End of Week 3 STARS Challenge!!!

[This 8 week challenge is now up to week 3! Please check forum for other new challenges]

Happy End of Week 3 and start of Week 4 STARS! WE HAVE MADE IT TO HALF WAY!!! :drinker:

And what a week it’s been! This week has been our most successful week as a team! We have THREE WINNERS to announce for week 3 who met ALL the challenge goals! I’m so proud of you guys and so stoked for you! ROUND OF APPLAUSE TO:

- - - Hype: Hit and smashed 7/7 calories and exercise 7/7 (yesterday did 5 hrs!) 3lb loss puts her at 203lb at week 3 - her goal was 204lb for week 4! WELL DONE!!!

- - - Ambeee11: Once again annihilated her challenge going over and above the minimum exercise 7/7 and under her calorie 7/7! BRILLIANT achievement yet AGAIN!

- - - Azalea30: Well and truly aboard the band wagon being another challenge winner meeting calorie goals 7/7 and exercising like a machine at the gym 7/7!!! TOP JOB! loss 0.9

*** We'd love you three to share some of your success tips in meeting 2 X 7/7 with us ***

Without further ado, lets applaud the following STAR loggers for their commitment checking in this week:

- - - sweetsarahj: exercise goal 7/7 GREAT WORK getting that metabolism going and meeting the 7/7!!! calories 3/7 great logging!

- - - Fifibox: 4/7 days for calorie goal and 5/7 for exercise, just got a cold and given a sympathy box of choc!

Awesome work team, see some people missing up here? See your buddy missing? Let me know how there going if you know, or send them some encouragement to stick out the challenge and msg me their results to add up here if they’ve just forgotten. That’s why it’s called a challenge cos it’s not easy, it takes commitment to log, and report but it will feel SO good at the end when we do it together!

Most important thing you can do is keep logging in no matter how bad your days results have been! (Though clearly this isn’t a problem this week! WINNERS!)
(Just look at my diaries! Total shame on some days lol but better logging bad choices then denial)

3 winners this week and it wasn’t you or me? It happens! Let's try to ALL make it onto the list for meeting our challenge guidelines/goals next week! Go STARS! Hey we have 4 weeks left to try get our 7/7’s down packed! Imagine if you could get 7/7 for the last 4 weeks in a row – a month of perfection WOW how good would THAT feel! Let’s give it a shot and re-fuel our determination and focus today ready to take this on!!!

***Question of the Day*** [Inspired by Miss Jamaica and the Livestrong Fitness Tip of the Day]

Failing to plan always equals planning to fail, what can you plan this week or continue planning this week to avoid failure?

My answer:

Not change my routine and make sure I have the same breakfast every day no matter how late I get up, weekend and weekday

STARS Guidelines:
- This challenge isn’t about how much weight you lose each week, it’s about your mental/emotional/psychological view and commitment to a long lasting healthy lifestyle, forming new long lasting habits. The weight loss will come from this of course, but the basic guidelines for this challenge are:
Exercising minimum 30 minutes a day, meeting calorie net goal every day. A perfect winning week would look like = 7/7 exercise, 7/7 calories. By all means do more. If I miss a day and do double the next day, I log no missed day as I’ve made it up – just chucking that idea out there, don’t beat yourself up ever!

- Write as much as possible when writing to your buddy and in the forum, we are in this TOGETHER!

- Please MESSAGE me (fifibox) your end of week update on or before Sunday night of each week.

- Support, support, support! Who can’t use a home court advantage? Let’s cheer each other on!


In order to maintain some order on the forum, I will close the forum and start a new one every Monday with the results you have messaged me on the Sunday. So, look for “STARS Challenge – End of Week 2” etc. each week.

Keep Shining STARS!
Fi xo :flowerforyou:


  • Hype
    Hype Posts: 349

    My answer to the question is - im going to plan out my exercise, know what im doing and when. My bad habit is, waiting until like 7pm of a day and then trying to figure out what exercise i will be doing!

    Saying that - reading what you have written - 'shame on some days' - look at my diarys, i have either mcdonalds, chocolate and pop on all of my days - i look at my diary at the end of the day and if im over my calories then, i find something extra to do, weather it be bike riding or just dancing for a bit, just that extra bit of 'fun' maybe? to end the day! Exercising like dancing doesn't feel like exercise at all. This week, i will bike ride, but make it more of a work out - by adding soem resistance =)

    We can all do this! It's just having the right results and support....I have been lucky by always loosing some weight.....but i still could not of done it without everyones support on here! So thank you all guys! My loss so far have been because of you, watching your posts and reading your comments!
  • Ambeee11
    Ambeee11 Posts: 51 Member
    Oh wow everyones doing so well! Congrats to you all!

    A little tip for me is putting my phone/alarm on the other side of the room so I have to physically get out of my bed to turn the darn thing off which helps so much. When the surfs good though- i just jump out & straight into my swimmers!

    For some reason the last few days I've been craving comfort food/sweets I think its the change of weather here, my plan is to make sure I have easy quick low calorie snacks in the house to give me my sugar/comfort hit. Also exercising in the morning is so much better- my whole outlook of the day is positive and I find I have more energy/better sleeps at night!

    Can't believe were up to week 4!!!