers to you! This is very inspirational:)
    LTRUITT3 Posts: 205 Member
    Good words...............
  • monoxidechick
    First off, Great job on your huge loss and success!! That is awesome!!

    Second, I was just thinking the same thing and just posted something similar, but more of a complaint on my wall here. I am having a difficult time seeing people around me losing faster than me while using a quick fix of some sort. It gets a bit overwhelming at times. But I also posted that I am thankful to all the supportive friends on here who are doing the same thing as me and reminding me daily that it is healthy and working. I know that this works and the quick fix is unhealthy and not usually long term.

    Thank you for this post when I need a reminder most!!
  • Losershawn
    Losershawn Posts: 152
    Awesome....very well said. Everytime I start to feel frustrated I remind myself that I didn't get to this weight overnight and I'm not going to look like Brad Pitt next week. Thanks for sharing.
  • aflane
    aflane Posts: 625 Member
    I'm in a similar boat as Slapshotgolf. When I joined in early January, I needed to lose just about 200 lbs and it would take me approximately 20 months. No fads, gimmicks, pills, or quick loss theories in my life. Just diligent measuring of my food, SERIOUSLY changing my food choices, and working my butt off (literally) at the gym. I'm convinced I'm losing quickly because of the gym workouts. Okay, and lots of chicken.... LOTS and lots of chicken.

    But realistically, I'm happy if I weigh just 1 measly pound less than the prior week. It didn't go on overnight, and it won't come off overnight either.
  • steffilily
    steffilily Posts: 149
    I also knew I had a long road ahead of me to reach my goal but what keeps me motiviated is looking at my youngest child and thinking how FAST time has gone by and she's not even 2 years old. I keep thinking that if I had started the lifestyle change when she was born, I would have been at my goal by now. That is how fast I hope it'll feel for me by the time I reach my goal.
  • slapshotgolf
    slapshotgolf Posts: 163 Member
    First off, Great job on your huge loss and success!! That is awesome!!

    Second, I was just thinking the same thing and just posted something similar, but more of a complaint on my wall here. I am having a difficult time seeing people around me losing faster than me while using a quick fix of some sort. It gets a bit overwhelming at times. But I also posted that I am thankful to all the supportive friends on here who are doing the same thing as me and reminding me daily that it is healthy and working. I know that this works and the quick fix is unhealthy and not usually long term.

    Thank you for this post when I need a reminder most!!

    Great job monoxide - you're doing great - doing it slow is the way to go - If we fail to learn as we lose the weight, we learn to fail and put it back on.....
  • myvenus
    myvenus Posts: 188 Member
    I COMMEND you for this post, I support it, and I think this will help alot of people. I have taken this same "concept" into my daily life since joining MFP and I TRULY believe this is what we ALL need to succeed..............Great!!!
  • Smartyfan
    Smartyfan Posts: 10
    Great job!! I have never found anything as good as my fitness pal. I find that I can eat anything I want but I have to make sure that it is a wise choice. I have never been this commited to any program as I don't consider this a program but a lifestyle change. I am learning how to eat for the first time in my life and I love it. I have lost 12 lbs. so far but could be doing better but I cannot exercise until the foot cast is off. Thank you for your words of inspiration.
  • SaraTonin
    SaraTonin Posts: 551 Member
    Great post!!! Slow and steady wins this kind of race! That's for sure.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    EXACTLY! Good for you for posting that for us all to read today.

    Ive lost mine since the beginning of the year too - much faster than I expected. I find myself disappointed the weeks the numbers arent as high as usual. But I always remind myself thats not what this is about. Its not a race to the finish - its about being healthier every day. Slowly changing my mind and body to erase what Ive done all these years. That takes a lot of time and effort!

    I also hate when people ask me what my big secret is. They almost act disappointed to find out its just healthy choices and not some magic pill or fad. This works and sticks! Why do anything else!
  • glamazonjenn
    glamazonjenn Posts: 31 Member
    I could not have said it better myself! I feel the same way and did the same thing when I decided to get healthy this year. And I too am doing it the old fashioned way...Calories in calories out! I even do all my working out at home...why pay a gym membership?! I too have lost weight quicker than most of my friends and family. I want to stay determined and stay focused so I will be sending a friend request your way next....you are such an encouragement!!! Keep it up...and heres to a good healthy life! Cheers~
  • SimplyDeLish
    Well said my friend. My 76 pounds (65 before MFP) have come off slowly but surely. Fad diets don't work - if they did many of us would not be here needing to lose weight. It's a lifestyle choice to be healthy and fit. My goal is 1-2 pounds off per week - it's most likely going to take me until the end of 2012 but I'm cool with that - because everyday I'm healthier than the day before.
  • Mutsie
    Mutsie Posts: 15
    Great post and congratulations on your fantastic results so far!

    I often find myself looking for an easier and quicker way to get rid of those extra pounds, but there is this voice at the back of my head telling me to calm down and literally take it one day at a time. And losing weight doesn't mean depriving yourself from the good (and very yummy) things in life. After all when we reach our goal weight we still want to be able to have a piece of chocolate without it going straight to the hips! :tongue:

    This journey really is a life changing one and I think we all are on the right track by logging our daily food and exercise. For some of us this journey may take longer than for others, but in the end I'm sure we will all make it to the finish!
  • dwellsouth
    dwellsouth Posts: 158 Member
    Great advice from someone who knows! :glasses:
    This is all very new to me - watching what I eat is very new to me. So your sage advice helps me tremendously. Right now I'm all about facing reality and being accountable and responsible for my condition of being obese (not pleasantly plump or just fat).
    You are definitely an inspiration!
    Thank you!
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Well said and congrats!!!! I swear if I see one more post on HCG or 17-day diets I am going to freak out! Just eat better and work out people!
  • alienblonde1
    alienblonde1 Posts: 749 Member
    Thanks for the reminder. Sometimes I get bummed seeing some of my friends here lose and lose and lose and the last 3 weeks I have been stuck. I part of that is last month has been very stressful. Seeing some here loss 2 to 4 lbs a week consistently kind of bums me. I know my body is changing (per measurements) and I know I almost have lost in 3 months what I lost in all of last year before MFP.

    I thank you for being one of my friends and the inspiration you give me and also this reminder. I know it took a long time to put on all this weight is something I got to remember. :smile:
  • janack
    janack Posts: 33 Member
    Well said!
  • lenise21215
    Congratulations on your weight loss success. I could not agree with you more, a healthy weight loss will only occur through renewed thinking and hard work, or as my doctor says “Losing weight only occurs when individuals make lifestyle changes”. My weight was starting to get out of control, or shall I say I was starting to get out of control because I had no self control. My beginning weight in September 2010 was 235 pounds-the killing part is 4 years earlier I weighed 213 pounds and managed to loss 75 pounds-but at that time I did not loss the weight in a healthy way, I lost it quick and mentally I was not ready for the change. I was exercising regularly and eating healthy, but my mind was not renewed because I had those same tendencies to overeat. When something went wrong I ate, when I was happy or sad I ate and within 2 years I had gained 60 pounds. However, to date I have lost 38 pounds and I have a renewed mind and spirit. I learned the true meaning of self-control and patients and treating your body as your temple. I eat healthy, I exercise and I do not put unrealistic goals on my weight loss efforts, I have about 25 pounds to go and I have not even set a date or a timeframe to loss those 25 pounds. I will continue on the same path and know that I’m doing my best. The best advice I could give to anyone who is battling with weight is 1. Do not put too much pressure on yourself your allowed to have “some” treats (I love a Hershey Bar with Almonds or a Frappe from McDonalds but the difference is I might have them once a month vs. five or six times a week. ) -2.practice portion control and choose healthier foods 3. Stay active “always”, 4. Drink plenty of water and get plenty of rest. In addition, try to replace those times you would eat with more productive habits i.e. getting to that one task you said you would get too. Most important do not put a timeframe on your weight loss because it discourages you when you do not reach that goal weight in that timeframe. A healthy weight loss should take place over at least 18-24 months. Myfitnesspal has helped me learn how to stay within my range of calories, carbs, fat and protein.
  • ohnuts14
    ohnuts14 Posts: 197
    i agree with you, 100%. this is the message i've tried to get across to all of my friends who are trying to lose weight, but i'm not quite as articulate so it doesn't sound nearly as good. =P you're a really good writer btw, you should start an online blog or something, sign up for google adsense or buy a web domain blog and have companies pay you to advertise! you can make a little extra cash while inspiring others while you share stories of your weight loss journey!
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