Need help jump starting

jelloabz Posts: 17 Member
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
Due to hypothyroidism, I've gained 40 lbs in 2.5 years. It is depressing. I have a healthy diet and workout regularly, but it has been so hard to get any weight off. I have been on synthroid now for a month and I feel more energy, but still can't seem to drop the lbs. I started the couch to 5k running program, and I'm on week 5, and haven't lost 1 pound.

I need help. Need a jump start or something. I've tried tracking my food before and it didn't seem to help much, but after finding this site I hope it does.

Any tips??? I'm turning 30 this year and want to look smoking hot! :)


  • Your weight gain is more likely to be due to slowing of your metabolism rather than what you are eating. Stick to healthy eating and regular exercise and be patient for the effects of the medication speeding up your metabolism.
    Good luck!
  • cocodp
    cocodp Posts: 164
    start eating more frequently...i've read this so many times and finally put together a schedule for myself to eat about 2 weeks ago to try actually helped! my weight started going down finally. it really does keep your metabolism going which is what you need to increase.

    best of luck!
  • jelloabz
    jelloabz Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks guys!
    I will try the eating more frequently, and also try to be patient. It's just so hard and frustrating.... and depressing.... Hard to stay motivated.
  • olyrose
    olyrose Posts: 569 Member
    start eating more frequently...i've read this so many times and finally put together a schedule for myself to eat about 2 weeks ago to try actually helped! my weight started going down finally. it really does keep your metabolism going which is what you need to increase.

    best of luck!

    This has really worked for me, too! I always thought eating extra was counter-productive, but it keeps me (pretty) satisfied throughout the day and helps me make better decisions later on in the evening, when I would normally have a huge dinner (followed by snacks)
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