Faster weight loss?

Any tips or advice on how to speed up weight loss? I am only losing about half a kilo (about a pound) per week and I want to lose more.
Actual help would be appreciated :)


  • bridetobe310711
  • fuzzymel
    fuzzymel Posts: 400 Member
    Thats a really good healthy loss. Why would you want to lose more?

    Are you eating right (balanced diet) and exercising?
  • askhawaja
    I find that cutting back on carbs makes a huge difference whether you exercise lots or not. Unfortunately for me, everything I love has carbs in it so if I do have them I make sure it's earlier in the day (before 6pm)

    Give it a try and see how you get on!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    You've done so well so far, I know it's frustrating to be slow and steady but that seems like a healthy and sustainable weight loss.
    Give us more info on what you are eating and exercising and I'm sure someone will have some good ideas for you :)
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    Cut simple carbs and refined sugar, do HIIT instead of long steady state cardio check out for HIIT info - always works for me


    p.s- 1/2 a KG per week is a good rate of fat loss :smile:
  • kernalwizard
    The best combination EVER..........myfitnesspal (on your phone if possible) and Alli. Why?

    If you religiously and honestly keep your food diary up to date (very easy if you have an app on your phone) and follow and keep within the recommended daily calorie allowance you ARE going to lose weight and you shouldn't have any of the potentially embarrassing anal leakages that you hear about.

    I've experienced one 'episode' in the four weeks I've been taking it. Why? I ate too much fat (couldn't resist a slice of cake after my main Sunday family meal which already met my fat allowance) and I still had an alli pill.

    The key point is, if you know you're over (or likely to go over) your 15g fat budget for a particular meal you need to make sure that you don't take your usual alli pill. Skip it and resume as normal for the following meal/day.

    Truth of it is if you strictly follow your myfitnesspal allowance you will lose weight. The food diary makes you more aware of what you are eating and puts you in control. Alli just boosts whatever weight you would ordinarily lose through myfitnesspal alone.

    I guess we're all here for same reason and what works for one may not work for another. For me it's working and I'm loving the results. 11lb's lost in 4 weeks. I'm well pleased.

    Once I get down to my target weight I'll stop taking Alli but I think I'll continue to use the myfitnesspal app on my iPhone as my main method of maintaining that target weight.

    Good luck whatever you do and however you do it.
  • tinkerbell1964
    all good things come to those who wait .......................... slow and steady will keep the weight off, :smile:
  • geeky1
    geeky1 Posts: 142
    Hi all,
    I stick to my calories (1300 per day) and walk my doggy twice a day, so do roughly 500 cal each day.
    I am doing slow and steady, but am frustrated that others seem to be able to lose a kilo each week. I never have.

    I have not heard of alli. I am from Australia, so am not able to get most of the supplements you guys get in the US.
  • curleesam
    curleesam Posts: 462 Member
    I love food so much I find it hard to cut anything out of my diet so just follow your portion sizes to the latter! I've also found that eating carbs before a workout and protein afterwards really helps! If you get it wrong and eat only protein before you end up STARVING after a workout whereas the other way around you arent that hungry after working out and just eat for energy.

    Also up your exercise, especially cardio. That's what caused my fast weight loss in the beginning. Don't forget to mix it up to keep your body guessing so up the incline on your treadmill every two weeks or alternate your exercise days.

    Most of all don't forget there is no easy fix that will be LONG TERM. Sure you can speed things up a little but it is never going to be as fast as you like. slow and steady is best :)

    Good luck!