Starting tomorrow, need some advice!

Hey all! I am starting my official diet tomorrow, I am kinda of nervous because I really suck at this diet thing and I always start off strong but fall in towards the end of the day (late night eating is my downfall) I dont know what to do sometimes and it seems impossible and then I just want to give up, I love food so my question is, does anybody have any advice or tips on how I could stick with this and not end up undoing everything by constant and mindless eating? Please let me know! Thank you.



  • LuneBleu85
    LuneBleu85 Posts: 217
    You can do it!
    Have lots of healthy food handy and don't skip meals so your body is starving at any point (this is when overindulgences happen). I'm not a nutrition expert but this has always been a key for me, when I get hungry and I'm at work or out of the house I will and do eat anything! So I always have a granola bar or banana in my purse so if I'm feeling starving I can wait until I am home or calm myself down to make more reasonable choices.
  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    What's always worked for me is small snacks throughout the day. Snaking is what prevents you from binge eating at your main meals.

    I've always loved 5 baby carrots every one to two hours. If you do go the route of vegetables, beware of dressing. Common mistake. I don't even use dressing. You learn to live without it.
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    I would say:
    *Don't think of it as a diet, think of it as a change in diet. You want something you can keep the rest of your life
    *If you mess up a bit it isn't the end of the world, just keep on going.
    *Make sure and drink plenty of water, work out regularly and maybe start a new hobby if you can in order to keep your mind off food.
    Anyway, good luck!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    I too used to falter in the evenings...popcorn and ice cream were my weaknesses! My suggestion is enlist lots of friends on here to help motivate and encourage you. This site is great and there is lots of encouragement to be found here. But when all is said and done only you can control the amount of food that you put in your mouth. But I can say from experience that the more accountability you have the better you will do. Good luck in your journey!
  • havi7
    havi7 Posts: 80 Member
    It really depends on what your diet is, but one good tip that covers all is to make sure you're drinking lots of water as it will sometimes stave off hunger. Another tip is to tell people in your life about your diet plans. It makes it hard to eat a cupcake if the person sitting across from you knows you're on a diet. The last tip, help others. I've found that motivating and supporting others in their goals helps me to work towards mine.

    Good luck :)
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    start cooking all your meals from as scratch as you can. You'll save a ton of calories and get to eat more of the good stuff. Really push the 2 fruits, 3 veggies. Steam em, roast em, nuke em. :) Switch away from anything white. Lean protein is your friend. Chicken, fish, lean pork and beef, eggs, etc. Switch up the fats so that you're eating them from nuts, avacados, etc. switch oil to Extra virgin Olive oil.

    I find that if I can eat tasty food and a good portion of it then I stay full and then not so much snacking. I keep yogurt (greek) in the house and at night if I really want something I eat that.

    I don't look at it like a diet. I look at like a life style change that makes me healthy etc. Amazingly enough last time I ate McDonnalds (Dec) I was so sick.

    Just try to make changes in 3 week blocks and build on them. I will workout 3 x in a week for a 1/2 hour for 3 weeks. Then build on that. I will make 5 healthy dinners for the next 3 weeks, (make extra to take for lunches or freeze for future lunches), etc.

    I find I do better if I try to break it down and look at little chunks and add to them as I go. :)

    Good luck on your journey. You can do it.
  • kps1104
    kps1104 Posts: 58
    good for you! I would say keep healthy snacks around and lots of friends to keep you motivated! Also try to find some form of exercise that you truly enjoy, that way when its time to do you don't fear it, you will want to do it! For me, I do zumba 3 times a week :P I love it! It's wonderful, I love getting out there and working out. good luck on your journey! you can add me to your friends list if you would like some motivation :)
  • mandysjourney
    mandysjourney Posts: 260 Member
    If you think you are going to have trouble at night plan your day. Plan the whole 24 hours so you know what you will have and when. I dont plan mine well and usually have lots le3ft at the end of the day which isnt good either. I usually have a yoghurt at night, yoplait no fat forme. They are great. Low cal, no fat and satisfy me.
  • jess_ellen
    I always plan out the whole days food either the night before or first thing in the morning. Sure I can swap things eg. if I feel like a different cracker but at least I know what is going on. I always plan my frozen yogurt after dinner and a snack size chocolate once a day. This way I don't feel like I'm missing out. I also put all my snacks into snack size bags, all measured out after I get home from shopping this way when i'm hungry I'm picking up the whole box of crackers. I found on the kraft america website that they had some really great low cal recipes.

    Don't stress about it. you don't have to become the most healthiest person over night, just take little steps.
  • Natalie0506
    Natalie0506 Posts: 163
    Don't think of it as a diet. Think of it as fuel for your body. You have to change the entire way that you think. And take it one day at a time. Don't think about tomorrow or next week or next month. Just think about today. What are you going to choose to eat? What are you going to choose to do? What workout are you going to choose to do today? Just keep making the best choice you possibly can, and you will see results!
  • ramseyrose
    ramseyrose Posts: 421 Member
    Eat regularly. If you don't eat enough during the day you will snack at night. My main piece of advice is Take Your Measurements. For so many people including myself the scales don't always move which can be a real demotivator. The weeks I haven't lost weight, I have lost inches. Good luck, you're in the right place :)
  • fabulousfebe
    I agree with all the previous posts. You are in good company here at you will find the motivation you need to succeed!! Not to be too repetivtive here, but drink plenty of water, eat 3 meals and 3 snacks (this helps speed up your metabolism), watch your portions at meals, think of your new "diet" as a lifestyle change. So often when we think of "diet" we think of "restriction." So eat what you like but in smaller portions, pay attention to when you are actually "full" (eat slowly, chew all your food giving your brain time to catch up with your mouth) that's when you should stop eating...even if there's food left on your plate. I wish you the best!! :flowerforyou: