New to this! - need a bikini bod by june! eeek!

Hi everyone :D

Thought I'd come and introduce myself. :) So my name's Pip, Im 19, and have put on 2 and a half stone (around 35 pounds) since going to uni in september! (thats a lot of weight in a short amount of time and now ive got stretchmarks aswell!) :(

Im going on holiday at the end of june and i want to look slightly better in my bikini! :s Although id like to lose 2.5 stone altogether i would like to lose a stone by june, by being on weightwatchers and exercising loads! Anyone else in this position?

And any tips that could help me would be awesome!

(oh and id like to do jillians 30 day shred in may so if anyone has done it and found it worked please tell! it looks harrdddd!)


  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    hi, would suggest plenty of walking, plenty of water as well as keeping within ur calorie intake and im on day 8 level 1 of shred and have lost weight since starting it as well as inches:smile:
  • ljfx
    ljfx Posts: 2
    Hiya. I did the shred DVD for a while - definelty see some results if you do it every day
  • aimelee
    aimelee Posts: 216 Member
    Shred is amazing! i highly recommend it! good luck. :)
  • yarnhoarder
    yarnhoarder Posts: 36 Member
    im on day 7 of the shred, havent lost any weight yet, but my endurance is so much better and i have noticed my skin is firmer :)