Greek yogurt

mckant Posts: 217 Member
edited September 26 in Food and Nutrition
I finally gave in and tried Chobani yogurt the other day. Huge mistake! I love it but it's so expensive. I'm telling myself it's totally worth it. What's your favorite kind?


  • jeslesma
    jeslesma Posts: 5
    Activia cherry flavor is delicious!
  • ohiomom2
    ohiomom2 Posts: 13
    MCkant - I did the same thing!! But it is too pricey. I will use it as a special treat for myself and hide it like I hide the Pepperidge Farm cookies from my boys! :D
  • caitlinclock
    caitlinclock Posts: 528 Member
    I am also addicted to Chobani.
    Totally worth it.

    My favourites are blueberry, raspberry, strawberry, and honey. :love:
  • My favorite is the Fage plain yogurt. I add some berries and a little honey or agave syrup and it is so yummy and creamy. Not too expensive if you buy it in the large container at Costco.
  • Fage is yummmmy
  • mexiana
    mexiana Posts: 77 Member
    They have the plain at Sam's club, a LOT cheaper! I got a huge thing of honey too and I measure it out to use with the yogurt lol... I also use the honey in my oatmeal in the morning. 60 calories for 1 tablespoon vs. the 4 teaspoons of sugar I would usually use!
  • ChristineM1953
    ChristineM1953 Posts: 135 Member
    I actually love Fage 0% plain yogurt. I use it on everything, as sour cream on potatoes, for nachos, mixed with some Cool Whip and flavoring for a "fluff" dessert, on top of waffles with fruit, and just plain with some honey in it.. It is so thick and creamy, I don't even like regular yogurt anymore!
  • ekicinsk
    ekicinsk Posts: 92 Member
    I like the pomegranate and raspberry the best. If you have a super target or target w/ grocery section, they've been going on sale 5/$5 or $6 every other week it seems. They also occasionally sell them at Sam's/Costco.
  • GonnaDoItJenn
    GonnaDoItJenn Posts: 131 Member
    Athenos, Voskos and even Yoplait have been great for me. I have really loved the Plain with Honey but am working on finding one with lower calories and sugars.
  • dmanakho
    dmanakho Posts: 143 Member
    I buy Chobani at BJ's warehouse club. Much cheaper that way.
    Usually make a mix of 1 part of fat free Chobani + 1 part fat free cottage cheese + some frozen berries and sprinkle with chopped walnuts or almonds for my late evening supper meal.

    Yesterday, I bought Dannon's brand Greek style yogurt.. It isn't bad and was on sale in Harristeeter for a fraction of Chobani's price and with pretty much the same nutritional value.

    It's best to buy plain yogurt... too much sugar in flavored kinds. I'd rather sweeten it at home with some quality honey myself
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    I'll buy one or 2 chobani's a week... Mango is my fav!!!

    otherwise Athenos Greek strained Honey 1dollar at Walmart

  • I like to do the Dannon Plain Greek Protein yogurt. I put 2 splenda's in it along with my own cut up strawberries As a matter of fact i eat 2 of these daily. Very yummy! :)
  • Totally worth the price to me. I watch for them to go on sale in the Target add, and then stock up! They seem to have a longer expiration date than regular yogurt.
  • Mom2rh
    Mom2rh Posts: 612 Member
    Trader Joe's non fat plain with some frozen berries and a tiny bit of honey.
  • jazgal
    jazgal Posts: 122
    Chobani yogurt
  • unicorn19girl
    unicorn19girl Posts: 56 Member
    I do Dannon plain yogurt with two tablespoons of craisins or one tablespoon of craisins with a 1/4 cup of cereal such as fiber one or quaker oatmeal squares to balance out carbs and protein. I eat this before a work out and found it good. I have also done a tablespoon of cinnamon with fiber one cereal. Adds flavor and a little kick.
  • dmanakho
    dmanakho Posts: 143 Member
    I like to do the Dannon Plain Greek Protein yogurt. I put 2 splenda's in it along with my own cut up strawberries As a matter of fact i eat 2 of these daily. Very yummy! :)

    Is anyone using stevia as a sweetener? I've read that stevia is the only one naturally derived zero calories sweetener without controversial potential side effects.
  • FinMcK
    FinMcK Posts: 23 Member
    I use Truvia brand of stevia. The health food site where I buy my supplements really pushes xylitol, but I haven't tried it yet. I like Truvia.
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