Breakfast or no breakfast?!

ciara19 Posts: 19 Member
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
Which is better?
Gimme the facts and the stats people!


  • Defeinetly eat breakfast!!! helps energize you and kick starts your metablisim!!!

    it has helped me so much!!!! :)
  • Packerfan23
    Packerfan23 Posts: 225 Member
    I say breakfast...I used to not eat breakfast, but I do now and it really helps! :flowerforyou:
  • grdevoe
    grdevoe Posts: 16
    BREAKFAST! When you eat breakfast, it makes your body move into it's day time state of burning calories to perform activities. This is the state where you burn most calories. Other wise if you skip breakfast, your body still works in a calorie conservation mode, burning less. SO YESSS eat breakfast!
  • stevo1078
    stevo1078 Posts: 26
    The very name of this meal alone should be the giveaway. Breakfast -> you are breaking the fast of you having been asleep ie/ telling your metabolism to get up and go
  • vwbug86
    vwbug86 Posts: 283 Member
    Breakfast! It starts your metabolism up and you burn more throughout the day.
  • new_me_9_67
    new_me_9_67 Posts: 369 Member
    Breakfast most definitely.
  • jacque1109
    jacque1109 Posts: 129
    Oh yeah, breakfast- not eating breakfast sets you up for a chance to binge in the afternoon.
  • ebkins7
    ebkins7 Posts: 427 Member
    EAT IT!!!

    Think of your metabolism like a fire! You have to get it going in order to burn (in this case fat). The sooner you start that fire up, by eating, the sooner you'll start burning. There's 2 sides to this as well... snacks... Again, to keep that fire going you have to fuel it... so the more OFTEN you fuel, the better the fire (or the more often you eat the better your metabolism will be)

    This came directly from my nutritionist!
  • miatavixxen
    miatavixxen Posts: 373
    Absolutely - I know it's hard to get into the habit if you haven't been doing it though. I eat a protein bar and a piece of fruit. :D
  • Azuleelan
    Azuleelan Posts: 218
    Breakfast! It reminds your body that it can count on you feeding it, so it relaxes it and it feels ok letting it all go with exercise instead of holding on to calories (as fat reserves.). Remember you have spent aq whole night with no food... never, ever skip breakfast. Skipping ANY meal slows down your metabolism.
  • farmgirl88
    farmgirl88 Posts: 91 Member
    BREAKFAST!!!!!! Honestly we have our eating habits backwards--we should ideally eat our biggest meal at the beginning of the day and our lightest meal in the evening.

    Try it out sometime... have a majority of your calories before noon and see how you feel compared to the days that you have the majority of your calories in the evening. For me, I always feel good if I have a big breakfast and I always feel bad if I have too big of a dinner.

    Hope this helps!
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day!
  • ciara19
    ciara19 Posts: 19 Member
    I've just read about intermittent fasting.. Is there any legitimacy to that at all then?
  • Azuleelan
    Azuleelan Posts: 218
    Not if you are trying to be healthy. Extra weight is just a symptom of bad eating habits... are you choosing to keep bar eating habits and instead of making a real change, just mask the symptoms?
  • ebkins7
    ebkins7 Posts: 427 Member
    Fasting can be a good thing, I do a fast on a regular basis (about once a month for spiritual reasons)... but I'm not sure about intermittent fasting... I've never really heard about it. After reading what Wikipedia (not the most reliable source I know) says, it doesn't sound like a great idea to me... Drastic changes in a diet that often, that close together can confuse the body and it will eventually just start keeping everything. Just my opinion and I'm certainly not a nutritionist or M.D.
  • 3ur3ka
    3ur3ka Posts: 230 Member
    Oh yeah, breakfast- not eating breakfast sets you up for a chance to binge in the afternoon.

    I second this and this weekend was a test for that. I skipped breakfast 2 days in a row.. I binged to afternoons in a row. If I eat a good breakfast, I get less cravings for crap. Definitely eat breakfast!
  • boobear00
    boobear00 Posts: 53 Member
    I was in a nutrition class once and they told me that eating carbs alone for breakfast rev's up your metabolism 7% and eating a breakfast with a protein included can rev up your metabolism as much as 38%. I don't know where it came from or if it's true but it was a big enough difference to me that I have eaten breakfast religiously ever since. My metabolism can use all the help it can get.
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    Extra weight is just a symptom of bad eating habits...

    Nope, this is very incorrect. Many people have different reasons for being overweight. Medication, physical disability, medical issues, etc etc. Assuming that every overweight person got that way simply because they have "bad eating habits" is presumptuous and rude! :ohwell:

    To OP: breakfast is very important! It gives you energy for your day, and bumps up your metabolism. Also, since you have so much time, you're able to burn it off (versus say, a large dinner). So eat & enjoy!! :flowerforyou:
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    Extra weight is just a symptom of bad eating habits...

    Nope, this is very incorrect. Many people have different reasons for being overweight. Medication, physical disability, medical issues, etc etc. Assuming that every overweight person got that way simply because they have "bad eating habits" is presumptuous and rude! :ohwell:

    I just checked your profile... and ALL OVER it says how you gained weight because of your medication. So why would you say that being overweight is a result of bad eating habits, when you're blaming yours on medication?? :grumble:
  • janski2
    janski2 Posts: 70
    BREAKFAST! When you eat breakfast, it makes your body move into it's day time state of burning calories to perform activities. This is the state where you burn most calories. Other wise if you skip breakfast, your body still works in a calorie conservation mode, burning less. SO YESSS eat breakfast!
    excellently put!!!!
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