Something to remember...

I stole this quote:

"I remind myself that each workout isn’t a task or an obligation. It’s another opportunity to invest in myself."

from this blog site:

and I just thought I would repost it here, with proper credit of course, to remind us all that we are investing in ourselves. We are so totally worth every exercise minute, every calorie not eaten, every little bead of sweat that drops off of our body....YES WE ARE WORTH THE INVESTMENT!!!!!

Take charge of your future...Invest in yourself!


  • Teebowen
    Teebowen Posts: 78 Member
    what an awesome way to think of this journey! thank you for sharing!!!!
  • carrotstick
    That's great! Very motivational - and true!
  • emilex
    emilex Posts: 95 Member
    That is so true. Great quote.