
Ok, so this is my second day on this site. Second day with trying to behave myself. Second day after logging all the crap, and seeing what it does...
However, I am here alone. I have some cheerios for breakfast, and I am finding that I am still a little hungry. I am also finding, I am getting bored. Thats not good.

Second day, and I already want to grab something else... Im doomed.


  • rainysoul
    Ok, so this is my second day on this site. Second day with trying to behave myself. Second day after logging all the crap, and seeing what it does...
    However, I am here alone. I have some cheerios for breakfast, and I am finding that I am still a little hungry. I am also finding, I am getting bored. Thats not good.

    Second day, and I already want to grab something else... Im doomed.
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    You just need some variety and your body needs to adjust. Eat some fibre with fruit in the morning (like Fibre1 / Fiber one cereal and some fresh fruit...the next day eat some oatmeal and then the enxt day some yogurt and fruits, etc.

    You are not doomed at all...just treat yourself right and your body will thank you.
  • jesusgrl14
    Your body will get used to eating well and the right amounts! Hang in there, but it will get easier. Have an apple or anything with a lot of fiber, it will fill you up and keep you full longer. And don't forget your water intake! It always makes me full, though I spend most of the day in the bathroom! :grumble: :laugh:
  • diannholland1965
    diannholland1965 Posts: 782 Member
    Relax, you have to get used to eating less, Try adding fruit to that cheerios bowl in the AM.
    Fruit and all things fiber are fillers.
    BTW. Cheerios also happens ro have a bunch of sugar in it. THAT might be what is making you hungry.
    Maybe yogurt (PLAIN OR SUGAR FREE.) and a piece of fruit will help with your hunger.
    Hang it there kido, you are going to be FINE!
  • rainysoul
    Dang, and I thought cheerios was suppose to be a good thing...
    I had a banana and now am drinking water...
    I HATE water. I dont drink water.. The only time I do is if it is propel berry waters. which.. I know really isnt the same...
    That will be a challege in itself...

    The last one I posted, that said can anyone help?
    Maybe you could take a look at that.. and tell me what you think-
  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    You are not doomed - just temporarily stuck.

    Best bet is to get out of the house. Go do something that makes you happy - take a walk, visit a friend, go shopping. Anything that nourishes your soul.

    I agree with all that has already been said about fiber and satisfaction - a little (emphasis on little) fat can help with that as well (ie, whole wheat toast with a touch of butter or margarine).

    In addition, I find when I am feeling the irresistable urge to eat something, I can stave it off for a while by having a cup of tea or coffee. The stomach feels full, but no huge calorie gain.

    Hang in there - you can do it... we are all rooting for you :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    You are not doomed. The first week is always the hardest. Just hang in there. You have to re-train your body. Give it some time and you will be fine.

    When you feel like eating, drink water and wait 10 mins. If you still feel hungry, grab something light, fruit or something.

    I don't like water either but believe it or not it does get easier to drink!!!!

    Hang in there girl. We are all here for you. Keep your hands busy so you are not tempted to put them in the cookie jar (or whatever you would normally go for). type, write, sew, read a book, get up and walk around, or whatever, just stay busy!!!!

  • NoMoreAt3
    Hey now! Suck in that lower lip, young lady! Day two, and your doin great!. I totally understand the I'm-only-thinking-about-the-next-20-minutes thing. According to research, an average craving lasts about 10 minutes. Here's what you can do right now, while your waiting for the urge to eat pass.

    1. Read this post, and respond to two other posts- 2 mins

    2. Fill a tall glass with ice water, and drink SLOW- 2 mins

    3. go to the bathroom and look at your eyes in the mirror, repeat this 5 times : "I am Beautiful. I am Special. I deserve to be Healthy. I can do Anything I set my Mind to. I will Never give Up or give In."
    Sounds corny, but it works....besides, your alone, so who will hear you? - 2 mins

    4. Fill a tall glass with ROOM TEMPERATURE water, sip slowly. - 2 mins.

    5. Close your eyes and focus breathe: Inhale deeply, pushing out your stomach, hold for the count of four. Exhale slowly, repeat 3 times. This type of breathing rushes oxygen to all the right places and centers the brain on one sole purpose; breathing.- 2 mins.

    If after this, your still feeling hungry, then you probably really ARE hungry. Don't ignore your body, even in the most unhealthy state your body will tell you whn you are truly hungry. Grab a light snack and enjoy!
    Good luck, and keep up the good work!
  • createsure
    Ok, so this is my second day on this site. Second day with trying to behave myself. Second day after logging all the crap, and seeing what it does...
    However, I am here alone. I have some cheerios for breakfast, and I am finding that I am still a little hungry. I am also finding, I am getting bored. Thats not good.

    Second day, and I already want to grab something else... Im doomed.

    Hi Rainy,

    I have been on here for almost 2 weeks now, and I know exactly what you mean. Here's the thing: When I have cereal I have 3/4 cup of cereal with 1/2 cup of nonfat milk (yes, I use a measuring cup). This is a satisfying amount of food, and quite low in calories (about 160), but NOT enough to carry me until noon. Since you are eating less now, look at how many calories each of your meals is now. For me, I average around 300 or so. Now, with an intake of, say, 1500 a day, that would be 5 "meals". What works great is to have that small bowl of cereal in the morning, but then have something else (like the fruit and yogurt) at around 10:30, between breakfast and lunch. Do the same between lunch and dinner. You'll feel much more satiated throughout the day.

    P.S.-- I wouldn't worry about the sugar in Cheerios unless you're adding more... just don't have sugar for lunch (which is easy!)
  • Eliyan
    Eliyan Posts: 115
    I have a problem with the whole water thing.

    I drink it, and sure, I'm full for like, ten minutes, and then it flushes right out and I'm STARVING.
  • flachix
    flachix Posts: 256 Member
    Instead of Ceral try an egg white omlette. you can eat 4 egg whites plus a whole egg, fill it with onions, shrooms, green peppers, all just kind of sprinkled in and ounce ot even less of ham, and half an ounce of cheese and that is a HUGE breakfast. add a piece of fruit. and you have enough protein and carbs and fiber to last you till break time.
    then drink or eat a protein bar or shake. mine are 110 calories. snack on some carrots and celery,
    then at lunch eat a ginormous bowl of the ww free soup. the recipe is here somewhere, a cup of yogurt for your dairy and protein and you are set till dinner. 4 eggwhites and 1 egg is 150 calories. if you want to avoid the mess, put it in a freezer ziplock bag and mush all together. add the other ingredient, you don't need many really. then zip up the bag, keep smooshing. bring a pan of water to boil, drop the zip lock in the baggie and wait about 15 mins. take it out when done, you will know. and it will roll out of the baggie onto the plate. no fat, no muss no fuss. :flowerforyou:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,060 Member
    Hey now! Suck in that lower lip, young lady! Day two, and your doin great!. I totally understand the I'm-only-thinking-about-the-next-20-minutes thing. According to research, an average craving lasts about 10 minutes. Here's what you can do right now, while your waiting for the urge to eat pass.

    1. Read this post, and respond to two other posts- 2 mins

    2. Fill a tall glass with ice water, and drink SLOW- 2 mins

    3. go to the bathroom and look at your eyes in the mirror, repeat this 5 times : "I am Beautiful. I am Special. I deserve to be Healthy. I can do Anything I set my Mind to. I will Never give Up or give In."
    Sounds corny, but it works....besides, your alone, so who will hear you? - 2 mins

    4. Fill a tall glass with ROOM TEMPERATURE water, sip slowly. - 2 mins.

    5. Close your eyes and focus breathe: Inhale deeply, pushing out your stomach, hold for the count of four. Exhale slowly, repeat 3 times. This type of breathing rushes oxygen to all the right places and centers the brain on one sole purpose; breathing.- 2 mins.

    If after this, your still feeling hungry, then you probably really ARE hungry. Don't ignore your body, even in the most unhealthy state your body will tell you whn you are truly hungry. Grab a light snack and enjoy!
    Good luck, and keep up the good work!

    This is REALLY good advice! Especially #3, about "deserving to be healthy...I can do anything I set my mind to..."

    If everyone who reads this does JUST that one thing this week, twice daily, YOU WILL succeed.

    We are all here for you and are going through the same thing. I set my cell alarm for every three hours. I try to keep each "meal" at 200-300 calories. Don't go for more than three hours without a healthy "meal". Try to get some lean protein, some whole grains or other fiber - like fruit or veggies - in each meal. They help make you stay full longer.

    Lean Protein:
    ~Non fat milk
    ~Cottage cheese - lowfat
    ~Plain low fat yogurt - you can add fruit for flavor (& fiber), or a little vanilla and a small amount of flavor, like fruit juice, low sugar preserves, a touch of honey and cinnamon
    ~A slice of cheese (low fat) - I found string cheese good at first, but it became like heroin for me, and Iwas eating it one after another. I think it was the saltiness of it.....I had to stop buying it. 60 calories each only works if you don't eat five of them........:wink:
    ~Pork Tenderloin

    Good Carbs:
    ~Whole grains only. Whole wheat tortillas, small ones. Use as "wraps" for veggies, cheese and meat
    ~Healthy granola - like low sugar AND low fat kind. If you can't find any, learn to make your own. (Cheerios are good, but they go down fast - they are mostly "air" and if you switch to Oats, you have to do a lot more chewing and therefore your brain gets a chance to feel the food. It takes 15-20 min for the brain to "know" you have fed it. )
    ~Whole wheat english muffin, eat 1/2 at a time
    ~Brown rice

    I have a large salad every day - veggies are packed with nutrtion you need and I don't use much dressing, and put every kind of veggies I like into them.
    If I don't have a salad, I have stir-fry


    When you start weight loss, the portion control is the thing. Measure everything. Log everything. Buy a $30 food scale at the kitchen store or on amazon. Have at least two sets of measuring spoons and cups (dollar store)

    Eat 1/2 portions of everything, 6 times a day (except veggies - eat lots.)

    Check in with us, good luck! YOU CAN DO THIS.

  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    cmriverside, that is a GREAT post! It's half my grocery list :laugh:
    rainy, don't forget the fats either...olive oil, natural peanut butter, almonds, avocado, eggs. If your Cheerios are leaving you unsatisfied, it's most likely because they are high in sugar but very low in protein and fat. Add an egg and some whites, or a piece of toast with PB, or some 1% milk to drink. That will make you feel much more satisfied.