i know you're supposed to weight in once a week at the most, but i can't stop weighing every day. i don't get depressed or go crazy or anything if i don't go down. if it does go up, i know it's probably because of TOM or sodium or whatever, and it has a lot do do with me learning how my body reacts to certain things. plus, i think if i only weighed in once a week, i would kind of slack off in the beginning of the week cuz "well, if i mess up today, i still have 3 days left to fix it!" at least that's what i did on weight watchers and it didn't work. weighing myself every morning helps me to think of this as a one day at a time thing. my MFP friends are probably getting annoyed cuz every other day it's like "craft338 has lost .2lbs...." but it's not cuz i need people to comment on it, its just for myself. honestly, i think it works better for me. it is such a bad thing to weight every day?


  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member

    This is totally a personal decision, in my humble opinion. I began my weight loss journey in August 2006 at 197 pounds. I weigh daily (unless I am not at home, because I'd only want to weigh on the same scale). Daily weighing is what keeps ME accountable. For other people, who don't like to see the fluctuations that are normal in weight loss, weekly weighing is best for them.

    However often you decide to weigh, do it the same way. For me, that is the same scale, in the same spot, after waking up and using the restroom, and in the nude.

    Personal choice

  • mariatri
    mariatri Posts: 15
    Oh do what makes you feel better, i weigh every morning its just what i do,and i think its a good way to be on top of it.
  • Jackee357
    Jackee357 Posts: 37
    Well I weigh myself every morning & record it n my book, but I only log it in on Mondays.
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    I weigh every morning. Keeps me motivated. Don't worry about it!
  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    I weigh everyday but only record it on my official weigh in day. I'm like you - I don't fret about it everyday but it keeps me honest.
  • Charli666
    Charli666 Posts: 407
    i weigh every other day generally, if it works for you it works for you
  • young1726
    young1726 Posts: 347 Member
    If you don't stress out about the minor fluctuations...the go for it. It's not going to hurt anything. But some people get upset when they see the scale go up a little from one day to the next. That's why it's recommended to do it once a week. If it works for you...keep doing it :)
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    definitely do what works for you!!!
  • bkm406
    bkm406 Posts: 3 Member

    I know this maybe basic but you need to take in at lease 8 glasses of water a day! If you have alot of sodium your body will hold back and you will retain water. Plus, if you are doing any kind of weight training you will turn the fat into muscle. Keep going you will be there.
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    The suggestion for weighing once a week is mostly for people that expect to only see drops every time and become disappointed if there is no change or it increases. I would say if you recognize this and it doesn't affect you, then I don't see any problems with weighing daily.
  • Nelly711
    Nelly711 Posts: 52
    I weigh every morning as well. It keeps me in check. I know the scale will fluctuate some but I do get excited when it says I have lost 0.2 or 0.4.

    I don't think anyone minds seeing the losses on your posts either, it may be motiviating to them as well. I know that I kind of like have a secret competition going with my friends on MFP...they don't know it, but if I see they have lost weight or logged a whole bunch of calorie burn from exercise, then I get my butt in gear!!

    Do what works for you, and you only! :)
  • MrsChristinaG
    I weigh myself everymorning too. I do it because it helps me stay on top of my food intake. Makes me more self conscious. not in a negative way though. but in a way that helps me make better decisions. such as, having a smaller dinner. or what TYPE of dinner to have. i.e. I weigh morethe next day after a bowl of oatmeal, than i do with a salad. even though they are pretty similar in calories. I guess it just depends on WHAT is the food
  • SKP1986
    SKP1986 Posts: 392 Member
    Do whatever works for you, and keep in mind that weighing in every day will give you a better idea of your natural, daily fluctuations so you will be able to tell what is and is not working diet-wise as well. The important thing is to be consistent with whatever it is you do.
  • purplehaze12
    I'll take it!! I'm out of the country for the next few months and too cheap/poor to buy one haha. Anyway, I always liked weighing myself every morning after waking up. You really get the fluctuations and learn how your body changes around that TOM. If you weigh yourself every Thursday and had a bad night Wednesday, it may be a little depressing for that to be your weekly weigh-in.
    But yeah..I'd say when you wake up and go to the bathroom, then you don't have to worry about all the water weight.
  • amarie35
    amarie35 Posts: 338 Member
    If I owned a scale, I would weight everyday. But, instead, I weigh once a week @ either my mom's or my mother-n-laws. I always weigh w/ my clothes on (sometimes I even wear my shoes). I think that I will start weighing nude though; I know my clothes must add at least 2 pounds.

    But, I don't see any harm in weighing everyday. In fact, I plan on buying me a scale this weekend so I can start weighing daily. bigsmile:
  • sbchasin
    sbchasin Posts: 14
    I weigh each morning (or afternoon when I awaken if I am on night shift) to monitor general trends. My official weigh in, which is what I record, is on Sunday mornings. Up, down or no change, Sunday's weight is what goes on the books.
  • LuRox
    LuRox Posts: 520 Member
    I too, weigh every day! I believe most people do weigh at least several times a week. But I only record the bigger losses...Like 2 lbs or more. And then I put my weight every Wednesday...that's my official weigh in day.

    So do what works best for you! There is no right or wrong here. :)
  • greyhoundluv
    I have tried it both ways. I initially started off with daily weighing, which went well for the first week or two. I really thought that I would have no problem at all with the fluctuation I knew would happen. But boy did I have a problem with it!! I think what happened was it reminded me of all the other diets I have been on over the past few years, where I would lose 2-4 lbs. pretty easily at first, only to stop losing or gain back right away. So what I decided to do instead was to go to weekly weighing, which helps a lot right now. I've only been doing MFP about a month and a half and have only lost about 5 lbs., so I figure when I have a more substantial amount of weight lost I may go back to daily weighing, because it won't be such a trigger and I do believe, as others have said, that it could help me stay more accountable. Before committing to this program, I did not weigh myself in over two or three years (except at doctor visits) and I firmly believe that my avoidance of the scale was a significant contributor to the steady creep up in weight over the years.
  • mariahruby
    mariahruby Posts: 130 Member
    i weigh myself every day too! just like you, i like to see how my progress and how what i do affects my body every day. i weigh in in the morning and at night. and whenever the number drops, i wait about three days to record it and if it is still the same number or lower on the third day then i count it. it's working out amazing for me!