Let's Hear those 5K Times--

Runners! Beginners, C25K'ers, vets, let's hear those 5K times.

I measured a 5K route and did C25K W4D1 today, with a finish time of 39:23 (that's including a 10 minute warm up brisk walk too).

As I'm a beginner, I have no idea if that's good, bad or ugly, so how's everyone else's time?


  • Flyntiggr
    Flyntiggr Posts: 898 Member
    I am not a fast runner. I am, however, faster than I USED to be. I'm still training right now - my first 'new me' 5k is April 30th. I've been doing mostly treadmill work right now, and my best so far has been 41:25. Ironically, this was with two long incline blocks built in. I anticipate the real race will go faster just because of adrenaline. My fastest ever was just under 39 (like 7 years ago), and I'd like to beat that if I can....
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    My best 5k time so far has been 23:48 I have been running for about a year now so i dont know if I would be a vet xD haha I went from running an 11 minute mile to under 7 in that amount of time tho :]
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    wow thats fast, I thought my 27 mins was pretty good
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    My best 5k time so far has been 23:48 I have been running for about a year now so i dont know if I would be a vet xD haha I went from running an 11 minute mile to under 7 in that amount of time tho :]
  • amyrc12
    amyrc12 Posts: 183 Member
    I started the couch to 5K this morning... in a few weeks i'll be able to add something to this post ; )
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    27:02 on my last 5K, will be running a race on Saturday and I hope to better that.
  • JenniferO1982
    JenniferO1982 Posts: 21 Member
    I am about 35 minutes.
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    My first 5K (and only one so far) on March 19 was 29:26. The 5K portion of my tri this past week was 29:17. My goal is to get under 25:00.
  • LinsdayMV
    LinsdayMV Posts: 16 Member
    Go to the bluenose website and look up past race results for your age group. That'll give you an idea.
  • bfh123
    bfh123 Posts: 33 Member
    Did a 5K a couple weeks ago. 31.14 = 10.03 pace.

    Mile one killed me between an overpass and the normal pack separation. I paced mile 1 at 11:35, paced 2 and 3 at sub 9:40.

    I need to do another one soon. I think I can get to sub 30.00
  • Triathlynne
    My fastest 5K ever was 34 minutes, and that was being pulled by a dog in icy conditions. lol I enjoy running but I'm not fast by any means. Have a half marathon coming up in July and would love to PR!
  • jjhenry5
    jjhenry5 Posts: 80 Member
    I did a 24:21 last May, which is my PR. I'd like to get under 8 minute miles.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Last summer I think my best one was 23:08. However, I have already run some paces this year on longer runs that would put my 5K time in the low 20 minute range. So once I am recovered from my marathon, I will be looking to break 20:00 in some of the summer 5K's.
  • bjgoodman
    19:34, PB. :D
  • mazomama
    mazomama Posts: 138 Member
    Lol....im so behind every one! I did my first this last sunday in about 40 min!
  • farmerswife87
    Lol....im so behind every one! I did my first this last sunday in about 40 min!

    No way! We're already faster than the people who are sitting on the couch eating Doritos! Be proud! I'm super proud of myself for running 5k in 39:23, because up until about January 2011, I was one of the Dorito-Eaters! (Well, actually kettle chips were my poison ;) )
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    5K is a nasty beast of a distance to race. A couple years back I ran a 19:49 (~ 6:23 per mile) - that was a seriously painful endeavor!
  • jenniferlspies
    I'm on Week 3 of 5K 101 (I did Week 1 for 2 weeks and am doing the same for Week 3), and I did my first 5K distance on Saturday. I actually did 3.4 miles altogether (it was easier to map my route this way) and my time was 39:08. I wanted to just fall asleep after that!
  • dailyorange
    dailyorange Posts: 128
    My fastest 5K has been about 31 minutes. Haven't really ran that much lately as I've been trying to incorporate more intervals into my running. Hope I can speed things up! =D
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    My best was 21:00 about three years ago. But I stopped running right after that and just started again this year. So, right now it probably would be closer to 24 or 25 minutes.