Has anyone over 200 lbs lost 15-20 and not see much differen



  • kmunis
    kmunis Posts: 48 Member
    I have lost nearly 25 lbs (down from 216) and although I don't see a big difference I definitely feel a difference. Alhtough I'm still wearing the same clothes they are now getting loose on me and now that I'm exercising regularly I feel so much stronger and more in shape. I can now run up a flight of stairs without getting totally out of breath! Hang in there!!!
  • boldimp
    boldimp Posts: 17
    Unfortunately there's not a huge difference in size at first. I've lost 19 pounds this time and don't see a real difference yet but when you're over 200 lbs it takes a larger loss to see a lot of difference. I once weighed 300 lbs and it wasn't until I lost over 40 lbs that people started to notice. I got all the way down to 175 two years ago but gained back up to 245. I'm starting over and am really struggling to stay on track this time. At 226 I feel just as big as I did at 300. Try not to get discouraged because one day soon you'll walk into the room and the world will say "WOW!".
  • Angierae75
    Angierae75 Posts: 417 Member
    At about ten pounds down I took pictures, because I know I won't be able to see a difference. (I started at 219, I'm hovering around 206-207 right now)
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    *Intruding in your thread as I am under 200 pounds*

    I thought it was relevant to state that I started at 175, have 30 pounds to lose, am almost half way there, and I don't see a difference either. My pants are a little looser but there is no great transformation. I am thinking it all depends in how you carry your weight, e.g. if your face was thinning, people would notice that before your stomach thinning. I am unlucky in that ALL of my weight is in my hips/butt/gut.
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    Unfortunately, I am well over 200 and lost 75 and I only see it a little bit. My family and Co-workers say they see it alot. I guess that is really good and I see some and the next 75 should really make the difference!

    Keep it up and stay strong! You will see it, if not in the mirror maybe it will be clothes getting to big or just being able to do things you couldn't before. It WILL happen!
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    Aaah you guys are awesome! Didn't think I'd get this many replies as it seems most threads on here never mention this issue.

    I think I'll take a couple of posters suggestion at taking pics every 10 pounds and compare. That's a great idea!

    I thank every single one of you who posted. And please keep em coming!
  • jsavy
    jsavy Posts: 28 Member
    I have lost 18 lbs also and I have noticed in my clothes but really that is about all, with me I remember before it was probably fifty pounds before someone said something so don`t give up it will come slow but surely.......
  • mommacool
    mommacool Posts: 138 Member
    I started at 223 and have lost 23. I have only retired one pair of pants and they were not tight to begin with. All my other clothes were tight, and now I find they are at least comfortable. I really do not think I look any different. The only person who says he can see a difference is the trainer I have been using, but he is really focused on it I suppose. I figure in another 20 or so it will become apparent that I have lost. The other thing is, I think people hesitate to comment unless they are really sure.
  • globe_trekker
    globe_trekker Posts: 20 Member
    I have lost 23lbs and not only are friends whom haven't seen me in months not noticing (despite knowing that I am actively losing weight and working hard since the beginning of the year), but my facial lady recently said to me when asking about my eating habits (she does this every time she gives me a facial) and I told her about the 23lb weight loss:

    "Did you gain weight after I saw you and then lost it, so you are the same as the last time I saw you?".

    Totally discouraging, and she wasn't trying to be mean, I think for me I will have to lose another 10 lbs at least for people to really notice, possibly more. But that day, when she kept talking about other things, of course I was fixated on how I've worked so hard and visibly there is hardly a difference, but I told myself that this should be fuel to keep going. It will be noticeable if I keep going, and honestly, this is for me, not for anyone else, so if people don't notice, I do and that is what matters, I am the healthier for it and I'm sure that my heart and muscles are thanking me for this. Keep on truckin' and I have to be my biggest motivator.

    When I look in the mirror, I definitely see more definition on my waist, I am very tall and quite proportioned (although on a much bigger scale throughout) so I feel like I look more compact. I've even taken photos and do notice, but I had added on quite a few pounds in the past few years and still looked more or less the same so I tell myself that this holds true even when I loose weight.

    I am still wearing the same exact clothes as before, and even used a nice 3/4 sleeve cute blazer as a reference, it was on clearance, super cute, and plaid, I could not resist. It was about 2-3 sizes too small for me, and when I bought it the buttons nowhere near met, and now, I estimate about 7+lbs and possibly I could button it, so I shall keep on truckin'

    Also, my jeans are stretchy (cool, and not in an 80's kind of way, but I figure this is why I can't yet tell in the pants department), though I did try on an older pair that I could not fit into at the beginning of the year, and now they button. I will work hard to have the coveted clothing overhaul.

    Bottom line, is you should be you biggest supporter, and your body will thank you for getting healthier no matter what. It also helps that a friend of mine lost 80lbs and she said that it wasn't until 50lbs lost that people started noticing, and they would comment that her hair looks different, not her body, something was different and they couldn't put their finger on it. If it takes 50lbs for me, then I will keep on working toward that. Good luck everyone and keep on truckin' despite other's reactions or non-reactions.
  • cerob
    cerob Posts: 13 Member
    Thing is, you are looking at yourself every single day so any difference will not be seen until you really look at a before and after pic or if you measure yourself...

    bingo. i don't see much of a difference when looking at myself in the mirror. it isn't until i look at pictures from a year ago, before i first got started, that i see the difference. WOW!

    you look at yourself every single day, so you're not going to notice the changes as much IMO.
  • proverbs31chick
    proverbs31chick Posts: 485 Member
    I posted a thread with the same question a few weeks ago, don't worry. I currently weigh 217, I have lost 12lbs and I don't notice a THING. But some people say they notice a change in my face/neck area. After I posted my thread I felt so much better, I realized its going to take a little more for us to loose before people notice. But as you said this is for life, so the more we loose the more people will notice. Believe me people will notice, just keep doing what your doing.
  • sclosson
    sclosson Posts: 120
    I was 23 8 and today weighed 217. Everyone else is starting to comment, but I don't see a difference. I do feel a difference. Tying my shoe is easier. I have to remember that although I have lost 21 pounds, I still weigh 217. No way around the face that 217 is still pretty big. I really want to get under 200 and see what that looks like.
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    When I began my weight loss journey, I knew I was losing because I was weighing myself (daily......and still do.....personal choice as far as I am concerned), but I had to lose about 30 pounds, and buy myself some jeans that actually fit me before anyone else noticed. I started at 197, so just under your question about 200 pounds.

    Almost five years after my journey began, I am 60 pounds lighter, and still watching what I eat, trying to make healthy choices and use appropriate portion sizes, and still WALKING, WALKING, WALKING. :smile:

  • bethany41h
    bethany41h Posts: 218
    I have the same problem. I have lost about 23 pounds and everyone else says they can tell but I just can't. My mom had lost almost 200 pounds and she told me that even at that weight she would look in the mirror and "feel" like everything was the same. I hope it doesn't get that bad for me. But I can't wait for the day that I can actually see and feel the loss! We see ourselves every day and we tend to be extra hard on ourselves... believe you friend and family and not a self doubting mind! :)
  • taletreader
    taletreader Posts: 377 Member
    I started at 227 pounds / 103 kg and started getting a flood of remarks once I'd gone down into the 190s (85-90 kg). Some colleagues and friends were telling me, too, they'd been wondering before that. But it became really obvious once I'd been down by 25-30 pounds and a solid pant size.
  • adalton6
    adalton6 Posts: 204 Member
    Take a pic of you andccompare it to previous pics. I think you are still in the mindset of how you look it's like your looking into a trick mirror where you don't see your real image. That's how I think of it because I don't see it ether I just go by my clothes. But do you feel it in your clothes and how they fit? That's how I go becausevyou could be losing inches? But keep up the goodvwork!