68 Days Down

spencj10 Posts: 10
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hello All.........sorry just now posting......Started 02/04/11 at 254 lbs, been eating right and P90X. Now down to 225 lbs. My goal is 215 lbs by the time I complete P90X. If I can do this, we all can. I'm 6'3" and will turn 50 in August. I intend to be in the best shape of my life on my birthday.

Good luck all


  • brooke_g0501
    brooke_g0501 Posts: 66 Member
    Good luck!
  • mishelnkiki
    mishelnkiki Posts: 775 Member
    best of luck to u!! i just started p90x last night! so im joinin the team! u got this! great weight loss already!
  • spencj10
    spencj10 Posts: 10
    thanks......good luck with P90X
  • HAHA awesome man i just started p90x yesterday plyometrics almost killed me tonight lol. Your almost there man keep it up!
  • spencj10
    spencj10 Posts: 10
    Plyo is tough....but I have noticed a gradual progression in my stamina since the beginning. I'm now able to keep up with the video, something I could not do the first 3 weeks.
  • bbear690
    bbear690 Posts: 22
    Well done on your weght loss so far :)

    i am also slimmer but for my 30th this year :):) i have lost 5lbs in 2 weeks so i am a happy girl

    few more to go though

    can i ask what p90x is please, i only joined today :)
  • spencj10
    spencj10 Posts: 10
    P90X is an intense work out program for 90 days. Look up P90X on the net.............good luck
  • spencj10
    spencj10 Posts: 10
    30lbs down this am.............after a bit of a weight loss stall, just stuck with it and it started moving again. Woohoo!!!!!!!!!!
  • bethany41h
    bethany41h Posts: 218
    You are doing awesome!
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