
I just wanted to know what the elliptical benefits ?
I know it's great cardio, but i read somewhere on here that solely doing the elliptical actually made the person's thighs/calves bigger! which i definately don't want to happen!
and i'd just switch to running instead, but i had a plate/screws put in / taken out of my ankle from a 2 really bad breaks in 2 bones - at the same time, and ligament tears, and ever since then my ankle has been very weak and will act up if its overworked ---which running does to it very easily...

..thats why ive stuck to the elliptical, so i was pretty much curious as to what the benefits of the elliptical are


  • paigecrowe
    paigecrowe Posts: 70 Member
    I use the ellptical for my cardio too. My legs are getting stronger, tighter and leaner, not bigger. I would recommend using it especially if running hurts you.
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    I wouldn't think you would need to worry about 'bulking' up on the Elliptical.
  • Hanna82
    Hanna82 Posts: 138 Member
    There are different types of ellipticals. There are the kind that have settings where you can choose to work your calves or butt and thighs or whatever. Then there's the free form/crosstrainer ellipicals where you chose the resistance and it's like a free motion running machine. All ellipticals have their different benefits and if you vary your exercises on them then you should be fine. It's always good to vary your exercise routine because the longer you do one thing the less affective it will be. If you only use a setting that works your calves/thighs then it makes sense that those areas get bigger as muscle builds. But if you alternate between settings and different types of work outs you should be fine.
  • MeliciousMelis
    MeliciousMelis Posts: 458 Member
    I personally love the elliptical. I have found that I have lost inches on my thighs hips legs at a consistent rate, and my endurance has really grown- from starting out at only 10-15 minutes to going 65 full minutes at a time. I always get a good workout and my knees love me for it.

    Give the Arc trainer a try too, if you have access to one- its like an elliptical, but not on a track-- the movement is different. Being a runner, you might like that more.
  • emadigan
    emadigan Posts: 89 Member
    I do the elliptical a lot of the time; last fall, I was pretty much doing only the elliptical. I love the cardio, without the impact on my joints, which are already sensitive. I haven't noticed my calves or thighs getting BIGGER, they just have gotten more muscular, rather than fatty. However, I am also worried about bulking up too much so I'm starting to work in some Pilates, which is all about making you longer and leaner.
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    I use elliptical mostly to work out because I have one at home. I have found that since doing 40m most days, my calf and thigh muscles have got more noticeable. I don't care though, the fact that it is low impact means I will stick with it as my knees are bad enough that I am not allowed to run any more since my last op. I think it is important to balance it out with some upper body specific work (like on a gym ball) and also go backwards on the elliptical sometimes to work different muscles.