Feels like I'm getting NOWHERE!!!



  • modernfemme
    modernfemme Posts: 454 Member
    I've been on MFP for what seems like years. Probably not that long, but definitely over a year to lose 30 pounds. I've been slowly losing weight over this time. Sometimes I take breaks. What this means is that I will "maintain" my weight for 1-2 weeks to give my body something different. I do this every 6 months or so. Sometimes girls, let's face it. You're tired of being hungry all the time.

    This particular hiatus, I went on vacation. I did a lot of hiking, but I also did a lot of eating. When I got back, the scale said I was .5 pounds heavier than when I left. Over all, not too bad.

    Hang in there, I'm getting to the point.

    This week, immediately following my vacation, I've found it difficult to get back into the swing of things. I have been eating modestly, but going over my calories. Probably maintaining. Not overly exercising. Yesterday I took a brisk walk, for about 50 minutes, ate a mini blizzard at diary queen to find out it was 400 calories - putting me 133 calories over. (And my goal is set to only lose .5 pounds a week)

    I weighed myself today and lost a pound.

    I have learned that my body does well when I throw strange crap at it every now and again. Sometimes your body just needs more fuel than you're providing it, and it could be affecting your weight loss. I would try maintaining your calories for a week, and then get back in the game and see if that helps. Sometimes your body needs a break!

    Good luck!!!
  • nomadcelt
    nomadcelt Posts: 4 Member
    You need to cut down to only one strength training session a week. I do two per week in order to increase my mass and size. Instead of one of the strength sessions, do a fartlek / interval session - it's incredibly effective at burning fat and not touching muscle.