excited to be here but so far no progress :(



  • chylom
    chylom Posts: 48 Member
    My home- settings- food diary settings
  • RoseKatet
    RoseKatet Posts: 149 Member
    From what I understand as females we should never eat less than 1200 cals net, if you eat 1200 and burn 600 u should eat those back. But I completely understand, I have been on MFP for about 2 months, lost 10lbs in 2 weeks and since then nada, getting pretty irritating but I have also been told to do weight training as well as cardio and switch up the times, intensitiy and lenghts. Your body gets used to doing the same thing every day and adjusts itself to keep at that weight..Remember your body doesn't want to lose the weight which is why its so hard to get rid of it...mix it up a bit;)

    Anyone can add me;)
  • kjlamphere
    Open your Food Diary so we can have a look.

  • chylom
    chylom Posts: 48 Member
    Click My home - settings- food diary- public
  • kjlamphere
    got it! food diary open!
  • chylom
    chylom Posts: 48 Member
    Its open you just cant see it.
  • tcrouser
    tcrouser Posts: 5 Member
    Couple of comments
    1 Is 1200 calories your daily goal? If so I also suggest you use some of the calories gained through exercise. The body is a remarkable thing when you lowwer your calories to far it actually will slow down your metabolism and resist weight loss.
    2. ale you doing any strength exercises? Muscle burns more calories than fat. Not saying you need to muscle up here but adding strength training 2 times a week could help. Low weight lots of reps.

    Good luck
  • chasekilgannon
    MFP doesn't reflect my total weight loss, since I started on March 13th. I've basically lost 8.2 lbs since starting, and I haven't started my exercise routine yet. Because I stick to where my calorie intake suggests, I keep my deficit at a point where I'm losing the correct amount per week. I've done the lower calories and more workout and those results were horribly temporary and pretty damaging. When I start my workout, you bet I'll have the exercise calories, because I know that my weight loss won't be affected by it, it will actually probably help me lose more inches and gain some muscle.

    But yay, I was right, what do I win?
  • chylom
    chylom Posts: 48 Member
    It looks like you need to eat more. Alot of days you arent even hitting your 1200. you might want to update your food diary to show sodium and sugars (they can be sneaky buggers ) maybe try getting more fiber and protien into your diet as well. Hope youre drinking lots of water.Dont give up !
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,243 Member
    really??? eat more? gain weight first? that is so scary to me...

    Side note...I used to be anorexic and guess what not eating DID work then! i went from 180 to about 90 lbs in a year. Apparently not working so much anymore. and i'm not going that route again...because guess what doh! it came back! thanks to my turtle metabolism (which i inflicted on myself) All this was about 10 years ago.

    If you only have a little weight to lose, say under 15 pounds maybe even under 20, you body cannot tolerate a large deficit of calories. I am guessing at 1200 calories you selected 2 pounds per week as your goal. With what you say you have to lose that is likely too high. Drop it to 1 pound per week and see how many calories are suggested.

    Also, you eat back your calories because MFP does not calculate exercise into its calculation of the calories you burn in a day. It assumes you will eat those calories back for the weight loss goal to fit. This is different from other sites. So start eating back your exercise calories.

    Eat more protein and fiber within your calories. Both will help with weight loss. The settings for this site are too low for protein, and fiber for that matter. Protein of 30% of your calories or even 35% would be what I suggest. Fiber try for at least 28 grams per day. More is better. Just a warning with the fiber, don't jump it up all of a sudden. Work toward it over a couple of days.

    I don't know how closely you track your water intake, but it is often really low. Drink LOTS of water. The common suggestion is drink half your weight in pounds in onces of water. 8 ounces is one cup in your food diary.
  • kjlamphere
    Thanks so much everyone...I am going to start eating back my exercise calories...even if it's only half of them to start. And I think I am going to change my goal from 2 lbs a week to 1 lb a week. I did have a personal training session tonight and finally the scale budged! 154 to 153.5 but hey it's something!
    And i never remember to log my water...i have to do better at that AND i still prob need to drink more!
  • susyseq
    susyseq Posts: 94
    It will come off, we all have different metabolisms, I am anxious to see my weight come off, and still nothing I just started a few days ago though, but I am hopeful! Best of luck to you! :)