why am i hungry all day if i have a big breakfast?

Ive noticed that once i have something to eat in the morning, i just cant stop, and am more hungry than if i dont have anything at all. It seems to really screw my calories up for the day.
This morning i havent had any breakfast and im no more hungry now than i was at this time yesterday when i had a big breakfast.

I understand breakfast is officially "the right thing to do", but does anyone else find the same thing?


  • SGartz
    SGartz Posts: 57
    What do you have usually?

    Do you have a snack mid morning?

    Something like porridge will keep you full longer, maybe sliced banana too and for a snack peanut putter and apple.
  • ramseyrose
    ramseyrose Posts: 421 Member
    I am just about to have a cooked breakfast, so I will let you know how I feel later.

    It could be because your metablism has gone up a notch as they say it does when you have a good breakfast. It wil also depend on what you have; as sugary cereal and other high GI foods will make you crave more food.

    I am about to have eggs and bacon so i am hoping the protein will fill me up.
  • BillieDeacon
    Completely agree, i find eating food makes me hungrier, as stupid as that sounds!
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    i have different things most days. Ive been trying to experiment with what keeps me fuller for longer, but am coming to the conclusion that it doesnt matter what it is. High fibre, High protein, low fibre, low protein, I still feel hungry again an hour later and pretty much crave food all morning once i start.
  • tinareet
    tinareet Posts: 126
    When I first started eating breakfast, I found I was hungrier throughout the day, but that eventually reduces as your body starts to realise its the normal, However even now if I miss breakfast one day, I will be fine that day but the following day when I do have breakfast I'll be starving. Maybe start with small breakfasts like a slice of toast, small amount of porridge, and gradually build it up. If you can get some good carbs and protein in your breakfast it will keep you going longer.
  • tinareet
    tinareet Posts: 126
    I also found when I was on a low carb diet cheese and meat and go completely continental at breakfast may really keep the cravings away.
  • SGartz
    SGartz Posts: 57
    Try having a large glass of water with your breakfast - I find this helps a lot.

    Also, try and associate the hunger feelings as your body telling you it's burning fat, this is what I do and I actually feel good about being hungry!
  • AnneGenevieveS
    AnneGenevieveS Posts: 441 Member
    I am more hungry all day if I have a simple carbs (refined) or sugary breakfast. If I have protein and dairy with fruit, I am a lot better. Maybe it is the type of breakfast?

    Or maybe being hungry is a good sign that your metabolism is jump-started and burning more :)
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    I'm exactly the same! I've never really been a fan of breakfast, so now eat my breakfast during my morning coffee break at work which is at 10:30. I just have a yogurt and I find thats enough to keep me going until lunch time without feeling too hungry in between.
  • ramseyrose
    ramseyrose Posts: 421 Member
    Update: I didn't have bacon; I was so busy on here it ended up as charcoal! Had poached egg on wholemeal toast though :)
  • vwbug86
    vwbug86 Posts: 283 Member
    When I was in my high school health class they explained that eating breakfast kick started your metabolism so it actually makes you hungrier though the day.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    ive just found this on the internet


    I think its interesting. I was actually looking for "reasons TO eat breakfast"
  • chrymo
    chrymo Posts: 17
    Same Here... Big Breakfast makes me sleepy and more hungry, although eating a different set of big breakfast makes me less hungry.

    For example the other day, since I decided I will have a longer walk, I ate One Egg, Hotdog and Two Slices of Bread with coffee... The whole time I was out, I felt hungry and I felt exhausted fairly easily.

    The next day, another big breakfast, this time 1 bowl of kelloggs with milk, a peanut butter sandwich (wheat bread) and one pear and I felt more energetic and wasnt able to snack on anything til lunch, I felt I would have skipped lunch If I didnt know it would screw up my metabolism...
  • Laura_Helen
    Laura_Helen Posts: 8 Member
    I have the exact same problem! I call them my hollow-leg days because all the food I eat seems to end up in a mysterious hollow leg instead of my stomach!! If I don't eat right away (wait a few hours), then I manage to stay mostly on track for the rest of the day. But if I start with breakfast, I'm done!! I've tried oatmeal, eggs, eggs and toast, yogurt, fruit, sandwiches (maybe if my stomach *thinks* it's lunch, it won't bother me?), but no combination seems to help!! I just drink a couple cups of coffee and drink my water until lunch.

    Interesting article!!!
  • kirstyfoy
    kirstyfoy Posts: 139 Member
    Are you sure you are actually hungry, or (a bit like the addict I am) you are just craving food? I have 30g crunchy nut cornflakes or 45g Alpen every morning. At the start of my diet I felt hungry because I was used to snacking. Try eating slow release energy like porridge or maybe banana's?

  • ramseyrose
    ramseyrose Posts: 421 Member
    UPDATE: didn't feel hungry til lunch time but I had 3 mugs of tea which may have kept hunger at bay.
  • niki30
    niki30 Posts: 40
    I try to eat very little carbs in the morning. and drink alot of water. It keeps me full for longer. try drinking a big glass of water right after eating and when you feel hungry. that should trick your body into feeling full until its time to eat again.
  • Natalie0506
    Natalie0506 Posts: 163
    While this may not be the best way to do it, if I have coffee with my breakfast, I stay fuller much longer. I ate about two hours ago, and I'm starting to get thirsty again, which is manifesting as a rumbly tummy. I also try to make breakfast my largest meal of the day, around 500 calories. That way when night time rolls around, I'm not quite as hungry as I could be if I hadn't have eaten that much.
  • ButterflyKristen
    ButterflyKristen Posts: 109 Member
    When I was in my high school health class they explained that eating breakfast kick started your metabolism so it actually makes you hungrier though the day.

    That makes sense and is very interesting. I feel the same about breakfast. That is why, I drink my coffee (I put milk and agave equalling about 100 calories) in the morning. Then I graze on high protein a scrambled egg, some peanut butter, etc. I eat some fruit before my workout and eat lunch after my workout (I can do this b/c I'm a "stay-at-home-mom"). Being able to graze seems to help with the huge 10:30 a.m. hunger.
  • staceylaines
    Eating in the morning revs up your metabolism. You are literally "breaking a fast" from not eating all night. When we fast, our body realizes it and slows down. This is why people who eat breakfast generally are more successful in losing weight. You are waking up your body's metabolism earlier, meaning you start burning more calories sooner.

    At least, this is what I learned in my last nutrition course.