Advice always welcome!

Hi Everyone!
I have been on MFP for over 80 days apparently (LOL) and so far my journey has been very sucessful! I have a few friends (feel free to add me!) and I love reading the topics and blogs.

I started out 30 pounds overweight and have actually lost the first twenty through exercise and diet. I eat a pretty strict diet with very few refined carbs, no refined sugar, and restrict my calories. I feel pretty good with the diet, I enjoy what I eat and I am having fun coming up with new ways to cook and meet my nutritional needs!

My exercise program consists of 25-30 minutes of swimming, then 30 minutes of circut training, then 30-40 minutes on the elipitcal machine. I go to the gym at 4 in the morning because thats what works for me. I am not much of a class person, I like to work out alone (its like my own down time!) so I dont feel I am getting much of a variety in my workouts.

So, if you have any ideas of what a "gym rat" like myself could throw in to change it up, let me know!

Thanks to everyone on here for doing this together- it really does make us all stronger!!!!!


  • daydreamer_28
    daydreamer_28 Posts: 16 Member
    I love taking classes, but I also like to go for some down time. We have a treadmill at home, but I still go to the gym to use theirs so I can have some me time. I see a trainer 3 times a week and use the treadmill, elliptical, & bike the other 3 days. I love taking classes, like spin and kickboxing, in there I am on my own, but I also have someone there pushing me and that is what I need. :smile:
  • Fpmazz
    Fpmazz Posts: 1 Member
    Enjoyed reading your post, how long did it take you to lose the weight? Sounds like you are right on track and i wish i could work out the way you do. I'm having a hard time with that but reading your post was encouraging. I've tried cutting down calories but i still can't get myself to work out more :(

    Thanks for your post.. very encouraing, if you can do it.. i can too :)
  • Ridestolive6969
    Thanks for your reply! I started the first week in January. I really feel that we can lose weight with diet, but to "turn on the metabolism" we have to exercise to the point where it "switches on". I'm not sure what that point is for you, but I would start with finding something you enjoy doing and build on it. I love to swim so thats where I started. Also, I am an early riser so I love to get up and work out early. If you ask me at the end of the work day to go work out, I would tell you "your'e crazy!" You have to work with your own body cycle. What works for you???

    Good luck!