I am new to MFP but not to losing weight.

Hey everyone
Well I am a 28yr old navy wife with 2 kids daughter is 4 1/2 and my son is 16 months old. I am a stay at home mom and I decided to start counting calories to change things up as I was and have been on WW. I lost 80 pounds when i was 21 on ww and then 50 after having my daughter in 06. Then I gained some weights becuase of meds and life issues. Last November my dad passed away and then my son turned 1 shortly after and I realized I needed to get healthy again for my family and to not have them lose me like I lost my dad cause it was and is the worst feeling. So I go back on ww and since then have lost 7.5 pounds but that was starting end of DEC so not a big loss. I notice I got to comfortable with it and needed a change. So here I am lol I go to the gym almost everyday and I have a lot to lose I am looking to lose 121 pounds so just wanted to introduce myself and say hi to everyone!
TTYL Jenny


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,099 Member
    Hi, Jenny. Welcome :flowerforyou:

    Really cute babies you have! Good luck on your new healthy journey.
  • WolffEarl
    WolffEarl Posts: 379 Member
    hello there Jenny
    Welcome. You certainly have come to the right place. Many of us are on the very same journey as you.
  • upmommyof5
    upmommyof5 Posts: 21 Member
    I also have quite a bit of weight to lose. You can do it. This website is such a great tool!! Good luck to you!!!
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    Thank you guys I appreciate it I know I can do this with everyone on heres help!!!! Thank u!!! :bigsmile: